
时间:2022-08-15 13:08:52 | 来源:语文通



After school, the little hedgehog brothers went home.They waited for a car at the bus station. After a while, they came to a car. There were a lot of passengers on the car. The little hedgehog brother was anxious to squeeze into the car.


"Wait! Wait! This car is 356, not the 325 route we want to take!" The little hedgehog brother shouted. "I know!" Said the little hedgehog in the seat, and then said, and then stepped on the car with an arrow. There was a car here. This time, it was the 325 way home. However, the car was more crowded than the car in front. The little hedgehog's brother cast the coin and pulled the little hedgehog brother in the car. "Ah! It hurts!" Said the little white rabbit. "Sorry!" "Sorry!" The little hedgehog brothers said. "It hurts!" "Ah! My hand was stabbed!" "My back was stabbed and bleed!" "My knees were also stabbed by acupuncture!" "Who is it? So? Damn! Stab my body all over the body! "... The animals that were stabbed on the bus complained. "Quiet!" The driver said to everyone from the sunroof, "Who pierced others?" The little hedgehog brothers raised their hands tremblingly. "It turned out to be a little hedgehog brother! You are full of thorns. You should put a tennis on the thorn so that you won't be tied to us." Mr. Giraffe said. "We understand!" The hedgehog brother said shyly. "So now, who wants to stand beside the little hedgehog?" Mr. Giraffe asked. Suddenly, the compartment was silent. After a while, we only heard "We are willing to stand next to them!" The turtle brothers said categorically. "Aren't you afraid of being stabbed? It hurts if you stab! I have used five napkins, and I have not stopped blood!" The little white rabbit sister who was just acupuncture reminded. "It doesn't matter! Because we have a hard shell, the general attack cannot break our 'house'!" The turtle brothers finished speaking, and they passed through one by one and stood around the little hedgehog brothers.


"‘ Ding Dong ’! Forest Street is here. Please get off the bus to clean up your items and get off the car." He said in the radio.The little hedgehog brothers pulled hands, got out of the car, and walked towards the house.From then on, the hedgehog's back will always be inserted on it. Although it is a bit ugly, it can contribute to the animals, and the little hedgehog brothers are very satisfied.



1、兄弟:兄弟读音为xiōng dì,是指1.哥哥和弟弟。 2.古代对同等宗亲的称呼。 3.古代姐妹亦称兄弟。 4.古代对姻亲之间同辈男子的称呼。 5.古代对亲戚的统称。 6.指同等国家或王室。 7.泛称意气相投志同道合的人。兄弟 xiōng dì词语解释:1.哥哥和弟弟。 2.古代对同等宗亲的称呼。 3.古代姐妹亦称兄弟。 4.古代对姻亲之间同辈男子的称呼。 5.古代对亲戚的统称。 6.指同等国家或王室。 7.泛称意气相投志同道合的人。分词解释:志同道合:道:途径。志趣相同,意见一致。男子:1.犹男人。男性的成年人。 2.儿子。 3.丈夫。 4.指刚强有作为的男人。 5.古称无官爵的成年男人。 6.指嫡长子。称呼:1.叫。对人呼唤其身份﹑名称等。 2.表示被招呼对象的身份﹑地位﹑职业等等的名称。同辈:1.犹同列,同僚。 2.犹同伴,伙伴。 3.年辈相同。亲戚:1.亦作“亲?”。亦作“亲?”。亦作“亲戚”。 2.与自己有血缘或婚姻关系的人。 3.亲爱;亲近。...兄弟怎么造句,用兄弟造句»

2、公共:公共读音为gōng gòng,是指属于社会的;公有公用的:公共卫生ㄧ公共汽车ㄧ公共场所ㄧ爱护公共财产。 公有的;公用的注意公共卫生公共 gōng gòng词语解释:属于社会的;公有公用的:公共卫生ㄧ公共汽车ㄧ公共场所ㄧ爱护公共财产。[public;common;communal] 公有的;公用的注意公共卫生分词解释:公共场所:1.公众可以去的地方。2.对公众开放的地方(如夜总会 、饭店或旅馆)。公共汽车:供乘客乘坐的汽车。有固定的路线和停车站。属于:归某一方面或为某方所有。爱护:爱惜并保护:爱护公物ㄧ爱护年轻一代。...公共怎么造句,用公共造句»

3、公共汽车:公共汽车读音为gōng gòng qì chē,是指供乘客乘坐的汽车。有固定的路线和停车站。公共汽车 gōng gòng qì chē词语解释:供乘客乘坐的汽车。有固定的路线和停车站。分词解释:汽车:有四个或四个以上的车轮,不依靠轨道和架线,能在陆地上自行驱动行驶的车辆。原称“自动车”,因多装用汽油发动机,故称汽车,并沿用至今。具有高速、机动、使用方便等优点。主要供人乘用或载运货物,经改装,也可用于起重、消防、救护等特种用途。乘客:搭乘车﹑船﹑飞机的人。固定:①不变动或不移动的(跟‘流动’相对):固定职业丨固定资产。②使固定:把学习制度固定下来。路线:政党认识世界和改造世界的根本准则。从内容上分,有思想路线、政治路线、组织路线;从范围上分,有基本路线(总路线)和具体工作路线(如教育路线、文艺路线、军事路线等)。车站:陆路交通运输线上设置的停车地点,用来上下乘客或装卸货物。...公共汽车怎么造句,用公共汽车造句»