
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:47 | 来源:语文通



又是一年清明节作文 篇1又是一年清明节作文 篇2又是一年清明节作文 篇3又是一年清明节作文 篇4又是一年清明节作文 篇5又是一年清明节作文 篇6又是一年清明节作文 篇7又是一年清明节作文 篇8又是一年清明节作文 篇9

又是一年清明节作文 篇1


It's Tomb Sweeping Day again, a grey day, a grey land, a grey heart. This Tomb Sweeping Day is very unusual.


What happened today is beyond my imagination. Who is right and who is wrong? I really can't decide, or are we no longer suitable for each other? Or has it always been just my unilateral reason? Am I too fragile, or am I too persistent? Am I too strong, or am I too stupid? Is it truth or I am unreasonable? At this moment, my heart can't be calm and I can't think quietly. Am I too extreme and unacceptable? Perhaps I need a person to talk to, need a person to explain, who can unlock one after another knot in my heart? So that I can face all the good and bad?


I can't remember how many quarrels have been fought, and they have become fiercer and fiercer. Maybe every time I provoked trouble, but every time I was unable to control myself, a little bit of trouble would remind me of all kinds of things in the past. Everyone's attitude, behavior, and what they had done to me in the family rushed to me like an avalanche of mountains and seas, making me unable to breathe, making the small fire burning, Finally, he burned himself to pieces with the person he loved most. When my heart calmed down and I thought about what I had done and regretted it, each other had been scarred. Again and again, whether the other party could not forgive each other, and whether everything was irretrievable?


Looking at the young daughter, I wondered if the original decision was wrong? I often think of the good times, and I think if I can turn back, I will still make the original choice; Once he was not good at understanding people, but he was willing to listen to me ramble until late at night. Now he is far away from those days. How far is it? He can no longer count with figures; Once he did not know how to express his heart in words, but he often gave me a kiss, a hug, and a look to convey his heart. How I miss those days! Has his heart changed, so he can't help showing it?


And myself? I really can't remember how I used to be? I think about how I got along with him so happily, so happily! Who changed who? Or did marriage change us?


Have I changed? Is it the daily necessities that drown me? Did he change? Did the family's livelihood take away his mind? Is it because of this that we forget to add a little flavor to our life and let each other understand more?


I've heard a saying: Treasure is like seasoning. If you can maintain it, you will remember it! Do I cherish it? And did he cherish it?


He did not know, in fact, how much I love him, how much I want to hold him tightly, accompany him to watch the flowers bloom and fall, accompany him to enjoy the clouds roll and ease, and accompany him to walk through life; But whether all this has been unable to continue, I always tell myself not to cry anymore and try to fill the void with a smile, but find out how bad I am at lying, and even I can't cheat myself with a fake smile.


What should we do?

又是一年清明节作文 篇2


There was no rain on Tomb Sweeping Day this year. The weather for the three days of the short holiday was particularly sunny, and every day was fine.


Do you know what to eat on Tomb Sweeping Day? They ate green rice balls and screws. It is said that people in the village have mice, cockroaches and other small animals at home at night when the Tomb Sweeping Day comes. So they ate the screws and put the screw shells on the ground. At night, when the wind blows, the screws will ring, scaring away those nasty little animals.


The origin of the Youth League: A long time ago, there was a patriotic youth who was being chased and killed. He fled to a field in the village. A farmer saw him and said, "Where do you come from?" The young man said, "I was hunted down and fled here." The farmer said, "Have you eaten yet?" The youth said, "I didn't eat." The farmer thought, "If I take food to the field, others will suspect me." While thinking, the farmer rubbed the wormwood along the road with his hands. At the end of rubbing, he found that these wormwood had turned into a small ball. He ate one of them and thought it was delicious. So he made many dumplings for young people to eat. After eating one, the youth thought it was very delicious. The youth fled back to the city with the dumpling. He gave the dumpling to the chef and said, "What is this?". The cook said, "Isn't this wormwood?" The chef heard that the dumpling was very delicious, so he put flour, corn, bean paste, etc. into the dumpling. The dumpling was more delicious and loved by people after the improvement of the chef. Tuanzi has gradually evolved into "Qingming Fruit", which is also called "Qingtuanzi" today. Nowadays, Qingtuanzi is an indispensable food for Qingming Festival!

又是一年清明节作文 篇3


Today, the weather is fine. I went with my family to burn paper for my grandfather, who had died for many years. Although it is spring, the grass is green and the flowers are blooming, my mood has not changed.


When I came to the tomb and looked at my grandpa's slightly out of shape photos, many things about my grandpa came to my mind: my parents were busy with their work, so they took care of me all the time. Therefore, I have lived in the countryside with my grandparents for a long time. Every night, Grandpa always let me ride on his shoulders and take me to the village. The villagers often make fun of him and say, "Old Xu, have you brought your baby granddaughter out to play again?" Grandpa always answered with a smile, "Yes! Yes!" This is the happiest time of my life. But unexpected disasters upset all the good things. Grandpa was not suffering from a serious illness and soon died. At that moment, my brain seemed to stop rotating, my thinking stopped running, and everything around me seemed to disappear


"Bingbing, go home!" A voice interrupted my memory. I came back to my senses and promised, "OK, I'll be right there!" I said to my grandpa silently in my heart: goodbye, grandpa. I will come again next year. I will never forget you!

又是一年清明节作文 篇4


It was Tomb Sweeping Day again, and I couldn't help thinking of that kind old man and his figure that I can never forget.


It was Tomb Sweeping Day again. Although it was sunny, it was still cloudy and rainy in my heart. The cold wind was not blowing much, but it made me feel cold and full of sadness and helplessness.


The tombstone in front of me is old and heavy, and the moss slowly climbs up the tombstone with the passage of years. I still miss you in my heart, my great grandmother is here, and the spirit of heaven is still looking at me?


Memories are gradually deep, and thoughts swing back with the wind


When I was a child, I always lived in my hometown. Every time I went to school and finished school, my grandma sent me to pick me up. But when I was young, I didn't pay attention to the figure that was overwhelmed by years.


In the morning, the sun was shining high and cloudless, and the laughter of children mixed with the voice of old people came from afar. Soon, two very small figures fell on the ground. A smaller figure jumped up and down like a naughty monkey, while a higher figure bent down and walked slowly forward step by step like an ancient clock. Yes, this is Grandma and me.


After chatting for a while, the school bus also came. I waved to my grandmother and ran into the bus to chat with my classmates. Grandma seemed to be in a daze. She stopped to squint at the school bus with her muddy eyes, but she still didn't walk. It seemed that time was still. After a long time, he sighed and walked home with a shudder of relief. The figure drifted away.


In the evening, the rain continued, although it was urgent, it was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Clouds made the figure with the umbrella ignored. The school bus is delayed in the future, and the figure is gradually anxious. Finally, the school bus came slowly, and a young figure came out. Yes, this is Grandma and me.


Grandma! He shouted and hid in the umbrella. The rain outside the umbrella was falling without any space, and the school bus left immediately. Grandma pet rubbed my head and took me home with an umbrella. But I didn't notice. The umbrella moved quietly towards me. The rain wet Grandma's arm, but I didn't have a wetland. Two figures are moving away.


The mood is floating back unintentionally. The eyes are moist. In fact, the greatest wish of relatives is to stay with you, to be happy with you, and to cry with you. This is love.


When the wind blew hard, I took down an umbrella to prop it up and moved to the tombstone. The wind hit me, not painful, but heartache.


It's Tomb Sweeping Day again, to you who can't forget!

又是一年清明节作文 篇5


On the day of Tomb Sweeping Day last year, my mother and I cried bitterly. Everyone knows that the Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival to remember our ancestors and offer sacrifices to them. It's not surprising to cry, but we have special reasons.


That's what happened when I went to the grave in 2021. That day, we got up early and went to the backyard to go to the grave. When I came back from the grave, something sad came like a thunderbolt - my sister who was seriously ill and bedridden went west. After knowing, I burst into tears. For several days in a row, our whole family cried.


Later, our uncle and uncle who lived in the city also learned about it. They rushed to my house by car, and my cousin came back. I took him to the backyard and cried with him about everything. My cousin also cried loudly. After a long time, the cousin said, "Don't cry. My sister is ill. This is also a relief for her. Take it easy. Don't cry." I listened, nodded and said, "That's right. Since she has left, we should see her off. Go quickly, or it will be late." With that, my brother and I went to see my sister off.


In this way, whenever my mother thought of her sister, she would cry for a while. A few days later, a little better. This year, the Tomb Sweeping Day is coming again. I can't help crying when I think of the past.


This is really a great tragedy of life!

又是一年清明节作文 篇6


"During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and passers-by are dying". Every year during this solar term, we silently recite this poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.


On April 5, we went back to our hometown to worship our ancestors, placed some flowers in front of the tomb, burned some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings for our loved ones, and silently prayed for them in our hearts, wishing that they could live happily as we do on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can't help thinking of the years they had spent with us. Those pictures seem to be still vivid. Thinking of these, I can't help crying.


The distant spring scenery came into my eyes. The birds sang the spring sonata. The peach trees were red and willow trees were green all over the mountain. The golden rape flowers' sprouts blew down 'everywhere. The green sprouts were full of spring and everything was reviving. This was a season full of hope and blessing. On Tomb Sweeping Day, let's not only remember the past, but also hope for the future, cherish life, and make our lives more meaningful. Don't waste such a beautiful life, but also have a new understanding of life, so that every day can be full, so that we won't regret, and can be worthy of our ancestors, and express our memories.


The memory of ancestors and relatives on Tomb Sweeping Day. Let's take this opportunity to spur ourselves to move forward with full spirit!

又是一年清明节作文 篇7

清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 ——题记

A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy pointed to the Apricot Blossom Village—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


Swallows fly to the south, sometimes when they fly back; The willows and willows have withered and become green again; Peach blossoms will bloom again when they are withered. But dear grandma, you have been sleeping in this cold cemetery for a long time. I am close to you, but I am separated by yin and yang. I cannot meet you even after a thousand calls. Why don't I feel sad, painful, and full of sadness?


The happiness of Tomb Sweeping Day in my memory has long gone. The Tomb Sweeping Day without you is gray. The endless drizzle made me sad. Cold wind, please tell the heartbroken that the grandma who loves the younger generation like that will never come back.


Through the misty rain, I saw the familiar hillside again. The grass is still green all over the mountain, and the colorful wild flowers are blooming lonely. And the green awnings that no one picked. All this makes me feel very kind. The scenery is still there, but the old woman is no longer there. The picture reappears again. Under the blue sky, a little girl holds the spool of a kite and runs happily. The kind-hearted old man who followed her was just a grandmother. Why was she so pale? Why didn't she stop to rest? I knew she was reluctant.


Grandma left, and I grew up day by day after missing and waiting. Finally, I realized that the swallow could fly back again, but the old lady could not come back when the willows were green again. What I spent with me was the constant yearning and the annual Tomb Sweeping Day.


The Tomb Sweeping Day is a time of remembrance, nostalgia, lamentation, and exhilaration. It contains many stories of our ancestors. When they settle down, their stories will end, and the rest will only be remembered!


Another Tomb Sweeping Day, who are you remembering?

又是一年清明节作文 篇8


Du Mu once said in a poem: "It rains in the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die.". Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. I came to the graveyard of my ancestors to remember them. There are so many gentlemen who sleep in the underground. I only know him, and I've only seen him before he died. Maybe it's the endless drizzle that reminds me of my old grandpa


He suffered from a stroke in 20XX. I was born in 20XX and never saw my grandpa look healthy. I just often heard Grandma and Mom and Dad talk about his grandpa's past. From their words, I know that my grandpa used to be one meter seven. He was elegant, handsome and handsome. He was a soldier. He went to Xinjiang to survey the terrain and draw the first version of Xinjiang map. He returned to Yangjiang to work as an engineer after his discharge from the army. He is loyal and has made great contributions to the initial planning of his hometown. In the first two years of his illness, Grandpa could walk and talk. Later, he was confined to bed and could not move. He became a vegetable. He fought against the disease for 13 years, until that day


That afternoon, I had not finished school, but my mother came to meet me at school very early, saying that she wanted to go back to the old house. Back to the old house? I haven't been back for many days - Grandpa and a baby sitter live there. On the way, I learned from my mother that Grandpa had left. I was stunned for a moment. Did I leave? But I didn't feel a bit sad, because I witnessed my grandfather lying in bed suffering from illness and pain for several generations. It would be better to die than to be free from pain.


Back in the old house, Grandma and Dad have arrived. When he saw us, Dad nodded and stared at me deeply, but his face was expressionless. Two big hands fell on my shoulder,


He pressed heavily and said nothing. Grandma, who has lived with her grandpa all her life, has a calm and kind face and can't show sadness or happiness. Just quietly watching the old man lying on the bed covered with yellow silk. Grandma believed in Buddhism, believed in the theory of passing away, and believed that grandpa's life ended, but he started another life, which was happy and happy. Because grandpa's head has been covered with yellow cloth, I can't see the last expression on grandpa's face. Maybe it will show a slight smile. Relatives and friends did not grieve, but silently recited sutras for Grandpa. On the day of the funeral, I came according to the Buddha's law. I didn't feel sad or cry. I quietly saw my grandpa off for the last time.


After that, I thought that although my grandpa was relieved, it was my grandpa after all. He was once a living life, even if he was sick in bed and could not move or talk to me. Thinking of this, my tears flowed out unconsciously. I'll never see Grandpa again! Never see! He has turned into a particle of dust between heaven and earth, drifting farther and farther, and finally disappeared... But he lives in my heart forever - Yangjiang has the road he designed, Xinjiang has his traces left on the map, and there are many more... In my opinion, grandpa is alive when he is gone.


It was the Tomb Sweeping Day again. I stood in front of my grandfather's graveyard, looked up at the sky, and silently thought: Grandpa of the distant heaven, are you okay there?

又是一年清明节作文 篇9


Du Fu has a poem called Qingming. Indeed, it is always rainy on Qingming Festival. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. According to the "convention", it is drizzling again. Sometimes it rains heavily, which really calls passers-by "want to die"!


On Tomb Sweeping Day, our school will have a three-day holiday. Let's go to "see" those who have passed away.


On the day of Tomb Sweeping Day, I took my father's car and bumped all the way to my grandpa's house. After lunch, we took sacrifices, paper money and walked on the rugged mountain road. Because it had just rained, the ground was wet and slippery, and one foot stepping on the mud would cover the sole of your shoes. We walked slowly. After more than ten minutes, we came to the ancestors' graves and began to worship. Grandpa took out the incense, lit it, and inserted it in the pit in front of the graves. Next, we knelt one by one. It was my turn. I knelt down, put my hands together, and thought: "Grandma and Grandpa bless me for my progress in learning and good health." After I kowtowed, my father began to burn paper money. All of us were very quiet, and tears ran down my cheeks for a long time


On the way back, I felt a lot. We must learn to be grateful from childhood, cherish the people around us, and be filial to our parents. Don't wait for your son to be nurtured but not loved