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读书让生活更美好作文500字 篇1

六(8)班 刘宇棋

Liu Yuqi, Class 6 (8)


The book house of gold! Books are the ladder of human progress and good friends who can benefit people for life.


Books can give us infinite happiness.


As early as when I was in a small kindergarten class, every night my grandmother or my mother would tell me a bedtime story when I was sleeping. Every day I would tell a different story. Every time I tell a story about the highlights, I always applaud and even imitate their actions!


Books give us infinite pleasure.


When I was in primary school, my mother gave me a book, Charlie's Chocolate Factory, when I could recognize some words. From then on, no matter how late I did my homework after school, I would at least read a few pages. I watch the book Charlie's Chocolate Factory every day tirelessly, and enjoy it!

这几年来,我看了许多书,有让人受益匪浅的《一百个哲理故事》,有让人开怀大笑的 《小屁孩上学记》,有使人了解法国战争时代的《巴黎圣母院》。

Over the past few years, I have read many books, including One Hundred Philosophical Stories, The Little Fart Child's School Record, which makes people laugh, and Notre Dame de Paris, which makes people understand the French war era.


Book, let me understand the deep meaning! After reading "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", I realized that when facing difficulties in life, I should be confident, brave and optimistic. After reading How Steel Was Tempered, I realized the indomitable spirit of countless steel like soldiers and gradually realized the meaning of life. After reading San Mao's Vagabond, seeing Xiao San Mao's encounter made me more aware of the beauty of life now.


Books can benefit people for life. The so-called mass reading is to make people's knowledge wider and wider. It is erudite.


Books are the cornerstone of human progress, and also my closest friend. I always visit his home! It gives me the power of knowledge!


Today I travel in the sea of books, and tomorrow I will create a new life with knowledge!

读书让生活更美好作文400字 篇2


Yang Jiang once said, "Reading is like visiting a door - invisible visiting a door." When I read, I seem to be able to talk with the people in the book.


In the gentle sunshine, put a small bench with its back to the sunshine, and in the light of the light, turn the pages full of words. At this time, I feel much more comfortable.


In that book with many chapters, there will always be stories that make you excited.


In the extremely messy stack of books on the bookshelf, there is a book called "Education of Love". The characters in it are very normal and close to life. This book makes me understand a lot of love: maternal love, paternal love, fraternity and teacher love. Later, the book disappeared. Later, I found that my sister took the book to paint, and I didn't blame it, because I knew the love between brothers and sisters.


Reading also has several advantages: First, it can increase the scope of knowledge; Second, reading books of the corresponding age is conducive to human brain development; Third, you can read interesting books to make your body and mind happy. Therefore, reading is also a good thing.


On a sunny afternoon, except for the slight wind, it seemed that the world had calmed down. I sat down on the board near the window, crossed my legs and leaned against the glass, looking at the book in my hand. At this time, I read the wonderful part, opened my mouth wide, the wind outside stopped blowing, the butterflies were not dancing, as if the world had been settled, I still watched with interest, even the sun went down and my legs became cold.


Reading makes me feel relaxed as if I am attracted by something!

读书让生活更美好 篇3


Books are human friends. Without them, they would be like birds without wings, unable to fly freely; Just like fish can't live without water; Like the sun without light, cold and wet. So Sun Yat sen said, "I can't live without reading all day".


I have a close relationship with books. Almost every weekend, my mother will take me to the library to borrow books. As soon as I came to the library, I was immediately "settled". Looking at the beautiful books, my eyes lit up with excitement. I walked to the nearest bookshelf step by step. I picked up a book and looked at it hungrily. Until my mother repeatedly urged me to do nothing, and then used the "Lion Roar Skill", I suddenly recovered from the sea of books. It was almost an hour since I had borrowed the book in a hurry, Ready to go home


Another time, after finishing my homework, I was reading a book. When I saw the war between Harry and Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I couldn't help shouting: "Come on, Harry! Give him an Avada!" The mother who got confused ran over and went back, confused. Later, I was always "incorrigible", and my mother simply ignored me.


From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, I learned that people cannot always live in a virtual world. From the prequel of Princess Ma Xiaolan, I learned to be calm when encountering problems. From Lao Tzu, I understand the truth of being a man. From The Magic Quidditch Ball, I learned a lot about Quidditch. From "Bodhisattva Corner Cabin", I learned to be helpful and care about friends


Books are the ladder of human progress. Let's draw strength from books and enjoy reading together!

读书让生活更美好作文700字 篇4


Birds spread their wings before flying, while people read before seeking progress.




Drink a cup of tea, read a book, the words shine in the golden light, read happily in the ocean of knowledge, and taste the thoughts of the sages


Su Shi made such an oath about a thousand years ago, which laid a solid foundation for him to create a generation of bold and unrestrained Ci schools. In "Talking about China", I experienced the great charm of China for five thousand years in the changing dynasties; In Biography of Famous People, I admire the perseverance and persistence of Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy. In The Analects of Confucius, I seem to be in the country of Confucianism, listening to the words of benevolence and righteousness such as "learning while learning, it is not too pleasant", which makes people memorable


"After reading 300 Tang poems, you can recite even if you don't know how to write poems". The charm of ancient poetry and lyrics will make you intoxicated. "When the wind blows and the waves break, we can sail straight to the sea.". That article, "Difficult Travel", describes Li Bai's heroic courage without fear of hardship, which is soul stirring; "When will the moon come? Ask the sky about the wine." That piece of "Water Melody" is Su Shi's feeling of drinking alone under the moon, which makes people excited; "The sun is setting, and the heartbroken are at the end of the world." That piece of "Tianjing Sand · Autumn Thoughts" is Ma Zhiyuan's homesickness in a different place, which makes people feel sad


"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time". Reading makes people understand the philosophy of life. In "Mencius", I learned the truth that self-cultivation is the first thing to do, and then the family, and then the country; In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I learned that no matter when, benevolence and righteousness will overcome natural dangers, and people can better control all difficulties. In Loach, I learned that friendship is fleeting, and I can only face the world alone if I don't grasp it, and I sighed with regret


"There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book". In the book, you can walk across time and space, across thousands of rivers and mountains, and talk with noble people


Reading makes life better.

读书使生活更美好作文 篇5


My father enjoys a cup of coffee after hard work. My mother relaxes her spirit by listening to music after housework. If you ask me what I like to do most after study, I will definitely say that reading a good book gives me the rain and dew of knowledge and makes life more beautiful.


If books are the sea, then I am a boat nestled in the sea; Book is the moon, then I am the stars around it; Books are flowers, so I am a butterfly flying in them... Books have become an indispensable part of my life. I take books to travel through the four seasons, sharing the beauty of spring flowers, summer rain, autumn wind, winter snow


I like reading in the spring when birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. I hold a copy of "Stars · Spring Water" in my hand. In the bright spring light, my heart has already been nourished. The meaningful words and sentences are full of praise for maternal love, cherishing childlike innocence and understanding of nature. "The flower of success When you admire yourself, the world will be small." Every word makes the dust of my soul be swept away. I am intoxicated with the book, as if I were far away from the secular noise and immersed in the beauty of spring


I like reading in hot summer. With a copy of Adventures of Tom Sawyer in hand, as Tom fished on the hot beach and explored in the mysterious melting hole... I fell down on this road and was afraid, but the brave Tom always encouraged me. From him, I learned kindness, sincerity and courage. In the intoxicated book, I forgot the tiredness in the hot summer, and only immersed in the warm passion of summer


I like to read in the autumn when the trees are withering. Holding a copy of How Steel Was Tempered in my hand, I saw Paul's sincere and fiery heart in the chilly wind. In the chilly autumn scenery full of fallen leaves, I saw Paul's power, called strong. Whenever I wander, I will think of Paul and turn myself into a real piece of steel. Intoxicated by the book, I forget the loneliness and solitude of autumn and only immerse myself in perseverance


I like to read in the cold winter. Holding a copy of "Love Penguin", I followed it to find the trace of love CN let love fill our hearts. In the intoxicating book, I forgot the cold of winter and only immersed myself in the warmth of love


Books teach us knowledge, cleanse our souls, move me, make me think, and make me strong. Without books, our world would be so empty and dark.


Read, cleanse your soul, enrich your thoughts, enrich your knowledge, and make your life better

读书让生活更美好作文500字 篇6


Needless to say, the gentle Song Ci, the beautiful Yuan Opera, the heroic Tang poetry, the profound Bible; It is needless to say that moving myths are circulating in the world. Beautiful fairy tales accompany me to dream quietly. The magic science fiction full score composition network leads me from the valley to the peak. Just a short prose beside you has infinite charm, where ideas are purified and artistic conception is sublimated.


On this hot land, culture will always accompany the beautiful scenery.


"The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky", "The mountains are red, the forests are stained, the rivers are clear, and hundreds of barges compete for the current", "The sun rises to startle the mountains and birds, and the spring brooks sing", these beautiful poetry books nourish our souls. Our soul travels in the ocean of knowledge and absorbs nutrition. Even in illness, as long as you hold a favorite book, you can also clean your soul properly, as if you have used a good medicine.


During this period of time, I have been reading a world famous book - Robinson Crusoe. I couldn't put it down when I picked up this book.


This book is a work of Defoe, an English writer. It mainly tells about an Englishman named Robinson who was drifting to a desert island due to a storm when he was on a boat. On the desert island, he overcame all kinds of difficulties and finally returned to the story of England. The reason why Robinson returned to England is that he has the belief that he will never give up when encountering difficulties, has the courage not to fear, and has the wisdom to solve difficulties.


On the road of life, books are indispensable at all times. Reading has enabled me to understand the true meaning of life, changed my attitude towards life, enriched my life course, guided my way forward, and made me have a clear goal. Reading makes my life better.

读书让生活更美好作文500字 篇7


What will make your life better? Some people will answer to science and technology, some people will answer to sports, and some people will answer to planting flowers. Yes, these things can make life better, and technology makes life easier; Exercise can make life healthy; This can make the living environment beautiful and let you get a sense of achievement, but I think reading will make life better.


For me, books are like a clear spring that moistens your heart and tells us about the rise and fall of China like an old man. Books are like dusty treasure chests, in which knowledge is treasure.


I started reading when I was in primary school. I didn't like reading before, and even thought that reading was an extremely simple thing, and every time I swallowed it, he didn't read it, but paid attention to some tortuous plots. Therefore, when writing a composition, he was always "poor in words". I know that after reading "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", I was shocked by Helen's life. Helen had been blind and deaf since nineteen months, but she was admitted to college and created her own legendary life. So why should we healthy people give up? Nowadays, reading, which is my most boring activity, has become my favorite activity. On weekends, I would swim in the sea of books and pick delicious fruits with my own hands.


When reading The Wolf King's Dream, I will mourn for Zilan's loss of four sons. When reading Little Heidi, I will be proud of Clara's standing up. When reading The Story of the Hulan River, I will feel sad for people's ignorance


Books can broaden your vision and let us see different landscapes. In the world of books, we can reach the snow mountains, the vast grasslands, the magnificent Taihe Hall, and so on.


Reading makes our life better, so let's swim in the sea of books!

读书让生活更美好作文400字 篇8


Reading enriches our knowledge, broadens our vision and enriches our life. Reading makes life better!


I like reading very much. I often swim in the sea of books, especially novels.


At first, I just looked on my mobile phone or computer. Then, I began to borrow books from my classmates at school. You may be wondering why I didn't buy one to read? Alas! To be honest, I thought so too, but my parents don't agree! When I was reading a novel, they said, "Look at these things all day long. I don't know how to study hard. I put my mind on such unrealistic things all day long. If you study so hard, I don't believe you will only get this score."


But I can't help it! Reading novels has already become a part of my life. Besides, I want to improve my composition score through it!


Before, my compositions were often typed back and rewritten. But now it is different. My composition has become excellent. The teacher often lets me read my composition on the platform! This is the reward I get from reading novels! Every time I stand on the platform to read a composition, I will express my views loudly. The teacher's praise makes me feel that my ability to control words is getting higher and higher. I seem to have become a general who has been in the battlefield for a long time, commanding "thousands of troops" to serve my composition. From the students' praise and surprise, I feel a new self!


Reading has greatly improved my writing level. Reading adds a lot of color to my primary school life.

读书使生活更美好作文 篇9


Since the founding of Pangu, heaven and earth have been divided into two parts. The primitive civilization has been formed through time and deduction. People later compiled books in words.


Since then, there have been books in the world. Through the passage of time, some books have been passed on by generations and read by future generations. The experience of previous generations has given future generations endless wealth.


In today's society, books have spread all over the world, but few people really study hard. Reading is not like reading a novel. You can read it blindly and carelessly. You should pay attention to it. When you feel the touch of your heart when you are reading, it means that you have been infected by this book. You have become fascinated by this book, you have been deeply involved in it, and you have found the true meaning of reading.


In the era of advanced science and technology, reading has become a luxury. Everyone is busy, and the working people have to work. The students have to study. There is no time to take afternoon tea and read their favorite books. Modern people are too busy. They have a lot of things to do. With the development of science and technology, they are also full of impatience. At this time, you might as well put down your things, take a nap, let your heart rest, read a page or two of the articles in the book, let your mood relax, express your feelings, lose those annoying troubles, and make your day full of beauty.


Reading is not as good as reading a good book. A good book can expand people's knowledge, improve their reading ability, and let them understand the ups and downs of the book. Reading can really cultivate one's own sentiment, sublimate one's mind and give people a higher understanding of life.


In my study life, I can always meet some small things that annoy me. Sometimes it lasts for an hour, or it may be a day or a week. During this period, my interest in learning is always at a low ebb, and I can't bring up my mind to study hard, which can waste a lot of my time. If I do not do well because of these small things, then it is very dangerous. At this time, the teacher helped to say that we might as well calm down and read a book. Reading? Didn't I always read? Although this is the case, we should not waste the teacher's good intentions. I tried to calm down and read the book. The name of the book was "If You Give Me Three Days of Light". Helen Keller, the author, was a disabled person who was deaf in both ears and blind in both eyes. I couldn't help admiring her. In the book, I read about his desire for light, for a pair of bright eyes to see things. God is just unfair, and he did not give her anything, but he wrote this book that shocked the world with his perseverance and the help of his friends. In reading, we can see how much she wants to read, with eyes that can see things clearly and mouth that can speak. She is so great and has overcome so many difficulties and frustrations. Why can't I be a normal person? I suddenly feel that the sky is bright, not so dark, and my previous unhappiness also disappears. Thanks to the teacher, thanks to this book, thanks to Helen Keller. I have a strong interest in learning again. I pick up my pen and put myself back into my study life.


Reading is really a wonderful thing. It makes my life full of light, drives away the darkness that plagues me, fills my life with positive energy, enables me to move forward unswervingly, makes my life full of fun, keeps me active at all times, and makes my life better and different.