
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:42 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的作文300字 篇1中秋节的作文300字 篇2中秋节作文200字 篇3中秋节的作文300字 篇4中秋节作文200字 篇5中秋节作文300字 篇6中秋节的作文300字 篇7中秋节作文300字 篇8中秋节的作文300字 篇9中秋节 篇10

中秋节的作文300字 篇1


I hope that August 15th, August 15th, is finally coming!You can eat a variety of delicious moon cakes on this day, you can enjoy the moon, enjoy the osmanthus, and worship the moon ...


On this day, my father and mother got up early and went to line up to buy moon cakes.Wow, there are so many people in line!After a long time, I bought moon cakes!Then my father and mother went to the vegetable market to buy food and fruit!


At noon, our family returned to my hometown in the countryside. Grandma took me to my relative's house to visit the great -grandmother.When there are many relatives, adults and children are reunited, eating delicious moon cakes, and pulling home.Our children, chasing and making trouble for each other, playing happily ...


At night, I returned to my family from relatives' house, and we were all tired, and my mother made a large table for us for a delicious dinner.After a meal, Grandpa and grandma put the table in the yard, a lot of fruits and moon cakes on the table, ordered the incense, started to worship the moon, and prayed for the happy family in the coming year. There was a good harvest!


The fifteenth moon is true, symbolizing the reunion.I like the Mid -Autumn Festival, and I prefer this year's Mid -Autumn Festival. I look forward to the coming of the Mid -Autumn Festival next year!

中秋节的作文300字 篇2


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here again, I don't know how happy it is.


In the morning, my old man drove the new car I bought yesterday.


In the morning, I was wearing beautiful new clothes and riding my three -wheeled scooter to "brush the street". On the road, I thought to me what others looked at me. I asked my mother and my mother said, "Because everyone else is everyone, everyone else saysEnvy you. "Oh, that's it.


In the afternoon, my mother took me and my cousin and cousin to play with my cousin and cousin.I also ate moon cakes and pears. I usually do n’t eat pears. I regret it. Today ’s pear is really delicious.Good or bad.


In the evening, my father and I set off firecrackers. After eating, I played the torch with my neighbor's brother and played so happy. The torch or my father did it for me in person.


Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!Everyone's reunion is really happy!

中秋节作文200字 篇3


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, we are all happy.Every family is a sweet and delicious biscuits, and people are scrambling to purchase a variety of moon cakes, as well as edges.I live with my mother every day, so I am looking forward to my father who can come back to reunite with us.Sure enough, Dad came back to us by car. I was ecstatic, and my mother smiled.Mom came out of a few hot dishes that had been prepared. We ate reunion meals and enjoyed the joyful atmosphere of reunion.


After dinner, we started to respect the Moon Grandpa.We put a small table in the yard, put chopsticks and bowls on the table, put apples, persimmons, bananas, moon cakes, etc. in the bowl, and ordered a fragrant, waiting for the appearance of the moon father -in -law.The moon was very round, and the bright moonlight sprinkled over the earth.People played firecrackers and played gongs to play the moon.


Ancient people: I think about it every time!I think: The travelers in the distance are missing their loved ones.

中秋节的作文300字 篇4


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here again.The Mid -Autumn Festival is one of the four traditional festivals in China. The Mid -Autumn Festival contains the circle of Mid -Autumn Festival reunion, and a custom is that the family eats moon cakes in the evening to enjoy the moon.Because my relatives lived closely, they all went to the Mid -Autumn Festival in my grandmother's house.


In the morning, everyone had breakfast, and I went to the cake shop to buy moon cakes.At the entrance of the store, there are so many people to see


what!Everyone is choosing moon cakes.After buying the moon cake, everyone came to the grandmother's house, and the relatives arrived.


In the evening, Tiangong was not beautiful and could not see the moon.Everyone had to eat moon cakes in the living room and watch the Mid -Autumn Festival.In the meantime, everyone also made an interesting game called idiom connection dragon.The rule is that everyone is lower than two minutes when they take idioms, and the timeout fails.At the beginning, everyone took it very quickly, but later I felt a little bit of poverty in Guizhou donkeys. To this end, I didn't drink a little water and went to the toilet many times.


Every year, the Mid -Autumn Festival is different, and this year's Mid -Autumn Festival has no flavor!

中秋节作文200字 篇5


"When is the moonlight, ask the wine to ask Qingtian ..." This lyrics with a flavor lingering in my ear.


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival, I followed my parents to Yantai. In the evening, our family ate moon cakes and snacks around the small table, and looked up at the bright moon in the Qingtian. I started an endless reverie. Is there really a sister in the sky?Is she stroking the fluffy ears of the jade rabbit?If I can reach the sky, I also want to touch the moon and play with the jade rabbit under the osmanthus tree.


At this time, a dark cloud was floating from a distance, like a dog, and suddenly Dad looked panickedly and dragged her mother's arm and said, "The dog is eating the moon, and the end of the earth ..." Mom laughed and said, "You really make a joke. "Dad scratched his head embarrassed," I wanted to scare you and scare you, but I didn't expect it to be broken by you. "I also giggled.


Although I failed to reunite the family this year, I believe that family affection will continue with the bright moonlight.

中秋节作文300字 篇6


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is as busy as usual.

今天一大早,我就起来了,吃完了早餐,来到了我们的奶奶家,到了奶奶家,我进屋了,来到屋里,我们就打开了电视,看了上午 中午的电视,下午,我跟着爸爸妈妈来到了萌山水库,看了一下风景,又来到了萌山荷花生态园,我们来这里找来找去,没找到一朵盛开的荷花,找着的都是一堆枯枝败叶,最后我们还是收获了不少照片。我们又来到了九鼎莲花山,我许了个愿,就回来了。

Early in the morning, I got up. After eating breakfast, I came to our grandma's house. When I arrived at my grandma's house, I entered the house. When I came to the house, we turned on the TV and watched the TV in the morning.I followed my father and mother to the Mengshan Reservoir, took a look at the scenery, and came to the Mengshan lotus ecological park. We came here to find it. I didn't find a blooming lotus.In the end we still gained a lot of photos.We came to Jiuding Lotus Mountain again. I made a wish and returned.


When we came back, it was very late, about six or seven.At this time, grandpa, grandma, father, and mother began to get busy, they wrapped in dumplings and boiled fish.After a while, they finished the meal.


We started to eat very abundant reunion meals, with stewed fish and dumplings.Of course, the Mid -Autumn Festival moon cake is indispensable, I didn't eat a few.


It was not until seven or eight that we returned home reluctantly.


This is really an unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋节的作文300字 篇7


The Mid -Autumn Festival, traditional Chinese festivals, is August 15th each year.August 8th is two months in autumn. In ancient times, it was called mid -autumn, because the people became Mid -Autumn Festival, also known as Mid -Autumn Festival, also known as the autumn, August, August half, month, and moon festivals.Reunion, also known as reunion festival.


In our composition class, I gave a word: the name "Water Tuning Songs · Mid -Autumn Festival." I also learned some wonderful myths, including: "Chang'e runs the moon, the jade rabbit pounds, Wu Gang folds the laurel ...


I went to Dad’s store in the morning. In the morning, my father could let me play a computer. I watched a small TV TV with a computer time. I watched it. After get off work, I could only turn off my computer and walk with my dad.In the evening, I went to Grandpa's house and saw Grandpa's hand. I was too happy. I could see the elders good healthy in the days of reunion.


This is my happiest!I hope that next year's Mid -Autumn Festival will have dinner together with the family like this year. Everyone is healthy, happy, and watching the moon together.

中秋节作文300字 篇8


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is my happiest day. Mom and dad finally brought me back to my hometown as expected. I was so excited.When I arrived at my hometown, my mother took me to a friend's house as a guest. My friend said that a teddy dog had three puppies and gave us us. We are too happy. Do you know that I like little animals?Go straight to the kernel's nest and start a "catch dog battle" with my mother.I saw three puppies who said nothing, but the fat, and the fat, very cute.I picked a fat puppy, ran out of the back door, and ran to the corner. I didn't see the bitch back. At this time, the hanging heart was relieved.We walked slowly to my grandmother's house.


The puppy's tail kept shaking, the two small ears were pulled, and the body was light brown.I poured him up milk, and it couldn't wait to lick with his tongue.I told the puppy that I had a piece of meat in the future, and you had a soup.I named it "Sirius", and it was a member of our Chen family in the future, and it would grow with me.


This is the best gift I received by the Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋节的作文300字 篇9


The Mid -Autumn Festival is here, and the osmanthus blossoms have a smiley face, and the moon cakes emit a faint facial fragrance. You see that Chang'e and Jade Rabbit are making moon cakes under the osmanthus tree.


In the evening, our family sat in the yard for reunion dinner.I asked Grandma: "Why eat moon cakes in the Mid -Autumn Festival?" "Because moon cakes symbolize reunion." Grandma said kindly: "Moon cakes are so delicious, but the fruits are a bit tired now."Eating mung beans. "I said with voices.Then my grandmother told me the story of "Chang'e Running Moon".Legend has it that Chang'e stole Xian Dan and flew to the moon, so he could no longer reunite with his loved ones.Her husband Houyi puts moon cakes on the 15th Mid -Autumn Festival on August 15th each year, and looks at Chang'e in Tiangong to keep her thoughts.Later, every day of the Mid -Autumn Festival on August 15th, people eat moon cakes, and I look forward to that every family can reunite!


Unconsciously, it was very late. We had a rest of the reunion of Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋节 篇10


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, the day of family reunion.


We and the aunt's family went to the grandfather's house. The aunt brought a variety of flavors of moon cakes, with bean paste, sesame flavor, beef flavor ... I chose a piece of five kernels, bite it down, fragrant and crispy, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, deliciousExtremely!


At this time, the fragrance of the nose from the kitchen, the original "Magic" grandmother made a large table of rich dishes. We tasted delicious food and greet each other. Don't mention how happy!


At this time, the sky gradually darkened.The moon girl quietly revealed her round smile, the bright moonlight was beautiful, and the white moonlight fell on my shoulder. I suddenly remembered a poem written by Li Bai- "Gu Langyue Xing" and couldn't help but recite it.: "I do n’t know the moon at a time, and call it as a white jade plate. I also suspect that Yao Tai Mirror, flying in the Qingyun."


The family couldn't help but get up for me.


This festival is beautiful, and everyone is immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the Mid -Autumn Festival night.