In May, the lilac flowers bloom on campus, and under the reflection of the sun, the fragrance is every one on the campus
The corner emanates.
On this day, the vibrant teaching director Li Jun played football with the students as before.But seeing the ball rolled to the soles of Mr. Li Jun's feet, he said that he was late and then. After he kicked, he only listened to "Ah!", His feet quickly retracted home, Teacher Li Jun touched his ankles, squatted on his ankle, squatted sitting onOn the ground, his face gritted his teeth, his expression was very painful!
"Teacher Li-" Zhang Ming shouted in our class.This "naughty bag" is an outstanding figure in the college, but he respects him very much and likes him.He hurriedly asked the past and asked: "Teacher Li, is it seriously hurt?" Originally, the teacher twisted his feet when he played. Under the reception of everyone, Mr. Li came to the hospital clinic and checked the bone fracture.Hospital clinic.
The team leader "Little Pepper" Wang Shanshuang said to everyone on the podium: "Teacher Li was injured, only other teachers came to make up lessons during this time.", Secretly: Teacher Li loves cloves the most, and take some lilac flowers to the hospital to visit the teacher after class.However, you can't afford to buy clove flowers, possess!I can go to the garden garden to pick a few trees!Thinking of here, he smiled slyly.When "Little Pepper" saw the small expression of "Naughty Pack", he knew that he was going to do other people's wives. Thinking: You must keep an eye on him.
After school, Zhang Ming looked at the east in front of the garden garden. Looking west, it was clear that no one later slipped in.But what he didn't know was that "Little Pepper" Wang Jianliang had already seen his every move in a small corner.The "naughty bag" quietly picked a few lilac flowers to escape. I did not expect that a "little pepper" was rushed out halfway.
"What are you doing secretly here? What are you caught behind your hand? Honestly explained, otherwise the crime will be added."
"I ... I ..." "Naughty bag" spit, and then returned loudly: "You want to control so much!"
"Small Pepper" or the folded lilac flowers behind him.
"Okay, you dare to steal Ding Xianghua, did Teacher Li not tell you that you can not destroy the flowers and plants? You even treat the teacher's famous saying as an ear wind."
"I, I just want to pick a few cloves to visit Teacher Li. Teacher Li loves clove flowers the most."
After listening to this sentence, the tone of the "little peppers" was mild, "Only this time, next time we can raise money to send flowers to visit Teacher Li together. Go back and visit Teacher Li together."
The setting sun was gone, and the wind was shining, and the golden Yuhui shot on the cheeks of "little peppers" and "naughty bags". The fragrance of lilac flowers exuded on the campus, refreshing ...
1、校园:校园读音为xiào yuán,是指学校内供休息﹑观赏的园子。亦泛指学校范围内的地面。 大学、学院或学校园中的各种景物及其建筑校园 xiào yuán词语解释:学校内供休息﹑观赏的园子。亦泛指学校范围内的地面。[campus] 大学、学院或学校园中的各种景物及其建筑分词解释:园子:1.园丁。 2.围以篱笆或有围墙的土地。可种蔬菜﹑花木等。 3.旧谓剧院。地面:1.地表面。 2.房屋等建筑物内部及周围的地上用某种材料铺筑的表层。 3.地区;地方。 4.当地;本地。观赏:观看欣赏:观赏名花异草丨观赏杂技表演。休息:暂停体力劳动或脑力劳动或其他活动,以恢复精力。...校园怎么造句,用校园造句»
2、花香:花香读音为huā xiāng,是指花的香气来自薄壁组织中的许多油细胞,油细胞能分泌出有香气的芳香油,芳香油很容易扩散到空气里,当这些芳香油在空气中扩散后,送到我们鼻子里,就会让我们领略到舒服的缕缕香气了。...花香怎么造句,用花香造句»
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