
时间:2022-07-02 13:12:49 | 来源:语文通



Affected by the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, our school was suspended, and I had to stay at home and fascinated the game.Because my parents opposed me to play games, I had to start a fierce "battle" with them.


A "battle" started in the prelude, and I called it "probe beta".One day, my mother asked me what I was doing in the room, and I responded loudly: "It's class!" The mother didn't say a word, but she quickly knocked in and asked me to watch a video.I saw it, isn't this the picture I just played the game? It turns out that Dad used the probe to record the video of me playing the game and sent it to my mother.This damn probe, dare to "sell" me! Walk and see!


One day later, I was playing the game, and suddenly heard a very harsh voice: "What are you doing? Are you playing games?" Oh! Today, I forgot to break the probe power supply, but fortunately, I face my back facing each other back.Detective, Dad should not see what I do.I panickedly, "It's class!" Dad came back in the evening. He picked up my tablet and checked it carefully. My heart "fluttered".He checked for a long time, and then touched my head and said, "Don't watch the video! It will affect learning." Oh! I try to hold myself not to let myself laugh.


After a few more days, my father suddenly lost his temper to me: "What's going on? Recently, your homework is missing!"Teacher Qing's homework requirements."You must have played the game!" But he couldn't find the evidence and had to leave angrily.Although I won, I was very unhappy this time.


After all, the paper cannot be covered.Dad didn't know what method, and found the evidence of me playing the game the next day.He showed me the screenshot of me to play the game. It shows what the game I played, and the time for playing games, dense, so much surprise! Dad said proudly: "The grandson monkeys live again, and you can't escape.Out of the palm of the Buddha. Haha! "


After this incident, I started to reflect.In fact, I do n’t want to play games, but I ca n’t restrain it. Besides, playing games really affect learning.I made up my mind and admitted to them.Because of the winning, you lost in learning, and if you lose, it is to overcome the bad problems. Isn't that just win?



1、一种:一种读音为yī zhǒng,是指1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。一种 yī zhǒng词典解释:1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。分词解释:一样:1.同样;没有差别。 2.表示相似。 3.一种;一件。部族:①中国历史上对聚居的部落和氏族的简称或合称。②一般指还处于奴隶社会或封建社会时期的民族。不以血缘为联系,而以地域为联系并建立在私有制基础上,其内部已出现阶级对立及剥削现象。同样:相同,一样。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。种类:1.根据事物本身的性质或特点而分成的门类。 2.犹种族。...一种怎么造句,用一种造句»

2、就是:就是读音为jiù shì,是指就是1①用在句末表示肯定(多加‘了’):我一定办到,你放心就是了。②单用,表示同意:就是,就是,您的话很对。其他‘就’和‘是’合用的情况,参看‘就’。 就是2 连词,表示假设的让步,下半句常用‘也’呼应:为了祖国,我可以献出一切,就是生命也不吝惜ㄧ就是在日常生活中,也需要有一定的科学知识。就是 jiù shì分词解释:就是1①用在句末表示肯定(多加‘了’):我一定办到,你放心就是了。②单用,表示同意:就是,就是,您的话很对。其他‘就’和‘是’合用的情况,参看‘就’。 就是2 [jiùshì]连词,表示假设的让步,下半句常用‘也’呼应:为了祖国,我可以献出一切,就是生命也不吝惜ㄧ就是在日常生活中,也需要有一定的科学知识。分词解释:祖国:1.祖先以来所居之地。 2.祖籍所在的国家;自己的国家。日常:1.指太阳永恒存在。 2.平日;平时。肯定:1.对事物持确认的或赞成的态度。与“否定”相对。 2.有把握:无疑,有信心,有理由确信。 3.确定。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。连词:连接词、词组或句子的词,如‘和、与、而且、但是、因为、如果’。...就是怎么造句,用就是造句»