
时间:2022-08-04 13:24:58 | 来源:语文通



Faced with a lot of homework, my parents finally couldn't help it, forcing me to execute the first order they set up: the time to go to school is not allowed to play mobile phones, and the time of playing mobile phones on weekends and holidays will not be more than two.ten minutes.If you violate the order, you must take the responsibility of doing housework a week!


This is a huge challenge for me.


On the first night of the precepts, I had already completed my homework, but I kept over and overwhelmed in bed, and I always felt that I was missing."Mobile phone!" When I thought of this, I really wanted to fly to the living room to "steal" the phone, but the family chief supervisor -mother was sitting on the sofa in the living room.The heavy responsibility of housework on the week!Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sweat.


After five days, it was finally on the weekend.But whenever I am twenty minutes, I think silently: play another five minutes!... "" No! "Mom did not hesitate to refuse me without waiting for me to finish her.Hey, there is no way, the mother's life is hard to do!


"It's not possible to go on like this," I muttered. "Be sure to forget the" scourge "of the mobile phone!" So, I started to try my best to forget the mobile phone.I didn't even think of my phone at all!In this way, I successfully completed the first order.


If you have such a problem, you can also remove it!



1、一号:一号读音为yī hào,是指一声号哭。一号 yī hào词典解释:一声号哭。分词解释:号哭:连喊带叫地大声哭:号哭不止。● 一 yī ㄧˉ◎ 数名,最小的正整数(在钞票和单据上常用大写“壹”代)。◎ 纯;专:专一。一心一意。◎ 全;满:一生。一地水。◎ 相同:一样。颜色不一。◎ 另外的:蟋蟀一名促织。◎ 表示动作短暂,或是一次,或具试探性:算一算。试一试。◎ 乃;竞:一至于此。◎ 部分联成整体:统一。整齐划一。◎ 或者:一胜一负。◎ 初次:一见如故。◎ 中国古代乐谱记音符号,相当于简谱“7”。● 号(號) hào ㄏㄠˋ◎ 名称:国号。年号。字号。◎ 指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别号(如“李白,字太白,号号青莲居士”)。◎ 标志:记号。◎ 排定的次序或等级:编号。号码。◎ 扬言,宣称:号称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称)。◎ 记上标志:号衣。号房子。◎ 命令:号令。号召。◎ 量词,用于人数:昨天去了几十号人。● 号(號) háo ㄏㄠˊ◎ 拖长声音大声呼叫:呼号。号叫。◎ 大声哭:哀号。号丧。号啕大哭。...一号怎么造句,用一号造句»

2、第一:第一读音为dì yī,是指1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。第一 dì yī词语解释:1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。(1) [the first (1st);firstly;primarily;at the head;in the first place]∶排在最前的 排名第一(2) [first;most important]∶首要的,最重要的质量第一分词解释:次序:1.先后顺序。 2.犹次第。常态。 3.调节;安排。重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。等第:1.等级次第。 2.谓分等级。 3.唐代科举﹐由京兆府考试后选送前十名升入礼部再试﹐称为“等第”。...第一怎么造句,用第一造句»