
时间:2022-11-28 12:44:43 | 来源:语文通



1.示 例2、成语解释

1.示 例


1. I'm so happy that I got two new ideas, so that I can think about the way of life by analogy. (Zhu Ziqing's Broad Ocean and Sky and Ancient, Modern, Chinese and Foreign)


2. If we understand this point, we can understand others by analogy.


3. This is what the ancients used to say, that we should learn from others by analogy.


4. He understands literature and art by analogy, and nothing can defeat him.


  【成语】: 触类旁通

[Idiom]: Understanding by analogy

  【拼音】: chù lèi páng tōng

[Pinyin]: CH ù L è I P á NG T ō NG

  【解释】: 触类:接触某一方面的事物;旁通:相互贯通。掌握了某一事物的知识或规律,进而推知同类事物的知识或规律。

[Explanation]: Touch: touch something; Bypass: connected with each other. Mastering the knowledge or laws of a thing, and then inferring the knowledge or laws of similar things.

  【出处】: 《周易·系辞上》:“引而伸之,触类而长之,天下之能事毕矣。”

[Source]: The Book of Changes - Part One of the Commentary: "If you lead and extend it, you can learn by analogy, and the world can accomplish everything."

  【举例造句】: 我真高兴,得着两个新鲜的意思,让我对于生活的方法,能触类旁通的思索一回。 ★朱自清《“海阔天空”与“古今中外”》

[Example]: I'm so happy to get two new meanings, so that I can think about the way of life by analogy. ★ Zhu Ziqing's "Wide Horizon" and "Ancient and Modern China and Foreign Countries"

  【近义词】: 融会贯通、举一反三

[Synonyms]: Comprehend and draw inferences from one instance

  【反义词】: 一窍不通

[antonym]: I don't know anything


2、 Idiom allusion 1. The Book of Changes - Part One of the Series: "If you lead and extend it, you will learn by analogy, and you will be able to accomplish everything in the world."


2. "Qian": "The six trigrams are used to express feelings." Later, "understanding by analogy" means that if you master the laws of some things, you can infer similar things.


3. Linked usage; As predicate and attribute; For learning, etc.