
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:52 | 来源:语文通



The day before yesterday, the sun was shining.My mother, mother, sister, and the youngest sister, Chen Beibei, to visit my grandmother and grandpa together.


Thirty minutes later, everyone went to the grandmother's house.I also saw my grandmother who was busy in the field. I shouted excitedly: "Grandma, grandma!" She looked up and looked at her most thought -provoking, the most pitying little granddaughter went home!Grandma quickly learned to let go of the living passion to entertain everyone.


After a while, I was idle with my sister. I was muddy, and I couldn't wander around. Because there were stray dogs everywhere in the countryside, I didn't want to become a stray dog hunting.Grandma decided to take us to the field to dig wild vegetables.My sister or I felt very boring and walked alone, and I followed my grandmother.


After a while, I was so tired that I was sweating, and my whole body burst. Suddenly, my sister came to give me a petal orange, and I hurriedly put in my mouth. Well, it is really sweet and sour. My sister is almost icing on the cake. I am surprised and said, "Where are you so delicious?" The sister said with a smile, "Look, the orange branches that are not worth mentioning are full of dense little oranges." The two of us ran quickly In the past, it was under the orange tree. I notice any special tools on my hand! How to do it? "I said depressed. Suddenly, my sister said loudly," Can you go to the tree! " As soon as she said, she hurriedly climbed up the tree, and the posture took the "little lantern" very sharply. I also shouted anxiously under the tree: "Be careful, be careful! "Seeing her proud spring breeze, I would like to try the joy of her own harvest. In the past few minutes, my sister can only jump out of the lush orange branches. The tree "happily picked the" little lantern ". The sister shouted:" Sister leave me a little oranges for me to help me leave a little! In order to get along well in harmony, I jumped off the branches calmly. After climbing up the tree again, the sister picked a few oranges. "What should I do? What should I do? Because I want to pick it again!" When I tried to find a way, my grandfather took a thin and long -term character ladder and left back. At the beginning, I was very worried about always worried Will fall, but "my sister is so bold, I must not be embarrassed in front of her" I whispered to me.


Within a few minutes, the "Little Lantern" of Manchu was all taken away by everyone.Just as I was angry with my sister and I ate my own hard oranges, Beibei ran back, murdering the foreign language that everyone could not understand, attracting everyone to be happy at all.Come down!At that time, the wilderness was full of everyone's happy song and laughter!



1、灯笼:灯笼读音为dēng long,是指一种笼状灯具。其外层多以细篾或铁丝等制骨架,而蒙以纸或纱类等透明物,内燃灯烛。供照明﹑装饰或玩赏。 照明用具,有透明的罩防风,通常有支架或提手灯笼 dēng lóng词语解释:一种笼状灯具。其外层多以细篾或铁丝等制骨架,而蒙以纸或纱类等透明物,内燃灯烛。供照明﹑装饰或玩赏。[lantern] 照明用具,有透明的罩防风,通常有支架或提手分词解释:透明:1.晓悟领会。 2.彻底。 3.能透过光线的。 4.常形容透亮;明白。骨架:骨头架子,比喻在物体内部支撑的架子:这种猪的骨架大,而且瘦肉率很高丨工地上耸立着房屋的骨架。装饰:1.打扮;修饰。 2.装潢。 3.点缀,装点。 4.指装饰品。 5.犹夸饰。铁丝:1.用铁拉成的线状产品。 2.形容黑色丝状物。...灯笼怎么造句,用灯笼造句»