
时间:2022-09-21 13:41:06 | 来源:语文通



教师节作文 篇1教师节作文 篇2教师节作文 篇3教师节作文 篇4教师节优秀作文300字 篇5写教师节的作文 篇6教师节作文 篇7

教师节作文 篇1


The great Shakespeare once said: "There is no book in life, as if the earth loses the sun; there is no book in wisdom, as if the bird loses his wings," because of the teacher, you let us enter the vast ocean of knowledge.


On September 10th, this special day -Teacher's Day, by this opportunity, I will express my gratitude to the respectful teacher!


Teacher, your selfless heart has cultivated how many teenagers have been cultivated, and helped them come up from the diffuse abyss and taught them how to be a person and how to do things. You are like a lamp and illuminate the road.It's like a key to help us open the treasure trove of knowledge; you are like a shelter, letting the wandering boat mooring, but how selfless you are!I only hope that your dear students will achieve excellent grades in the exam. When you are admitted to a famous school, you will smile slightly at that time.You are bitter for your conscience!


Teacher, your caring heart.I used to remember a cold winter.Because of a test of the test, I was in a low mood. I sat in the classroom without listing, frustrated, and helpless me to look at the distance.Just then, you came gently and patted my table.After "concentration of spirit", I returned to God and listened to the class seriously.After class, the teacher, you call me to the office.I thought you would reprimand me.As a result, you told me some truth.Let me remember most: "Don't be frustrated by a failure, people look forward. Without a cold bone, the plum blossoms are fragrant, and a person becomes strong after failure.. "It was because of this inspiration and inspiring me to move forward.


Teacher, your responsible and hard -working heart, whenever you return to class in the morning.Your eyes are often like panda eyes. I think you must stay up late to correct your homework last night.You have worked hard, you are sick, your throat is hoarse, and you still insist on class.What are you for?


The "everything for students" that the teacher does you open a window of hope for us.


The teacher really thanked you. Without your cultivation, there is no me today, a confident me; a strong me.

教师节作文 篇2


Looking forward to it, we have finally ushered in a wonderful Teacher's Day.Teacher's Day is the festival of the teacher. Here, I wish the school teacher a happy holiday.


People say that the teacher is a red candle and burn itself to illuminate others.This sentence is good at all.When we enjoy the TV show at night, when we have already entered the sweet dreamland and have a dream, what is the teacher doing?Needless to say, the teacher is worried about us. Perhaps the teacher is still correcting homework under the lights, perhaps preparing lessons.Teachers gave up their youth like silkworms, and spent their good time on us.


People say that the teacher is the parents of the students. For students, they are willing to "sacrifice" themselves.In school, the teacher is the parents, and the classmates are brothers and sisters.So many "brothers and sisters" must have contradictions and conflicts."Parents" will definitely resolve contradictions and comfort us.When we are uncomfortable, it is you-the teacher is worried and anxious for us.Teachers share all their knowledge like our parents, and share with us and taste the flavor of knowledge with us.


Maybe the teacher paid more price for us, and maybe the teacher spent an unimaginable effort to give us class.Maybe the teacher spent more knowledge spending more knowledge to let us know more.In order to repay the teacher, we have to work hard, go up every day, and repay the teacher with our academic performance.


In this twentieth Teacher's Day, I wish all the teachers: good health, good luck, and smooth work.

教师节作文 篇3


Yesterday was Teacher's Day and an unforgettable Teacher's Day in Nanwai.I remember that at the beginning of the first day, we were just a child who was just entering the school. We only knew that Teacher's Day was a festival to send flowers to teachers. We just returned to elementary school to see the teacher during the Teacher's Day and gave the teacher a sincere blessing.


This year, everything has changed. We not only become mature, but also become more sensible. We know how to give teachers sincerely blessings and gifts, beautiful flowers and fresh grass, but also more.It is our homework that is in Qi, and we have done a pair of knowledge of knowledge during class.


As soon as we entered the campus, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, we found that the school gate was attached to a large banner, which reads: Teacher, you have worked hard.This is what we most want to give to the teacher at Teacher's Day.Many of the New Year's Day students wrote their blessings to the teacher in terms of banners. One by one, the tender children, in this way to explain their gratitude to the teacher in this way.


In the class, the class committees have already prepared gifts to teachers of various subjects, and quietly hide them, so as not to let the teachers find that they are ready to surprise the teachers.Our class committee is really intimate, knowing that the teacher's throat is not good. He specially prepared a water cup for each teacher and gave a bundle of flowers. The classroom was full of flowers.I think this is also our increasingly sensible interpretation.


Once in the afternoon, we asked the sports teacher for leave. In the classroom, we prepared for our afternoon show, wipe the foundation first, and then apply makeup.Before the students.After history, geographical lessons are the time when we perform.We have been busy in the rest room for a long time, makeup, and makeup removal. We are busy, sweat flowing down the cheeks.Time flies. When I came to the background, I saw the lily of the big bouquet, and smell the fragrance of lilies with fragrant fragrance. This fragrance made me intoxicated.Although our show is not long, we show our most beautiful smiles to all teachers in the audience. I think this is the best gift we gave teachers' Day to teachers.


This Teacher's Day is a Teacher's Day full of flowers.

教师节作文 篇4


Teacher's Day, a gratitude festival.We must learn to be grateful, don't forget the teacher.When we were young, most of us were afraid of teachers.Because they are harsh, as long as we do wrong, they will punish us, so we dare not commit crimes next time.When we grow up, we admire teachers, because they always put too much energy on our students and neglect their children and parents.They are our teacher, but at the same time they are parents and children.When their family is sick and hospitalized, they will still appear in the classroom. Even if they are full of care, they will still give us a lecture as usual.For us, they sacrificed too much, this kind of kindness is worthy of our life -long remembers.


This year is the XX Teacher's Day.The annual Teacher's Day, we have to give teachers an unforgettable gift.This gift does not need to be too expensive, only one piece of paper, one pen is enough.Write your blessings on the paper, write your ideals, and write your determination ... This is enough. For teachers, this is a gift.They never want to get from us, they just hope that we can become talented and can report the country, they are so regretful.


Teachers, the great people are distressed and selfless. When Teacher's Day is coming, I will send our most sincere blessings on behalf of the students: "Teachers, you have worked hard, I wish you good health,Laughing often, Tao Li Fangfang! "At the same time, we assure you -we will not let you down, we will definitely become the beam of the country!

教师节优秀作文300字 篇5


Tomorrow is Teacher's Day.Usually, our teacher cares and loves us like a loving mother, so we must celebrate.


Students have been discussing what gifts to send teachers.Some classmates say that they want to send an airplane model, some students say they want to send flowers, some students say they want to send steel pens, and some students say they want to send the most beautiful cups.But I took out a piece of white paper. Do I want to give it to the teacher like this?Actually, I want to draw a picture on it.The sun father -in -law with a smile, a happy bird, and a serious reading of themselves under the dense tree.


Then draw a small flower, paint a grass, and then paint this painting color, paint the color, and write a few words on it -teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!The gifts of the classmates are bought, and my gift is made. Compared with the gifts of others, my beauty is beautiful and beautiful.


The next day, Teacher's Day arrived.The classmates were holding their own gifts, and I sent it to the teacher with the paintings I painted. The teacher said, "Xiao Liang, you are great!"

写教师节的作文 篇6


Today, early in the morning, the students came to the school happily, and anxiously hoped that the teacher could come to the classroom earlier, because today is Teacher's Day, Teacher's Day is a special holiday!


The process of growing up is not only a wide avenue, but also covered with thorns.Make them teach, lantern the bright lights for us, and support the sun tomorrow.If we are the flowers of the motherland, they are hard -working gardens; if we are brave sailors, they are wisdom navigators.Let them build eternal monuments in the hearts of their students.


The teacher is a respectful title.People often say that teachers are like candles and burn themselves to illuminate others. Indeed, for our growth, the teacher is our growing passers -by and teaches us how to be a person and how to do things; the teacher is our friend, respect, understand and love us;The teacher's work is hard and heavy, and we have worked hard and sweat for us.Teachers' labor makes us smarter and smarter.


Teacher, you sow your hope in our hearts, you carve the virtue in our hearts, you injected social responsibility into our hearts, and the development of society is flourishing.


Teacher, you are the engineer of the soul, a gardener for cultivating the flowers of the motherland.Today is Teacher's Day to wish you a happy holiday.

教师节作文 篇7


September 10th is the annual Teacher's Day, but I did not send a greeting card and flowers to the teacher Chen who had taught me before. I now hope that Teacher Chen teaches us. When Teacher Chen taught me before, I always had a small difference, and I was very serious in class, but I regret it now. Every time I saw that others were holding flowers or holding a greeting card, but I came to school with both hands. My table was also brought with flowers with both hands. At the same table, he was a teacher who taught him. When there was only one flower left to Teacher Chen, I would be with him. I dare not go in because I didn't want to give it to Teacher Chen. I only looked at the door of the office, and I could see my same table Li Junfeng gave the flowers to Teacher Chen. Teacher Chen's face became pale, and she had a few more white hair on her head. Teacher Chen picked up the flower from Li Junfeng, and said to Li Junfeng with kindness, "Hey", Li Junfeng said a teacher, you have worked hard. The teacher said again. When Teacher Chen taught me before, I did not listen to class in class. The teacher often said in the evaluation manual that she liked me and asked me to study hard. She must not be disappointed today without seeing me. I thought of this, my eyes were blurred.


A few days before Teacher's Day, the students were busy preparing to give the teacher a gift, and I was quietly preparing.


The Teacher's Day I hope finally comes.


On this morning, I walked into the classroom with a round schoolbag and hid the gift on the desk.At the same table, Wei Wenyi asked curiously: "What is the schoolbag?" I smiled mysteriously: "You will know at that time."


The bell rang, and the teacher appeared with a smile at the door of the classroom.


Zhao Wenxuan, who is usually naughty, immediately said, "Happy holidays!" Wu Jiaqi, who was quick -mouth, added a sentence: "The longer the teacher wishes the teacher, the more beautiful!" Before waiting for the teacher to speak, I ran to the teacher and wore the bright red red flowers.On the teacher's chest.The red flowers redd the teacher's smile.The teacher couldn't hold his mouth with a smile, as if the crow's feet at the corner of his eyes were soothing. She was young and young, and said, "Thank you classmates, thank you classmates!"


I don't know who brought the head, a warm applause broke out in the classroom.


I am very happy to have a happy Teacher's Day for the teacher.