
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:59 | 来源:语文通


月考反思周记 篇1月考反思作文 篇2月考总结反思作文 篇3初中生月考反思 篇4月考反思作文 篇5月考反思周记 篇6月考反思作文 篇7初中生月考反思 篇8

月考反思周记 篇1


In this chapter examination, I scored ⑨④ in Chinese, ⑧ ⑥ in mathematics and ⑨⑧ in English. The following is my summary of the results of each subject:


Chinese: Chinese ⑨④, which is pretty good for me to say. In the language examination, the main loss is in the basic knowledge, for example, the "already" of "that is all" is written into your "self". This is because I can't distinguish these two characters. I should read them several times in the future until I remember them and then let them go. I haven't memorized the text yet. In the article "Whispers of the Birch Forest", I haven't memorized the last paragraph of the text skillfully, which leads to many sentences can't be filled. Don't cut corners in reciting the text in the future, and take it seriously. In the reading questions, I am not familiar with the text and do not understand the meaning of the sentences. Do more exercises when reading books.


The composition lost ② points, because the topic of the semi proposition composition can not be filled.


Mathematics is not solid because of its basic knowledge. Lose the most points, and remember the formula carefully in class.


English is the worst. Because WHAT; WHERE; HOW。 I don't know what to fill in, so I deducted ② points.


After this exam, I understand my shortcomings and need to correct them.

月考反思作文 篇2


In this month's exam, I scored 94 points in Chinese, but I was not very satisfied with the result, because one of the multiple choice questions was very simple, but I made mistakes due to my carelessness, so I deducted 3 points, which was a pity. If other questions are wrong, they are still convinced that they have not mastered these knowledge well enough. If teachers memorize and use more of the knowledge they have talked about in class and what they have read at home, they can get the points back. This tells them that they should strengthen their extracurricular reading in the future.


Looking back on my academic performance in the first half of the semester, to tell the truth, it was a great setback. The results of the quiz can show the problem. From the first quiz to the final midterm exam in this semester, the results show a diagonal line, which is a downward trend. What's the reason why we couldn't sleep before 11:00 every night last semester? In my opinion, this problem is like a farmer who goes to the mountain to cut firewood, but his knife is not sharp. He spends a lot of time to cut firewood, but the harvest is very little. This "knife" is like yourself. The sharpness of the "knife" is your learning efficiency. The "firewood" is the questions you have done and the tests you have conducted. In the first half of the semester, there was no sharp "knife" in Chinese, so your grades were not high.


In the second half of the semester, I tried to change this situation. I listened attentively in class and asked questions if I didn't understand. I often reviewed and consolidated after returning home. In learning, the more you learn, the more energetic you are. The more happy you are. Once you have finished eating and watched the news broadcast, you begin to write your homework. In the past, when writing Chinese exercise books, we had to rack our brains to think about the problems for a long time, but now most of them can be solved well. Therefore, reflection in analysis is a good way to find the deficiencies. Once you know your strengths and weaknesses, you should think about what you should do in the future. Listen carefully in class, take good notes, actively think and speak about the questions asked by the teacher, and put energy into the class. Try not to lose your mind, so as to ensure the efficiency of class listening. If you listen well, you will naturally write your homework faster. If you finish your homework early and go to bed on time, you can ensure that you are energetic the next day. Listen to your class well, so that a virtuous circle can ensure your academic performance.


My weakness is that my reading ability is poor, so I should do more reading questions to enhance my comprehension, accumulate more and improve my writing ability when I have enough time.


After such reflection, we should act in reflection, improve in reflection, and strive for greater progress!

月考总结反思作文 篇3


Last week, our school held the first monthly exam. In this monthly exam, I got 13 students in my class and 18 students in my grade, which is quite satisfactory (the second highest in history). Chinese and chemistry ranked 8 and 16 respectively. Mathematics, foreign language and physics are 27, 57 and 19 respectively. After comparison, I found that English and mathematics were the main subjects for me to score in this month's exam. My English level in the grade is also average, but not solid, this time is the lowest 78 points in history. In terms of English, first of all, we should ensure that there is no deduction of basic points, and at the same time, we should improve our reading and gestalt. When we have more to memorize, we should work hard at ordinary times. Only in this way can we not lose the basic points of the monthly exam summary and reflection composition 600 words of the monthly exam summary and reflection composition 600 words. In mathematics, the score of 92 can't satisfy me. The reason is that I think there are loopholes in the combination of details and knowledge, Before) WWW.. CN (I didn't form good learning habits, and the vagueness of concepts was exposed in this math paper. What's more, my thinking was not sufficiently divergent, and I didn't think of a problem for half an hour. I couldn't finish the final question, and I also deducted points for the details. This kind of learning must be abandoned. Physics and mathematics are the same, so we need to combine the old with the new. At the same time, we need to exercise the preciseness of thinking, and learn the knowledge points thoroughly Two. Only when we have learned the truth, can our thinking be fully divergent. And we should develop good study habits and never relax the details


Chinese and chemistry have a lot to memorize in this month. Although the results are good, they all have a pity score. Therefore, we should step up the review and timely summary after learning the knowledge, which will be improved.


In the future study life, there is still a long way to go. Good study habits are the guarantee of success. My goal is not to lose points that I feel sorry for in all exams. Learning without thinking is like eating without digesting. I believe that with a good attitude towards learning, I will improve my learning quality after my own thinking and summary.

初中生月考反思 篇4


The results of the first monthly examination of junior high school have been released, with 92 points for Chinese ranking first in the class, 98 points for mathematics ranking second, 100 points for English, 91 points for comprehensive, and reflection on the first monthly examination. This seems to be a good result, but there are also some small regrets hidden in it. These regrets are all caused by negligence.


Speaking of Chinese first, except for the four points deducted from the composition, the remaining four points should not be lost. If the answer to two questions is incomplete, one point will be deducted, one point will be deducted if the answer is not complete, and one point will be deducted if the answer is not quoted, and one point will be deducted if the answer is "paint the snake and add the foot". If I can complete them meticulously, wouldn't my Chinese achievements be a considerable number?


Maths should not be sloppy. One mistake will lead to everlasting regret. Although one is right, making the absolute value negative is like scratching a mouse in my heart. Alas, I can only blame myself for being too careless.


The history part is even more damaging. The standard answer to the question about the historical status of Simuwu Ding is the largest bronze ware in the world, but I wrote the largest Ding in the world through rough processing. I added four words after it - for sacrifice, one point should have been deducted, because one point was deducted for each of them.


Not to mention biology, 43 points. If it was not for the historical stubborn resistance, otherwise, 90 points would be lost, and the biology class representative would be dead.


A series of mistakes in the monthly exam, due to careless loss of scores, I made mistakes in what I would have done, and I don't regret it! Don't make similar mistakes again in the future. No matter what you do carelessly, it will always delay the overall situation. Second, I suffered a lot from "painting the snake to add feet". When reviewing materials, we should make clear and understand each knowledge point, and review the knowledge we have learned every day in a timely manner. He who by reviewing the old can gain knowledge of the new and is fit to be a teacher.


In fact, the monthly exam is not so difficult. A serious and careful attitude will make everything possible.

月考反思作文 篇5


Day, the math midterm exam results came out. The teacher handed out the test paper, and I went through it carefully. The main reasons for failing the test were carelessness and carelessness. Since we have made mistakes, we must correct them. Therefore, after passing this exam, I also want to learn a lot. In the future, I must correct my learning attitude and develop good learning habits.


First of all, I should get rid of the bad habit of not reading carefully. Sometimes I just look at the first half of the question and start to answer it, but the answer is not what I asked. This may have something to do with other learning skills. In a word, I will carefully examine the topic, read the topic carefully, and see the topic accurately. After finishing the topic, check it several times, and never allow yourself to make similar mistakes again.


I felt guilty when I saw my poor score. What's more, the questions I lost points were all simple calculation questions.


When you ask me why I was wrong, you will surely guess that I would say: because careless. But instead of saying that, I would say that knowledge is not firmly mastered. The teacher taught me a lot of ways to do problems, but I used extraordinary ideas to solve some simple problems, which led to mistakes.


My mother told me earnestly: Chinese and mathematics are like two legs of a person. If one leg is long and the other is short, of course, it will be impossible to walk. Although your Chinese score is good, your math score is not ideal. We must catch up with mathematics, so that we can walk steadily and run fast without limping. I firmly remember these words.


This time, my math score is not ideal, and I will work hard. As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. You can get up from where you fall.

月考反思周记 篇6


How time flies! In the blink of an eye, the first monthly exam of the school had ended. I had a comprehensive review before the exam. I was confident that I could get good results in this monthly exam.


The math test paper was handed out on Thursday, which surprised me. I even got 92 points in the math test. I looked carefully at the test paper, and four points were deducted from the judgment questions, two points were deducted from the application questions, and two points were deducted from the wrong calculation questions. I reflected for a moment. Am I proud? Is it my bad attitude to study? No, it isn't. After my reflection, I know that in the exam, we should stabilize our emotions and check the meaning of the question, so that we won't make mistakes easily and can get high scores.


Through this monthly examination, I felt my own shortcomings. I decided that I would not give up in the future study. After this reflection, I understood that the best results were obtained by my own efforts. For this reason, I will make up my mind to read the questions carefully from now on, whether in normal times or during the examination, to overcome the problem of carelessness, to examine the questions carefully, to see clearly and look at the questions, and to check them several times when time permits. I am determined to carry forward the results, overcome the shortcomings, and make further progress in the mid-term examination!

月考反思作文 篇7


Tomorrow is the monthly exam, and I can't help feeling a little nervous, even after full review. The so-called ease is just a way to comfort yourself, and is it very effective? It's better to calm down and think about what you need to pay attention to before the exam and how to give full play to your own level, just by constantly giving psychological hints. Results are secondary, and the most important is the method and process of learning. As in the function, methods are independent variables and results are dependent variables, which are proportional.


Since the last teacher's lesson, we have trained three ability training software, namely "careless training", "speed improvement training" and "digital memory training", which have greatly improved our learning abilities. If you have the habit of not being careful, and lose a certain score in the exam, or lack of handwriting, neatness, and speed, these trainings can be realized as a kind of ability improvement. So far, I have passed two trainings, which are very helpful to my study. But the purpose of training it is not only to win more points for ourselves, but also to put it into study as a kind of ability for our own use.


The math and physics teachers told us that the monthly exam had a large number of questions, a small amount of time, and high requirements for students, which meant that we had to maintain high quality at high speed. The students were frustrated and their confidence declined. I think carefully, isn't this a test of the knowledge I have learned and the results of "speed training" and "careless training" I have done in recent months? I need to apply my usual training state to the exam, and put my usual training mentality on the exam, so as to make a major breakthrough.


On the contrary, English has fewer questions and higher scores. If you make 2-3 mistakes, you will not get high scores. This requires me to use the anti-interference memory training to maintain my concentration and high accuracy to the maximum extent and overcome carelessness in the exam tomorrow.


I feel that these quizzes should give me a lot of confidence and confidence. I should be more confident in the exam tomorrow, and use all the knowledge I have learned in the exam. I still need to overcome carelessness, win steadily and strive for good results.

初中生月考反思 篇8


Time passed quickly, and the first monthly exam of the school started in a blink of an eye had ended. However, the time left for me is irretrievable; In the face of this excellent but not sharp and "stumbling block" like score, I can not help but fall into meditation; I feel infinite remorse in my heart when I see a lot of questions that should not be wrong are marked with a big cross


When I calmed down and scanned the examination paper carefully again, I found how careless and impatient I was. As soon as I got the question, I started to write. If I didn't understand the question, I started to panic. I didn't know where to start. As a result, I totally lost the score of a 9 point math question, which makes me very sad now.


Also, although I always said, "The teacher didn't talk about these topics at all..." In fact, when I look back, I feel how ridiculous and ignorant I am! "Didn't mention" I thought this reason could cover up all the mistakes. Now I think it would be better if I didn't review and preview regularly and quantitatively. If you can review and preview, what's the big deal if the teacher doesn't talk about it? Now the responsibility can only be shifted back to ourselves. Preview has always been an important requirement for students to learn. If we don't do it before class, our learning will be greatly reduced. Knowledge is accumulated over time. It is impossible for people to input a large amount of learning content into their brains in a very short time. "Eat every meal", "fish for three days and bask in the net for two days", which will only get twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, we must learn regularly and quantitatively.


We must learn by heart as required by the teacher. We must learn by heart in an understanding way, not by rote. If we learn by rote, when the topic is flexible and flexible, it will lead to a series of mistakes.


From this month's exam, I have summarized many learning principles and methods. When we fail in the exam, if we just look for reasons, or put the blame on others, we will always cover up our mistakes and continue to make mistakes.


If the learning task that should be completed every day is not completed, and you like to review intensively and make a sudden attack on the exam, it will be more difficult to get good results if you owe what you should learn and write down every day. It is necessary to accumulate knowledge every day, review every day, and concentrate on learning. Learning depends on accumulation, and learning depends on hard work; There is only one chance, and you can't miss any exam!