
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:46 | 来源:语文通



Bubble, everyone knows that it is made of soap liquid.It is petite and exquisite, shining in natural light, but its life is very short -lived, as if in a flash.Today, Qingmei also takes everyone to play bubbles. Everyone puts their mouths beside the bubble stick, blows gently, bubbles will climb one by one, and the wind blows from the window.The sky.


It seems that the time stopped at this moment. I stared at this bubble concentrate. They have a variety of tones and different sizes. I feel that every bubble is equipped with a world.In the exquisite, tender bubbles, a girl's heart is bursting around; the emerald green bubbles are equipped with a grassland, emerald green, sheep and beef are full of the ground;Among the blue days, the birds soared freely; the pale yellow bubble was equipped with a piece of rice field, the farmer stood in the middle and smiled joyfully.


It was also blowing a gust of wind, and the bubbles broke one after another, because I returned to reality from my imagination. I looked at the new wave of bubbles, and I would no longer be surging.Life is too similar.The bubbles have a short life, and it may be broken as soon as it goes out. It may be broken after a while, but its terminal is always broken.But some bubbles can fly to the blue sky, but some are only stranded here.Isn't it the same?In the end, you need to be buried, but the key is how to make a colorful color in this short -term years, give full play to your own effects, and make life use value.


Life is short and fleeting.With all the effects of giving full play to life and living, it is the true and actual significance of life.



1、五彩缤纷:五彩缤纷读音为wǔ cǎi bīn fēn,是指五彩:各种颜色;缤纷:繁多交错的样子。指颜色繁多,非常好看。 多种颜色错杂而繁多 柔软光滑的斗篷和一排五彩缤纷的勋章五彩缤纷 wǔ cǎi bīn fēn词语解释:五彩:各种颜色;缤纷:繁多交错的样子。指颜色繁多,非常好看。[rainbow;be gandy with primary colours;be blazing with colour;colourful] 多种颜色错杂而繁多 柔软光滑的斗篷和一排五彩缤纷的勋章分词解释:五彩:1.见“五采”。 2.瓷器釉彩名。于已烧成之白釉瓷器上涂画釉彩,再烧而成。此工艺始于宋元,完成于明代,清以后更有所发展。交错:〈书〉交叉;错杂:犬牙交错ㄧ纵横交错的沟渠。繁多:(种类)多;丰富:花色繁多ㄧ品种繁多ㄧ名目繁多。缤纷:多而杂乱的样子:五彩缤纷|思缤纷而不理。...五彩缤纷怎么造句,用五彩缤纷造句»

2、泡泡:泡泡读音为pào pào,是指1.指鼓起的球状体。 2.谓无聊地消磨时间。泡泡 pào pào词语解释:1.指鼓起的球状体。 2.谓无聊地消磨时间。分词解释:无聊:①精神空虚,没有寄托:闲极无聊|几度无聊倍惆怅。②无以为生:无聊之民|兵戈日交,河东弘农间百姓无聊矣。③说话、做事没有意义和作用,令人讨厌:无聊话少说|这人真无聊。消磨:①耗去;逐渐消失:消磨粮饷|风雨消磨|豪气大半已消磨。②度过闲暇时间:消磨时光|老姐妹说说话,消磨了两个时辰。时间:①物质存在的可用钟表来量度的属性。某一过程的发生、发展、终止,既反映了过程的持续性也反映了顺序性。过程的持续性表现为时间间隔,顺序性表现为日期和时刻。②见“时间与空间”。● 泡 pào ㄆㄠˋ◎ 气体在液体内使液体鼓起来的球状体:泡沫。泡影(a.佛教用“泡”和“影”喻事物的生灭无常;b.现喻落空的事情和希望)。水泡。◎ 像泡的东西:电灯泡儿。◎ 用液体浸物品:泡茶。泡菜。泡饭。泡汤(喻事情或愿望落空)。◎ 故意消磨时间:泡病号。● 泡 pāo ㄆㄠˉ◎ 鼓起而松软的东西:眼泡。豆腐泡儿。◎ 虚而松软,不坚硬:泡桐。这块木料发泡。◎ 方言,小湖(多用于地名):泡子。月亮泡(在中国吉林省)。◎ 同“脬”,量词。...泡泡怎么造句,用泡泡造句»