
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:59 | 来源:语文通


母亲节作文 篇1母亲节给妈妈的一封信 篇2母亲节作文 篇3母亲节给母亲的一封信 篇4母亲节作文 篇5

母亲节作文 篇1


At night, a few stars in the quiet sky were playfully blinking their big eyes, which looked like several gems flashing. The moon gave off a light light, as if covered with a layer of gauze, hazy and mysterious.


I lay in bed, infatuated with the beautiful scenery in front of me, and the gentle breeze was blowing, just like my mother's warm hands, gently caressing me and accompanying me into a sweet dream.


The soft moonlight fell on me, and I suddenly felt that there was some power to lift me up gently, and unconsciously took me to a beautiful garden. There are all kinds of flowers in the garden, colorful and graceful.


When I was looking at everything in front of me in surprise, a kind voice came from behind: "Hello, little girl." "Hello, old lady. Where is this place?" "This is the Hundred Flowers Garden. All the guests here will help her realize a wish."


I couldn't believe my ears. I opened my eyes and asked curiously, "Is what you said true?" The old woman nodded her head gently.


"Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I want to give my mother a room of carnations, OK?" "Certainly." The old woman smiled and said, "You are really a dutiful child." The old woman handed me a leaf and said that when I got home, I would drop a drop of water on the leaf and my wish would come true. A breeze gently lifted me up, and in a blink of an eye, I returned to the familiar window. I quickly dropped water on the leaves. In an instant, all corners of the room were filled with beautiful carnations, red, white, purple, pink, orange... All kinds of carnations gave off refreshing fragrance. I am intoxicated


"Enron, get up! What's your dream? You smile so sweetly." Ah! So this is a dream!


Dear mother, I must make this dream come true!


Mother's Day is coming. I assign students to write a composition. As a result, this composition stands out among the many compositions in the class because of its originality! She didn't write about how to celebrate holidays for her mother like other children, but she attracted my attention with a unique way of thinking.


The dream of Mother's Day blends my love for my mother into this beautiful dream.

母亲节给妈妈的一封信 篇2


Dear Mom




It's not easy for you to bring me up. I have something to say to you from my heart. I don't have the courage to say it. I pour out to you all my thoughts that have been in my heart for a long time and beg for your forgiveness. I often make you angry and sad. In fact, I know in my heart that you are good to me.


Your love is selfless! When I was six years old. One night, I suddenly had a high fever. You called a rescue truck to take me to the doctor. The doctor said, "Your child may have encephalitis, so we should go to Nanjing to check it." My mother sent me to Nanjing Children's Hospital in defiance. She went to find a doctor to wipe my body with a cold towel, served me tea and water, and took care of me carefully. She was always busy until dawn, but she never closed her eyes. Your eyes were red, and you could not rest for a moment. Looking at your busy figure for me, I suddenly understand that you are thinking of me regardless of your body, which is maternal love!


Mom, your love for me is so detailed, huge and selfless. I didn't fully understand it. I always made mistakes again and again. I talked back to you, cried, and was a little timid. I didn't follow your advice... But you didn't blame me. You still care and love me.


Mom, I have some small wishes and propositions for you. You are always at work, how I hope you can spare some time to accompany me; You teach me the title. When I can't understand it, you shout at me. How I hope you can speak well and convince people with reason! Mom, I sincerely hope that you can gradually correct and become the best mother in my heart.


I know that past mistakes cannot be changed. It's like I can't walk the road again, but I know I can't indulge myself anymore. Mom, thank you, I love you! I will reward you for your love for me with outstanding achievements and my outstanding morality.


Finally, I wish my mother good health and permanent beauty.

母亲节作文 篇3


We are grateful to our mother for giving us the experience of life; We are grateful to our mother for making us thrive; We are grateful for the education and enlightenment that our mother gave us, which enabled us to acquire knowledge and strength; In our lives, there are always difficulties and twists and turns. It is our mother who gives us care and help, and we should be more grateful.


Gratitude is a comprehensive expression of a person's love, conscience, kindness, responsibility and loyalty. It is hard to imagine that a person who has no filial piety, no gratitude, no love for teachers and students, and no respect for his parents who have brought up themselves through hardships will be able to bear any responsibility for his company and his country in the future? How can a person who is unpatriotic, does not love his family and does not love others do his best to build the future of the motherland?


The advertisement once wrote about a touching piece of a little boy washing his mother's feet, but in real life, is it possible for every child to do it? "A drop of water should be repaid by a gushing spring." We may sometimes be obsessed with a stranger's little care, but turn a blind eye to our mother's great love, disrelish her for nagging, or get angry because of some small things... However, our mother always stands aside silently to support us, patiently enlighten us, and give us support and encouragement.


Mother is as pure as jade, and as delicate as ivory carving. The life watered by mother's love brews pure beauty and fragrance. We should listen to mother's nagging with a grateful heart, face mother's sternness sincerely, and feel mother's sunny spiritual world


Let's start from today, from filial piety to mother, and learn to be grateful! Let's remember the common birthday of mothers all over the world, wash our feet for our mother, beat her hard back, give her a warm hug, a warm blessing, and a grateful smile!


On this warm day, I wish all mothers in the world a happy Mother's Day! A bunch of carnations and the words "Mom, you have worked hard" can make your mother's face smile again! Let's give our mother more consideration and care, so that our mother and our home are filled with happiness and harmony, and we will usher in a real growth!


Here, I would like to end with a poem: the growth of a child is the hope of a mother's rebirth; A child's failure is a mother's bitter tears; A child's success is a mother's happy smile. Students, for the sake of mother's smile, for the sake of tomorrow's harvest, let us be ambitious and not worried!

母亲节给母亲的一封信 篇4


Dear Mom




I always remember that the second Sunday in May is a special day for you and for all mothers. Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, I grew from a babbling child to a talkative girl. On the occasion of Mother's Day, my daughter picked up the pen in her hand, but she was speechless for a moment. I didn't know what to say to you through this letter, but more or less words and blessings would all melt into one sentence, the simplest and most precious words "I love you".


Opening the calendar, you have accompanied me through more than ten years of life unconsciously. In these 13 years, you have given me the most selfless love and teaching. Over the past few years, your face has had a few more wrinkles, and your head has also had a few silver threads. My daughter knows that you work day and night for this family. Here I say to you: "Mom, you have worked hard!"


Like many other parents, you expect your children to be successful and your daughters to be successful. You hope that my brother and I can be outstanding in the future, so you pay attention to our study. You always teach us to study hard and always plan for our future, so that we don't have to follow your old path in the future. In addition to learning, you also attach importance to our ability to take care of ourselves. Let's exercise our ability to take care of ourselves in life. "Mom, thank you."


Mom, you are a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. You always hate me. Take the last midterm exam for example. My ranking has dropped again. You must be very disappointed about this, so I can't avoid being criticized. When you scold me, I will contradict you. I always make you angry. I remember that day, when I was arguing with you, I saw tears rolling in your eyes and my heart suddenly clucked. I realized my mistake and regretted it. Here, I sincerely say to you: "Mom, I'm sorry, my daughter is wrong!"


Mom, when the wind and rain come, it's safest to hide in your arms. Neither the wind nor the rain can hit. Where you are, there is a home. Without you, there would be no me. Thank you for giving me the beauty of life.


In the room, there is a red carnation, which symbolizes family affection and love. That's my daughter's most sincere blessing to you! Mom, happy Mother's Day!

母亲节作文 篇5


There is a love that never asks for return all one's life - maternal love!


There is a person who is worthy of your love all your life - Mother!


The most beautiful voice in the world is the mother's call! Mother is the most beautiful and fascinating title in the world. No matter how you describe it, you can't generalize it and express its profound connotation. From the gestation of a young life to independence from heaven and earth, the inclusive maternal love will affect the whole process of your life.


The song dedicated to my mother is affectionate, dignified and unforgettable. They are talking about the deep love of children or women, or people who have just enlightened the world, or people with drooping beards to their mothers, which makes everything moved. "As old as I am, I must have a family, and as old as I am, I must have a mother.".


Shout "Mom", and you will truly feel that you have a warm and reliable home that truly belongs to you. Mother's heart is made of water. When angry, it is ice. When warm, it is still water. The mother carefully brewed the mother's love into the children's teapot, so that the life that was originally plain as water became strong tea. Motherly love is really boundless, she can tolerate children's sorrow and joy, long and short. When children are far away from their mothers, they can't get rid of the long thread of thought in their mothers' hands, and they can't get out of the vision of mothers' care. Mother is the platform of children's life - send me on the road, let me stop, watch for me, and welcome me back. Mother may be an ordinary person all her life, but she is always like an upward vine. Without you, I can only crawl on the ground all my life. Maternal love is as lofty as a mountain, as deep as the sea, as pure as clouds, and as selfless as fields. Not only do you think of your mother when you are in pain, but you should also think of your mother when you are happy and in plain days. The song dedicated to my mother is a red burning fire, a gurgling spring, and a touching feeling. What is more sacred than the feelings in the mother's heart? The heart of parents is the kindest judge. Is the closest friend of the heart, is the sun of love, its flame shines warm condensed in our hearts of intentions. All the glory and pride in the world come from mother! A mother's heart is a heaven for her children! Maternal love is great. It has no additional conditions. No matter you are excellent or ordinary, the door of maternal love will never be closed. It is always open to every child. Motherly love is always the warmest kiss for children! Yes, no matter how far you go, no matter what you are doing, you can't leave at any time


Our mother; No matter how rich you are, no matter how old you are, you can never forget our mother!