
时间:2022-09-24 13:04:35 | 来源:语文通



我爱广州 篇1我爱广州的夏天作文 篇2我爱广州的夏天作文 篇3《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇4《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇5《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇6《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇7

我爱广州 篇1


I have lived in Guangzhou since I was a child. Guangzhou is my second hometown.I like this city. It has a long history and profound cultural heritage. It carries my longing for food, love of beauty, and respect for history and culture.Let me introduce it to you now.


As the saying goes: "Eat in Guangzhou!" When it comes to Guangzhou food, my favorite is morning tea.Cut a pot of hot and steaming tea, coupled with phoenix claws, shrimp dumplings, radish cakes and other snacks.Behind the Guangzhou cuisine, there are many legendary stories hidden!For example, ginger bumps milk. According to legend, in Shawan Town, Panyu, Guangdong, an elderly wife made a cough. I heard that ginger juice could cure cough, but the ginger juice was too spicy. The wife couldn't drink it at all.In the bowl of ginger juice, after a while, the milk was condensed. After drinking, the wife felt full of fragrance, and the next day was fine.This small story shines on the glory of human nature, expressing the modern ethics of Chinese filial piety culture.


Guangzhou, also known as the beautiful Huacheng.In spring, the red kaptait competes for opening, making the whole city look charming and charming.There are many beautiful scenery in Guangzhou, with charming Baiyun Mountain, towering and full -scale composition network states, majestic Zhongshan Memorial Hall, and Chenjia Temple with Lingnan characteristics.Among them, the night view of Guangzhou fascinated me the most.Whenever the night comes, the graceful Guangzhou Tower will emit a colorful light; the lights on both sides of the Pearl River are projected on the river surface, setting the river surface to be particularly beautiful, as if there is a beautiful world hidden under the river.


Guangzhou is still a historical and cultural city of more than 2,000 years.This is the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road, and has the reputation of thousands of years.Many historical monuments have been left here, such as the tomb of the King of South Vietnam, the Chen Family Temple, and the Farmers' Movement Passer.There are the characteristics of Lingnan culture, there are simple traditional buildings, Cantonese opera performances, Cantonese opera small tones are popular, and the dragon boats of Heyong are fighting courageous ... and my favorite is to watch the dragon boat.Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, the villages here will hold a dragon boat competition.At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was warm and nervous.The dragon boat members flushed their faces, gritted their teeth, and worked hard to move forward.At that moment made me extremely moved, and deeply felt the spiritual connotation of the courage, positive, united and cooperative in Guangzhou culture.


I love Guangzhou and love my second hometown.I wish Guangzhou better and better!getting more pretty!

我爱广州的夏天作文 篇2


Hellem ancient poetry cloud: "Summer inflammation looks like a fire",


The summer of Guangzhou is really hot, but I like the most!In the summer of Guangzhou, the weather is colorful!The bright spring light rushed away with showers, the temperature rose sharply, and it was abnormal for a while, but a storm will drive away the heat waves and feel cool!In the summer of Guangzhou, the most lingering place is the park!


I often go to the sculpture park behind our osmanthus elementary school.There are dense forests, green grass, and flowers.We are wearing shorts and vests there to chase there, sweaty, breath, breathlessness, and how happy!When I was in the setting sun, I boarded the highest peak of the sculpture park with Grandpa to enjoy the sunset, listening to the tweet of the birds returning to the nest, and looking at the fireball of the sun like a large garden, how happy it was!In the summer of Guangzhou, the most exciting sports is swimming!I like to swim in the famous mineral swimming pool with my grandfather and brother.


Its pool water comes from 880 meters deep underground, which is a veritable mineral water.As soon as I entered the swimming pool and put on the swimming trunks, I couldn't wait to jump into the pool. No matter how hot the weather was, the summer was completely disappeared, which was very cool!The Pearl River is the mother river of Guangzhou. It crosses the center of the city. Its water quality is getting better and better. Last July last year, there was an activity of the Pearl River participating in the Pearl River. The scene was very spectacular and moving., Famous world.I want to sign up this year to participate in the Pearl River and show my skills!


The four seasons of Guangzhou each have their own advantages, but I like the summer of Guangzhou the most!

我爱广州的夏天作文 篇3


Ancient Shiyun: "Summer is burning in summer."The summer of Guangzhou is really hot, but I like the most!

广州的夏天,天气多姿多彩! 明媚的春光携带着阵雨匆匆离去,气温骤升,一时闷热异常,但是一场暴风雨就会驱走热浪,顿觉清凉 !

In the summer of Guangzhou, the weather is colorful!The bright spring light rushed away with showers, the temperature rose sharply, and it was abnormal for a while, but a storm will drive away the heat waves and feel cool!

广州的夏天,最令人流连忘返的地方是公园!我常到我们桂花小学背后的雕塑公园玩。那里树林茂密、绿草如茵、鲜花盛开。我们穿着短裤、背心在那里追逐打闹,全身汗流、气呼气喘、多么快活! 我喜欢在夕阳西下的时候,与爷爷一起登上雕塑公园的最高峰欣赏日落, 倾听着鸟儿归巢的。鸣叫,望着太阳像又大又园的火球慢慢西沉,多么心旷神怡!

In the summer of Guangzhou, the most lingering place is the park!I often go to the sculpture park behind our osmanthus elementary school.There are dense forests, green grass, and flowers.We are wearing shorts and vests there to chase there, sweaty, breath, breathlessness, and how happy!When I was in the setting sun, I boarded the highest peak of the sculpture park with my grandfather to enjoy the sunset, listening to the birds returning to the nest.Well, looking at the sun that is like a big and garden, it is slowly sinking west, how refreshing!


In the summer of Guangzhou, the most exciting sports is swimming!I like to swim in the famous mineral swimming pool with my grandfather and brother.Its pool water comes from 880 meters deep underground, which is a veritable mineral water.As soon as I entered the swimming pool and put on the swimming trunks, I couldn't wait to jump into the pool. No matter how hot the weather was, the summer was completely disappeared, which was very cool!The Pearl River is the mother river of Guangzhou. It crosses the center of the city. Its water quality is getting better and better. Last July last year, there was an activity of the Pearl River participating in the Pearl River. The scene was very spectacular and moving., Famous world.I want to sign up this year to participate in the Pearl River and show my skills!


The four seasons of Guangzhou each have their own advantages, but I like the summer of Guangzhou the most!

《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇4


Guangzhou is my hometown, which is very beautiful there, and there are many monuments.There are ancient Tomb of the King of South Vietnam, the beautiful Baiyun Mountain, and the majestic Zhenhai Tower ... Among them, my favorite is: "Five Sheep Stones".


"Five Sheep Stones" are located in the beautiful Yuexiu Park.Five stone sheep have different expressions and lifelike.The old sheep's mouth standing at the height of the titles of Gutui, standing in front, like a warrior protecting his relatives; the old sheep's feet were a group of young sheep, including a pair of mother and son sheep.The mother gently stared at the young sheep who was still in the quiet breasts, fully reflecting the deep motherly love; there were two intimate lambs next to them, like a friendly two sisters.


The "Five Sheep Stone Portrait" has a beautiful legend -Eight years of King Zhou Yi (AD 887), Guangzhou once appeared in Guangzhou.One day, a melodious music came from the South China Sea. Five colorful clouds appeared in the sky. There were five cars on the top, wearing five -color clothes, riding different colors of goats.Sui, floating landed in Guangzhou City.The five caught people gave the rice ears to the Guangzhou people, and wished that there was no famine here, and the food was sufficient.The fairy goes away, while the fairy sheep turns into a stone in Guangzhou.Since then, the wind is smooth and the grains are rich every year.


I love Guangzhou, I love the "five sheep stones".

《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇5


Ancient Shiyun: "Summer is burning in summer."

广州的夏天确实骄阳似火,但我最喜欢!广州的夏天,天气多姿多彩! 明媚的春光携带着阵雨匆匆离去,气温骤升,一时闷热异常,但是一场暴风雨就会驱走热浪,顿觉清凉 !广州的夏天,最令人流连忘返的地方是公园!我常到我们桂花小学背后的雕塑公园玩。那里树林茂密、绿草如茵、鲜花盛开。我们穿着短裤、背心在那里追逐打闹,全身汗流、气呼气喘、多么快活! 我喜欢在夕阳西下的时候,与爷爷一起登上雕塑公园的最高峰欣赏日落, 倾听着鸟儿归巢的鸣叫,望着太阳像又大又园的火球慢慢西沉,多么心旷神怡!广州的夏天,最激动人心的体育运动是游泳!我喜欢与爷爷和弟弟到有名的矿泉泳场游泳。它的池水来自地下深处880米,是名副其实的矿泉水。

The summer of Guangzhou is really hot, but I like the most!In the summer of Guangzhou, the weather is colorful!The bright spring light rushed away with showers, the temperature rose sharply, and it was abnormal for a while, but a storm will drive away the heat waves and feel cool!In the summer of Guangzhou, the most lingering place is the park!I often go to the sculpture park behind our osmanthus elementary school.There are dense forests, green grass, and flowers.We are wearing shorts and vests there to chase there, sweaty, breath, breathlessness, and how happy!When I was in the setting sun, I boarded the highest peak of the sculpture park with Grandpa to enjoy the sunset, listening to the tweet of the birds returning to the nest, and looking at the fireball of the sun like a large garden, how happy it was!In the summer of Guangzhou, the most exciting sports is swimming!I like to swim in the famous mineral swimming pool with my grandfather and brother.Its pool water comes from 880 meters deep underground, which is a veritable mineral water.


As soon as I entered the swimming pool and put on the swimming trunks, I couldn't wait to jump into the pool. No matter how hot the weather was, the summer was completely disappeared, which was very cool!The Pearl River is the mother river of Guangzhou. It crosses the center of the city. Its water quality is getting better and better. Last July last year, there was an activity of the Pearl River participating in the Pearl River. The scene was very spectacular and moving., Famous world.

《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇6


Guangzhou is a beautiful city, a pearl embedded in the east.Guangzhou is infinitely beautiful, the lights are brilliant, and prosperous.It is our cute home.


The environment in Guangzhou is very good. The green trees are shaded by the wide highway. The flowers are gorgeous.The pearl rivers of the mother of Guangzhou are rippling, and they can hardly pick up a piece of paper crumbs. Tour the Pearl River at night.


Guangzhou citizens created beautiful Guangzhou.In the morning, before the sun came out, many people who love sports went to the morning transportation of the event.The bird sings, the breeze blows, and it is extremely comfortable, as if in a fairyland.In the evening, the sunset was shining, and the golden light spread all over the earth. The children carrying a schoolbag and jumping home.


Guangzhou is our mother, I love Guangzhou.

《我爱广州》四年级作文 篇7

广州的夏天,天气多姿多彩! 明媚的春光携带着阵雨匆匆离去,气温骤升,一时闷热异常,但是一场暴风雨就会驱走热浪,顿觉清凉 !

In the summer of Guangzhou, the weather is colorful!The bright spring light rushed away with showers, the temperature rose sharply, and it was abnormal for a while, but a storm will drive away the heat waves and feel cool!

广州的夏天,最令人流连忘返的地方是公园!我常到我们桂花小学背后的雕塑公园玩。那里树林茂密、绿草如茵、鲜花盛开。我们穿着短裤、背心在那里追逐打闹,全身汗流、气呼气喘、多么快活! 我喜欢在夕阳西下的时候,与爷爷一起登上雕塑公园的最高峰欣赏日落, 倾听着鸟儿归巢的鸣叫,望着太阳像又大又园的火球慢慢西沉,多么心旷神怡!

In the summer of Guangzhou, the most lingering place is the park!I often go to the sculpture park behind our osmanthus elementary school.There are dense forests, green grass, and flowers.We are wearing shorts and vests there to chase there, sweaty, breath, breathlessness, and how happy!When I was in the setting sun, I boarded the highest peak of the sculpture park with Grandpa to enjoy the sunset, listening to the tweet of the birds returning to the nest, and looking at the fireball of the sun like a large garden, how happy it was!


In the summer of Guangzhou, the most exciting sports is swimming!I like to swim in the famous mineral swimming pool with my grandfather and brother.Its pool water comes from 880 meters deep underground, which is a veritable mineral water.As soon as I entered the swimming pool and put on the swimming trunks, I couldn't wait to jump into the pool. No matter how hot the weather was, the summer was completely disappeared, which was very cool!The Pearl River is the mother river of Guangzhou. It crosses the center of the city. Its water quality is getting better and better. Last July last year, there was an activity of the Pearl River participating in the Pearl River. The scene was very spectacular and moving., Famous world.I want to sign up this year to participate in the Pearl River and show my skills!