
时间:2022-08-02 13:24:26 | 来源:语文通



The buds of the tulies are dotted with crystal dew, and it seems to be immersed in the sweet dreams of welcoming the wind.


I bathed in the brief coolness of the summer morning, bid farewell to the beauty that was about to bloom, and got into the car where I drove to the school.The pleasant rice flower aroma lingers in the nose, and the brocade -like seedlings beside the road turned into a scroll of Danqing painting. The end of the painting was the first military training in my learning career.


The six -day military training kicked off for the applause of the school leaders.Looking at the kind instructor in front of the queue, the words of my father sounded in the ear again: If you want to be a soldier, you must exercise a steel -like will and physique so that you can shoulder responsibility.Therefore, the instructor is not only the instructor, but also a role model for learning.


The most basic project of military training is to stand in the military posture. The instructor said that this is a prerequisite for training other projects. We must practice it.Unexpectedly, there was neither sunlight nor long -distance running during military training. Those military training was the rumors of devil training. I was thrown out of the clouds. I was full of confidence in myself.The instructions of the instructor Hong Liang pulled my thoughts back, "Top chest, abdomen, knee straight ..."


Taking advantage of the rest time, I found a position closest to the instructor and talked to him.He told me those naughty boys, saying those weaker girls, and later told me all kinds of in the army.Looking at his dark face and disappointed look, I respectful.At this moment, I do not know how many bloody youths stayed loyally in their posts, even if it was scorching the sun.I want to be a member of their queue: face the loud report of the dawn, sing military songs in the afterglow, and dedicate the best youth to the motherland.What makes me even more admirable is the faintness of his body, is he perseverance or not afraid of sacrifice?It's all.


After a few days of training, the instructor and us also established friendship.We like the humor that he pretends to be angry when we laugh, and we are afraid of his face and frowning eyebrows when we are angry.Maybe because he is an old monitor, he is considerate and cared for everyone.There is only one headache -sing before eating, but under the "intimidation" of the fragrance and singing good song in the cafeteria, we finally sang the song: "Unity is strength""


The military training was over, and at the show, our achievements were unsatisfactory.


Before the instructor walked, he said to me that the future of the way, no matter how hard, will go on, like a flower, even if it is burned by the scorching sun, at least once the dream fragrance is fragrant, let's persist!



Today, I believe it is a very unforgettable day in my life. I believe that I will be extremely pleased in the next day.


On September 18, 2019, it is both my unforgettable day and a day when I am not forgotten. On this day, I came to a city that was strange to me with an extremely excited mood. In this strange city, IThe upcoming three years of the future is a brand new beginning for me.


In this unfamiliar country, I felt extremely panic and nervous in my heart. I was so far away from my parents for the first time. My heart had both a kind of joy for freedom and the miss of my parents.I have been separated from my parents. I feel different people in the strange city. I will never have a parent to do anything, and I have to open myself. I can believe in this strange city.Perhaps only if you leave your home can you realize the difficulty of your parents and the beauty of your hometown ...


The mother farewell at the station, and the moment I turned around, I felt tears flowing unknowingly. At this moment, I felt clearly in my heart that as we grew older, we were slowly staying away from our parents' arms.To gain growth, we will have no excuse to rely on our parents, and we should grow up.


Back at school, I put my thoughts on my parents in my heart and began to adapt to everything that was unfamiliar to me.I adapted to everything in the new school in a few days.Time is fast, and we have welcomed the military training of the new school without knowing it. I really look forward to military training, because in a person's life, there are not many opportunities such as military training, only junior high school, high school, university.So I especially look forward to the last military training in my life.


During the military training, because we were a company, we were in the military training show, so our instructors were excellent. Because he was responsible for his responsibility, he was responsible for training, so he was very strict with us.Under the hot sun, we stood in the playground with a poker card in our hands; under the pouring rain, we practiced the separation of our chests; under laughter and laughter, we still stood up in the playground and practiced military training show showProject in China.


In the playground, we left our deep footprints, laughter, sweat.One day, the instructor suddenly told us that he was leaving, and he was going to train another tactical team. Our mouth said good, okay, you are finally leaving, but what we think is that you are joking.Don't believe it.But the next day, we were slapped by reality. The instructor was gone. No one cares about it. We have become a group of free -range soldiers. We are at a loss in place. Is this parting?Is this so attentive?


In the days when there was no instructor in the last few days, we did not slack because of the instructor's absence, and all of us performed better than before.In the military training show, we live up to expectations. We have not disappointed the sweat and efforts we have paid. We have succeeded. We have gained the first place in the military training show. We are not sorry for the instructor to pay for us.At the moment of receiving awards, we jumped happily and we were extremely happy.


With the end of the leadership speech, our ten -day military training is also over. We are very happy because we can go home and go home to National Day.Perhaps this joy diluted the sentimental distinction between the instructor. For the instructor, I think we owe him a solemn parting.Maybe this is the so -called youth regret.But think about it from another perspective, maybe we will not forget the instructor in this life. Maybe when we think of our instructors, we will think of the instructor and the last military training time that belongs to us.


No matter what the difference is, we are forced to avoid reality, but we must always know that we are to meet better in the future, to meet that better ourselves.It is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you still walk in place after the separation, but the other person is getting farther and farther. When you gather again, it is full of embarrassment.After you go to a strange place, don't be afraid. Like everyone else, you are looking forward to this world.We want to take this as a new starting point for our, a new beginning, and we have to write our own new stories in strange cities.


Let's look forward to the transformation of our three years together, come on, teenager.May you still never forget your original intention.



There are so many stories in life, and there is one of the most memorable things in these memory stars.


It was a day afternoon, and it was already out of school at that time. Several students and I were doing homework in the classroom. After writing for a long time, the fourth group suddenly came up with a landslide. I looked at with this loud voice.It turned out that two classmates were fighting!I thought: Don't care about them, let them quarrel, but I turned back: I am the captain of the middle school, I should stop them.After thinking about it, I put down the "live" in my hand and turned to pull them away. I thought it was okay, but when I turned around, I was dumbfounded, and they even played even more.People also came to help, and the two of us opened them while talking to them ... After speaking for a long time, they stopped "fighting", and the two of us were exhausted, but we were still very happy because we persuaded a pair in the pair inStudents who fight, and I am even more happy, because this is the first time I have persuaded my classmates since I was a "official".


This incident made me know that the friendship of my classmates is particularly important.Growing like a train, it has been moving forward.There are many things to wait for you to face. When you pass the beautiful fields and green grasslands, you will definitely gain.<<<<



Military training is finally over. In just a few days, I have been exposed to a little black child.


But I don't regret it. I have learned a lot in military training. I have become a little man in the sky.


I learned to sort out my own domestic affairs. I used to help me fight for me. Now I can lay bed, stack the quilt, organize the room, and never worry about my mother.I have also learned the spirit of strong and hard work. Although military training is tired, we have also stronged our bodies and hone our willpower. This is the best harvest.


The day of military training and tears will make me unforgettable!



That day, it was a wonderful day. The long -awaited military training finally arrived, and the excitement of the students could be imagined.Along the way, the sound of raindrops performed a cheerful symphony for us. In a blink of an eye, we went to the comprehensive practice school of primary and secondary school students in Wujiang District.


Forever "406"


With a light step, we got out of the car.I saw a "tank" magnificent and magnificent. The whole school was solemn and solemn, and my excitement poured into my heart again.Under the leadership of the teacher, we received "camouflage uniforms" and "camouflage pants".We put on them as if they really became small soldiers, and we felt extremely glorious.Later, my door went to the dormitory.


Entering our "home", the whole person seemed to have come to a brand new world, and there was an inexplicable warmth.We organize domestic affairs, cooperate with each other, clean up, room 406 is like a happy and warm family.


Delicious lunch


At noon, our stomach was "grunt".Suddenly, the sharp whistle sounded, and we were busy, at a loss, just rushing down.Running to the square, one after another "small soldier" stood upright, like a rectangular army, very imposing.The instructor introduced us all the military regulations here, including the time to get up in the morning.Then we walked towards the cafeteria.


When I came to the cafeteria, a fragrance came, and our stomach was getting hungry.Seeing a plate of fragrant dishes on the table, our saliva swallowed.With a order, we picked up chopsticks and gobbled, like a hungry tiger.After a while, the full meals were eaten, and the students were full of blessings.


"Devil" training


"Devil" training开始了。

Once a nap is the most headache time- "Devil" training has begun.


When we came to the open space, we began to stand in the army.Standing into a horse step with your legs, with your hands close to the pants, one stop is 10 minutes.At the beginning, I felt that the legendary "standing military posture" was not the case, that is, "Li Zheng" is even more common.But what I never thought was that after a while, our legs were sour, and sometimes they kept trembling, as if they had experienced the baptism of storms.Suddenly, a classmate was "falling", and another "no".The strict instructor spoke loudly: "Hold your head with both hands! Do 30 squats!" We are numb with your legs, if there is a big bed under your feet, how good it is! "One minute, two minutes ..."


Finally, our bitter days were boiled.In the evening, after washing, we could sleep comfortably.We forgot all the troubles, all exhaustion, and sleep.



On Monday morning, I got up at 6:30.After I put on my clothes, I brushed my teeth and washed.My mother prepared a rich breakfast for me.


After breakfast, my mother sent me to school. In the car, my mother and I said and laughed. When we spoke, the time was lost in one minute, and I came to school in a blink of an eye. After coming to school, the fourth grade students carried big bags of luggage. Teach our instructors, and teach our instructors as Jingpeng, and we call him Beijing instructor. The instructor led us to the car. In a blink of an eye, we came to the social practice base of primary and secondary school students in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. Instructor Jing first led us to the dormitory to put the luggage. After putting the luggage, we came to the playground. We started the first day of training. The first day of training is the most tired for everyone, but we still persist strongly. Everyone's meals on the first day, everyone has a little uncomfortable. In the evening, the interesting show came. Students from the Northern Normal University were sitting in the dining room, and Yugai Si Xiao was sitting under the training shed. Under the training shed, we learned a good example of Lei Feng. We have a good example of learning Lei Feng with the Elements of the University of Normal University. The school sings the sound. After the interesting session, we returned to the dormitory to sleep.


The next morning, we got up at 6:20.After we washed, we went to the dining room for breakfast.After breakfast, we started training.We started to learn martial arts fitness exercises "Rising Sun East", after finishing the study.It's night, organizing watching movies tonight, watching movies about soldiers.After watching the movie, we went back to the dormitory.


On the third morning, we got up at 6:20.After we washed, we went to the dining room after finishing the interior.After breakfast, we started a new day of training.Today, we learned the traffic police command exercise.One day passed, and we went back to the dormitory to sleep.


On the morning of the fourth day, we still got up at 6:20 as usual.After washing, I went to the dining room.After breakfast, training started.In the evening, we held the party party.After the party is over, he returned to the dormitory.


On the morning of the fifth day, I had a bed at 6:20.After breakfast, organize your luggage.After lunch, go back to school.


These five days have improved my independent self -care, and I have improved my own quality.


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I cannot change the weather or change the school's military training plan, but I can change myself ...


The vicious sun spread and spread at this time.But I know the feeling of pain is the best evidence we exist.


A drop of sweat fell from the cheek, fell freely in the air, and finally fell to the ground, fragmented.On the quiet playground, I heard the pain in the sweat.


Today is the last day of military training.

每一次的训练开始前,教官总要求我们站十五至三十分钟的军姿。所谓军姿,顾名思义,就是军人的姿态:立正、站直、目光平视、重心前移、双手紧贴裤缝。动作虽然简单,但是在炎炎烈日下,在灼 热的操场上,纹丝不动地站上这么一段时间却不容易。要知道,我们可是衣来伸手饭来张口的“小皇帝”、“小公主”,哪受过这种罪!对我们来说,几乎每站一次军姿都是一次折磨。体质好点的会是 满头大汗,龇牙咧嘴,体质虚的直接喊报告要求休息,还有人连“报告”都没有机会喊就晃晃悠悠直接晕倒了。

Before each training starts, the instructor always requires us to stand for 15 to 30 minutes of military posture.The so -called military posture, as the name suggests, is the attitude of soldiers: standing, standing straight, looking at the eyes, shifting forward, and tightly attached to the pants.Although the action is simple, under the hot sun, it is not easy to stand on the scorching playground for such a period of time.You know, we are the "Little Emperor" and "Little Princess" who have stretched out their hands to open their mouths.The better constitution will be sweaty, grinning with teeth, and a direct shouting report to ask for a rest, and some people even fainted without even "reporting" without a chance to shout.

但是在今天下午,在第八次享受到这种军人的洗礼时,第一次没有人倒下。准确地说,站完这一次军姿之后,连抱怨之声也少了许多。军训的内容依旧,但是我们的态度已经有了变化,变得积极了许多 。这才是军训,受苦受累只是过程,自己积极的变化才是最终目的。我们今后的生活定会因此而受益匪浅。

But this afternoon, when I enjoyed the baptism of this soldier for the eighth time, no one fell down for the first time.To be precise, after standing this military posture, even less complaints have been complained.The content of military training is still, but our attitude has changed and has become much more positive.This is military training. It is only the process, and the active changes are the ultimate goal.Our future life will definitely benefit a lot.


Looking up, seeing yourself in the mirror, his body is upright.When I walked to the mirror, I found that my skin was dark, and my eyebrows were missing in the past, but the strength of the soldiers was a little bit more.Give myself a confident smile, I said to myself, what's the pain!


I will not forget this day.What I chase is the sound of the pain, that is the sound of growth!



1、军训:军训读音为jūn xùn,是指军事训练。 对非正式军人所进行的军事训练军训 jūn xùn词语解释:军事训练。[military training] 对非正式军人所进行的军事训练分词解释:军事训练:军事理论教育、作战技能教练等活动的总称。包括部队训练、军事院校训练和预备役训练。在现代,强调通过训练提高军队的协同作战能力、快速反应能力、电子对抗能力、后勤保障能力和野战生存能力。在国家武装力量建设和战备工作中占有重要地位。● 军(軍) jūn ㄐㄩㄣˉ◎ 武装部队:军威。军服。行(xíng )军。军功。军犬。军备。军纪。军衔。军阀。军令状。异军突起。溃不成军。◎ 军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。◎ 泛指有组织的集体:劳动大军。● 训(訓) xùn ㄒㄩㄣˋ◎ 教导,教诲:训诫。训蒙(教育儿童)。训迪(教诲开导)。教(jiào )训。培训。◎ 可以作为法则的话:家训。◎ 典式,法则:不足为训。◎ 解释词的意义:训诂(解释古书中的字、词句的意义。亦称“训故”、“诂训”、“故训”)。训读(日文借用汉字写日语原有的词,用日语语音读汉字)。...军训怎么造句,用军训造句»

2、故事:故事读音为gù shì,是指旧日的行事制度;例行的事:虚应故事丨奉行故事(按照老规矩敷衍塞责)。故事 gù shì词语意思:旧日的行事制度;例行的事:虚应故事丨奉行故事(按照老规矩敷衍塞责)。(1) [old practice]∶旧日的制度;例行的事奉行故事虚应故事(2) [history](3) 掌故,典故(4) 旧事,先例苟以天下之大,而从六国破亡之故事,是又在六国之下矣!——宋. 苏洵《六国论》(5) [story]∶用作讲述的事情,凡有情节、有头有尾的皆称故事民间故事英雄故事(6) [episode;plot]∶文艺作品中用来体现主题的情节,故事梗概分词解释:行事:1.办事;从事。 2.所行之事实。 3.出使之事;行人之事。 4.指行房。 5.往事;成事。敷衍塞责:敷衍:马虎,不认真,表面上应付;塞责:搪塞责任。指工作不认真负责,表面应付了事。制度:1.谓在一定历史条件下形成的法令﹑礼俗等规范。 2.制订法规。 3.规定。 4.指规定品级的服饰。 5.制作。 6.谓制作方法。 7.规模;样式。旧日:过去的日子:想起旧日的情景。...故事怎么造句,用故事造句»