
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:36 | 来源:语文通



描写中秋节的作文 篇1中秋节的作文 篇2中秋节初中作文 篇3难忘的中秋节 篇4描写中秋节的作文 篇5中秋节初中作文 篇6

描写中秋节的作文 篇1


"The children will be happy in August and 15, and Grandpa will play moon cakes for me..." With this song, the annual Mid Autumn Festival on August 15 comes, which is a beautiful day for family reunion, eating moon cakes and watching the moon.


At this beautiful moment, everyone is immersed in the happiness of reunion. Look at our family. Mom and Dad put down their busy work. I also put down my textbooks and happily returned to my grandpa's house to have a reunion dinner.


Wow! A table of sumptuous food made me "drool down 3000 feet". I raised my glass and wished my grandparents a happy life; I wish my parents good health and smooth work. Cheers! "Well said," said the father, "and I wish my son progress and healthy growth. Cheers!"


When she was satisfied with food and drink, Grandma brought up all kinds of sweet and fragrant moon cakes, including bean paste, black sesame, five kernel, egg yolk, etc. The moon cake is round, smells fragrant, and tastes sweet. The front is engraved with the words "Happy Mid Autumn Festival", which makes people want to swallow it at once!


After eating the moon cake, I propose that we go to watch the moon together. I saw a round moon hanging in the sky, just like a piece of white jade hanging in the sky. There was a shining star beside the moon, accompanying it. Is it a partner? Do they also spend August 15 together?


Looking at the round moon in the sky, I sincerely hope that all families in the world can get together and be happy!

中秋节的作文 篇2


"Ha ha ha! Boom boom! Ah! Ah! Ah!" A series of voices came from our class, and the activity finally started! The clear dice sound of "ding ding dong dong" reverberates around us.


It was a happy afternoon. The activity was held in the cheers of the students as usual. All the students rubbed their fists and rubbed their palms, with an expression of "I am the No. 1 Scholar". Some people touched their hands, some prayed secretly, and some even touched the Chinese books. I was about to fall down with laughter in all kinds of preparation methods.


At the beginning, the first male student was about to start his blog with dice in his hand. He was holding the dice like a hot sweet potato. He tossed the dice around in his hand, and said from time to time: "Heaven, Earth, God and the Lord of Land, bless me!" Just after the words ended, he heard a few "ding dong dong dong dong dong dong" sounds, and the dice fell out of the bowl. Six dice seemed to be six naughty little dolls, rotating, hovering, and then rotating After wandering again, the number of dice kept changing, probably because the student was too energetic. The dice rotated in the bowl for 6 or 7 seconds before it stopped. "Puhahaha!" Then a burst of laughter went straight to the eardrums, and the students' chatter began immediately. Some students were mocking: Ouch! The dice move so much, but the result is cruel, that is - nothing! Ah, ha, ha, ha! "


Finally, it was my turn. I picked up the dice and waved a big hand. A "scholar" was born like this. I was not reconciled to seeing it. In the following rounds, I actually got six "scholars". I was so blessed. My classmates gave me a nickname, "I'm crazy for seven consecutive times and I kill myself". Alas, my luck is so bad!

中秋节初中作文 篇3


How time flies! It's the Mid Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese festival! On this festival, my parents and I went back to Xinyi, my hometown, to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival.

中秋节这一天,走高速公路是免费的。我们在泗洪就上了高速公路,上高速公路的车子很多,有很多都是从外地来老家过年的。平时这里的人很少,一到中秋假期,人就多了起来。听说,光是中秋节这一天走的高速公路的车子所少花的钱总共累计起来,可以达 www.1mi.net 到两百个亿呢!它代表着我们国家越来越发达,给予平民百姓的越来越多。有些大城市上高速公路还堵车,人们一听说是免费的,赶紧去上高速,真是好消息传千里呀!

On Mid Autumn Festival, it is free to take the expressway. We got on the expressway in Sihong. There were many cars on the expressway, many of them came from other places to spend the New Year in their hometown. Usually, there are few people here. When it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival holiday, there are more people. It is said that the amount of money saved by cars on the expressway on the day of Mid Autumn Festival alone can reach WWW.1MI NET to 20 billion yuan! It represents that our country is becoming more and more developed and gives more and more to the common people. In some big cities, there are still traffic jams on expressways. When people hear that it is free, they hurry to get on the expressways. It's really good news!


When I returned to my hometown Xinyi, I saw that my aunt had already found a boyfriend, surnamed Li, who was not too tall. I saw him helping my aunt carry things from a distance. The appearance is not very outstanding. Some people are fond of playing. As soon as they get on the bus and get home, they can see him playing with his mobile phone all the time except for talking with others during dinner. He is a bit shy and not very good at talking with others. I only saw that he talked with his aunt very congenially, and she seemed to like him very much. He always makes my aunt laugh with his gestures.


After I got home, although there was one more person at home, I still felt something was wrong. Why? oh It turns out that my grandpa has passed away. When my grandpa was in the past, when I came home, I would see him laughing heartily at me, and I often quarreled with him. Now that my grandfather is gone, I feel that my family has become much more desolate. Only my grandma and aunt are busy. My father often buys some supplements for my grandma and gives her some money, but my grandma doesn't want them. Sometimes, she asks my aunt to deposit the money in the bank and says she won't spend anything. In this way, it is very economical.


After dinner, when my brother and I went out to play, we saw that the moon was big and round, like a big washbasin. I also saw some black places on the moon, which should be the craters on the moon! It is so beautiful, so round, in the dark against the backdrop of a very conspicuous, people can see it at a glance. It burrowed back and forth from cloud to cloud, as if playing hide and seek with people. I suddenly vaguely saw my grandfather's figure in the moon. I felt that my brother and I should not play computer games at home. I had tried to persuade him, but I also played. I felt that I should not play in those virtual worlds (across the line of fire). As my father often said to me, "If I didn't study hard when I was young, I would pick up junk and ride a tricycle when I grew up." "You are lower than the top five in your class, and you can't even pass my previous school." "I didn't do well in the exam. I have no right to speak at home!"


This is the deepest feeling of my day. Although it was a peaceful night, I felt that the inspiration I received was not so plain.

难忘的中秋节 篇4


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival I have been looking forward to for a long time. The whole family went to my father's classmate's house to have a barbecue together. We drove about 25 minutes to the destination. My brother and I were there to have a barbecue. There were all kinds of big fish and meat, and their homemade mochi with peanut powder was delicious. It really made my fingers move. We also saw fireworks, colorful, really beautiful, it is like a blooming flower, like the warm sun, more like colorful sparks, let us see stunned.


The moon cake symbolizes reunion and is an essential sacrifice for the Mid Autumn Festival to worship the moon and the land lord. The custom of eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival was handed down from the end of the Yuan Dynasty. It is said that people in the Central Plains were unwilling to be ruled by the Mongols at that time. People with lofty ideals wanted to revolt against the Yuan Dynasty. However, they wanted to integrate the strength of resistance, but they were unable to pass on the news. So Liu Bowen thought of a plan to spread the rumor that there would be a plague and asked people to buy moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival to avoid disaster. After they bought moon cakes and went home, they cut them open. Inside, there was a note that said "August 15th Night Uprising". The people responded one after another, thus overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, mooncakes become the food for the Mid Autumn Festival.


We have some folk stories about the Mid Autumn Festival, such as Chang'e Flying to the Moon, the Moon Goddess, the Wolf and the Monkey, Wu Gangfa Gui, etc., which are all old legends. One of them is about the Wolf and the Monkey. The story is that a fairy wanted to test the conscience of the Wolf, the Rabbit and the Monkey, and asked them for food. When the Wolf saw the old man, he went to look for food for the old man. When the monkey climbed the tree, he picked the fruit for the old man to eat, The rabbit had nothing to eat for the old man, so he jumped into the volcano and wanted to eat his meat for the old man, so he lost his life. The old man felt very moved, so he turned the rabbit into a jade rabbit and pounded medicine on the moon. I think this story is great and very touching. The rabbit in the story lost his life in order to give something to the old man. This kind of saving sentiment is really admirable.


Although I didn't eat the moon cake, I was very lucky to have this custom. It not only let me know why to eat the moon cake, but also let me understand the origin of this custom.

描写中秋节的作文 篇5


The day after tomorrow is China's traditional festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, and we are all looking forward to it.


I remember that when the Mid Autumn Festival was celebrated, there was no cloud in the sky. People often said, "The moon is very bright when it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival." After a while, Sister Moon showed a round smiling face. The moon's face was as white as jade. She sprinkled the bright moonlight on the Qingqing River, and the water became more white. The bright moonlight shines on the flowers again, making them more delicate. The moon shines on the willows; It seems that the willow has been covered with a white coat. A dark shadow suddenly appeared on the moon. Oh, it was the sweet scented osmanthus tree. Under the sweet scented osmanthus tree, Wu Gang was drinking and writing poems, and Chang E was singing and dancing happily!


The moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is full, symbolizing reunion. Every family gets together to have a family reunion. When the moon rises, our family also eats moon cakes in the yard while watching the moon. We enjoy the beautiful moon night and feel the warmth and care of our loved ones.


I like the Mid Autumn Festival. People are tasting delicious food and talking about harvest. While appreciating the moon, I miss my relatives in a foreign land. It's really called "I miss my family every holiday"!


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I hope this year's Mid Autumn Festival will be more round and bright, and I hope my relatives, teachers and classmates will be healthier and healthier, my hometown will be more beautiful and rich, and my motherland will be prosperous. I also hope the children will celebrate the "festival" with us.

中秋节初中作文 篇6


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. Our school gave us a two-day holiday. This morning, as soon as I got home, I smelled a strong aroma of mooncakes. Come into the house, wow! A box of moon cakes is on the tea table. I can't wait to enjoy the taste of moon cakes. Then, I ordered my old sister to turn on the TV and broadcast it to my favorite Hunan Satellite TV, watching TV with relish and eating moon cakes. Ah! How free! There is no tension at school.


Watching TV, I saw 3:00 p.m., because there was a lot of homework and the holidays were short, so I had to do my homework. I have been writing from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. - the time when dinner starts. I turned on the TV again with my mother's consent, which was really out of control. Because I originally agreed that my mother would go back to do her homework after supper. However, the flickering lights and charming exterior scenes of the CCTV Mid Autumn Festival Gala, such as the golden full moon in the deep blue sky, made my feet stick to the ground like glue, unable to move. Fortunately, my mother let me watch the Mid Autumn Festival get-together after my thousands of pleadings. In the process of the get-together, many old songs and new songs appeared. The old songs have a slow rhythm and a sense of rhythm. My mother heard Jinjin's words, while I was born after 00! I like that kind of passionate new songs, fast songs. Finally, my mother suggested eating moon cakes. We agreed at once. However, I had indigestion because I ate too many mooncakes in the morning. I can only look at them. However, I am not very sad, because I think this is quite a taste of the Mid Autumn Festival.


This Mid Autumn Festival is fast for me. How about you?