
时间:2022-07-19 13:29:59 | 来源:语文通



Right now, a lively scene.On the brilliant streets, the travers of the exchanges are endless.Thirty -thirty -standing window stands, the supermarket is still standing in the part that will not be changed.Seeing it, these things that had been forgotten had flashed clearly.


Do you remember that it was one night. In the same night, there was no sugar in the family, and parents were too busy. Of course, the daily task of buying sugar was of course fell on my body.In minutes, you can arrive.


Although heaven is sparse, it is cold.The wind blows, it will blow people.I slowly stood up and dressed happily, and I was finally able to shop myself.Opening the door, it was really cold outside. I rushed out, and then ran out of excitement.In the back of the ear, what does the mother say?


I rushed directly to the supermarket to deal with a variety of products. I picked up the left and right to find the white granulated sugar on the storage shelf.It turned out to be a long line, as if I couldn't look at it,


I finally got to me, I took a pocket calmly, eh?What about money?I hurried to find it as if she was crazy, and the sweat of beans flowed briskly along my cheek rhythm. I was anxious for a long time. At the same time, I murmured and kept complaining about the thief.Money, what are you stealing him?I hurriedly rushed to the eyes of the salesperson aunt and the uncle of the security guards.They described things in turn, and the aunt squatted down and touched my head gently; children, I can help you."Speaking of me, I helped me find it. Don't talk about how excited you are. Everyone looks at the west, looking around, there is no ten yuan that has been lost for a long time. I need to get off work when I see it.The expectation of finding money is already confused, I didn't let my aunt look.


I stretched my head and walked home, and the wind was still blowing, but at this time, I couldn't experience it.


When I got home, I had no God's eyes across the dining table. I was amazed at once. The ten yuan was lying quietly on the table, and it seemed to bring the meaning of laughing.I said, "What do you do so fast, you haven't taken it!" I was helpless to deal with all the scenes now.When we returned to the supermarket again, the door had been closed.


One kind of feeling, from the words of words, I do n’t know what it ’s for, only to understand the old things as childhood. It is not all sweet and bitter. It also has an unknown taste, which will make you unforgettable so far.



1、经历:经历读音为jīng lì,是指①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。经历 jīng lì词语解释:①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。分词解释:见过:谦辞。犹来访。唐王维有《酬诸公见过》诗。亲身:1.不离左右的亲近。 2.贴身。 3.亲自。...经历怎么造句,用经历造句»

2、难堪:难堪读音为nán kān,是指①不容易忍受:闷热难堪|那是一段多么痛苦、难堪的日子啊!②窘迫;为难:给人难堪|别再捉弄他了,他已够难堪了。难堪 nán kān词语意思:①不容易忍受:闷热难堪|那是一段多么痛苦、难堪的日子啊!②窘迫;为难:给人难堪|别再捉弄他了,他已够难堪了。分词解释:闷热:气温高,气压低,使人感到躁热气闷﹑不畅快。捉弄:戏耍;戏弄:有意捉弄人|他被人捉弄过几次,再也不敢去了。日子:1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。窘迫:①非常穷困:生计窘迫。②十分为难:处境窘迫。痛苦:1.身体或精神感到非常难受。 2.使身体或精神感到非常难受的事。 3.疼痛苦楚。 4.指使疼痛苦楚。 5.犹沉痛﹐深刻。...难堪怎么造句,用难堪造句»