
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:49 | 来源:语文通



Hey, where is this? Isn't I still in my own room? I look back, there are many toys, but how are these toys resurrected?


How did I come here? After being surprised, I couldn't help remembering: I was playing with toys in the room, but I was dizzy ... I woke up and found it here.


I feel very novel here. I walked around and found a lot of toys that I was familiar with. They looked at me in confusion, and even whispered there: "Well, isn't this our master? How can he run?Here is our world? "It turned out that these toys have been played by me before.After listening carefully, they were complaining that I had discarded them!


Immediately afterwards, they took me to the hotel and said, "Master, today we invite you to have a meal! We will never separate it in the future." I was happy and ordered a lot of things immediately.But after the food came to the table, some were buttons, and some were cotton ... I quickly asked what was going on, "Our toy family eats these every day, cotton is like rice, hungry ... Only in this way can you keep yourself well -proportionedThe body shape. "I still don't want to eat after listening.When I was about to leave, those toy partners crowded me together and stuffed it into my mouth.At this time, I suddenly woke up."Woohoo! Fortunately, it's just a dream."


This time, I know that I must take a rest and raise my body earlier, or I really have a nightmare!



Today, I have a dream.


I dreamed that a ghost was going to kill me, because he said that his brother had been killed by me, so when he arrived at the Lord Yan, he asked me to pay for my life, but I didn't harm it at all, so I told him the truth,Not only did he not listen, he also bit his mouth with black spots with black spots, biting me.I hurriedly ran, and I couldn't get angry ...


Being a nightmare is really unlucky!When I grow up, I must invented a medicine. When people take it, they will not have a nightmare.



1、噩梦:噩梦读音为è mèng,是指可怕的梦。 引起极度不安或惊恐不已的梦噩梦 è mèng词语解释:可怕的梦。[nightmare] 引起极度不安或惊恐不已的梦分词解释:可怕:1.使人害怕。 2.只怕。● 噩 è ㄜˋ◎ 惊人的,不祥的:噩音(坏消息)。噩耗。噩梦。● 梦(夢) mèng ㄇㄥˋ◎ 睡眠时身体内外各种刺激或残留在大脑里的外界刺激引起的景象活动:做梦。梦幻。梦乡。梦魇。梦呓(梦话)。梦想。梦寐以求。同床异梦。...噩梦怎么造句,用噩梦造句»