
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:25 | 来源:语文通



重阳节作文 篇1重阳节作文900字 篇2重阳节节日作文 篇3重阳节的作文 篇4重阳节作文 篇5重阳节作文 篇6

重阳节作文 篇1


The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a traditional festival, the Double Ninth Festival. The Double Ninth Festival is also known as the "Old Man's Day" because it is a festival of love, respect and filial piety for the elderly.


The great Chairman Mao Zedong once wrote, "Life is easier to be old than to be old, and the sun is the same year after year. Now the sun is the same again, and the yellow flowers in the battlefield are particularly fragrant. The annual autumn wind is strong, not like spring. It is better than spring, and the vast river is full of frost."


The old are great and worthy of respect. They spent their childhood in the war years. Now, we are born in a new era, much happier than them. We have never tasted the hardships they have suffered. At that time, they had to use their hard work to solve the problem of food and clothing. What about us now? Clothes come to us, food comes to us. We don't need ourselves, as if we were living a life of royalty. In contrast, why don't they work harder than us?


The old are the most experienced. They have seen a lot of the world, and we don't understand what they understand, even those who are very knowledgeable don't understand. We may not understand what they understand.


Old people are great. They survived their childhood in the flames of war, they gave birth to us, and they raised us generation after generation. We don't have their greatness.


by the way! Many interesting things have happened between us and them. I remember when I was a child, I fought with my grandmother. I was confident that I could win a big victory! At first, I was sure of winning, but gradually I could not support it. My heart silently "cried out": "God! Why is Grandma so strong? Did she take the Powerful Pill?!" Finally, I was defeated: I slipped and fell on the ground accidentally, just hitting a small chair beside me. I cried in pain, but my grandma kept laughing


The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for the elderly. All of us should respect and love the elderly. Let them have more happiness on this day, no, in their whole old age. This is what we should do.


Double Ninth Festival作文900字 篇2


Double Ninth Festival

五年级七班 秦林琳

Qin Linlin, Class 7, Grade 5


Double Ninth Festival。


At this time, the nursing home will be brightly lit and people will come and go. Every old man's face is filled with a bright smile. And there is also an "antique" in our family, who is my grandpa. Now he is 80 or 90 years old. Born in the Republic of China, he has witnessed the glory and destruction of history. I often heard him tell stories of the 1930s: "The 1930s was good or bad, but it was not bad. I've seen soldiers before..." The old man said that every time he met. I still remember that time when I was playing in the yard, I saw something shining on the roof. I asked my father to take a ladder and go up to see the ocean. Some were painted with pictures, some were written with some unknown ancient texts, but it was not difficult to see that it was the title of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty. I took it to the grandpa, He said, "Oh, these gadgets are the only things left by our family during the Cultural Revolution. Before that, there were some other ancient coins and silver hairpins. Even your grandma's dowry was stolen!" "There is a phoenix crown in the dowry, which is a headdress for singing..." From this passage, I know what happened to every family during the Cultural Revolution.


In addition, he is also very strong and energetic. I can eat by myself. It's not a problem to walk around on crutches. I can't get rid of the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. I go to bed on time at 9 o'clock every night and get up at 6:30. We really have to learn from him.


This is my "antique" - an "antique" full of energy and laughter every day. I love him very much, and he loves me very much.


In fact, what the elderly need is not money, gifts or the "Are you OK" on the phone, but children often go home to have a family reunion dinner, which is the most important. "Every family has an old man, and everyone will be old." Everyone will change from a young man in his prime to an old man with white hair. No matter how well others treat you, they can't be better than their parents. Pay more attention to the elderly and let them enjoy their old age. I wish all the old people good health and good luck.


"Every family has an old man, and everyone will be old". To care for the old people today is to care for themselves tomorrow.

重阳节节日作文 篇3

秋高气爽直天清气爽,又到重阳街头多了为老人服务的小站,报纸电台开始宣传如何 www.1mi.net 敬老爱老,敬老院,颐养院趁势又多开了几家。

The air is cool in autumn and the sky is clear. There are many small stations serving the elderly on the streets of Chongyang. Newspapers and radio stations begin to publicize how WWW.1MI works NET respect and love the elderly, nursing homes and nursing homes have opened several more.


Most of the small stations serving the elderly are sincere, and some take the opportunity to sell some so-called therapeutic instruments. Just after doing a simple body measurement for the old man for free, the old man was too busy to take out the instruments and show them to the old man. With all his skills, he swore to let the old man buy it.


Some units will definitely take action on the day of Chongyang. They are called to send love to the elderly, but they actually earn fame for the unit, and they will send some unreliable gifts, such as vision care instruments, which the elderly can use but can't manage. Usually, there are often cases of abuse of the elderly in nursing homes. But the nursing homes still need to open, just change their names and regroup. As for whether the service quality has improved, it is unknown. Based on the current social environment, many families are children., When we are old, many people may have the opportunity to spend their twilight years in elderly care homes because of various reasons, or because the children are away from home or work, or because of their own reasons. Why don't people worry about such a situation in the future?


Really care about the elderly, do not only care about the form, do not express concern at festivals, do not need to use money and material to measure the degree of care. When you are away from home, the elderly will be very happy if you send a message or a phone call with sincere greetings. The economy is not very good. It's also filial piety to help the elderly do more housework and talk with them. As for corporate holiday love, we should really do something practical for the elderly and reduce the vanity of fishing for fame.


Caring for the elderly, how to do a good job in the Sunset Project requires the attention and efforts of our whole society. To treat the elderly well is to treat ourselves well.

重阳节的作文 篇4


On the Double Ninth Festival, my parents and I came to Qifeng Park early in the morning to prepare for mountaineering.


Just arrived at the gate square of the park, the sound of loud homesickness songs came from the stereo. Looking in the direction of the sound, it was crowded with people. Strong curiosity drove me to step forward quickly.


Through the dense crowd, I saw an uncle with missing hands kneeling on the ground, holding a brush with his bare wrists while writing. The words "struggle", "honesty" and "quiet" are beautifully written. From paper laying to fixing to inking to writing until a calligraphy work is completed, although it takes twice as much time and energy as normal people, everything is so skillful and natural! Accompanied by the song "Are you still getting so little? Are you still paying so much? There are always some irregularities in life since ancient times. Please don't pay too much attention to them, and have a good life. I am afraid that we are not simply giving alms, but expressing a kind of heartfelt respect!


We came to the foot of the mountain with a restless mood for a long time. I almost got angry and climbed to the Yellow Flag Peak. Although I was sweating heavily, I didn't feel too tired. I knew it was because the spirit of the uncle just infected me and inspired me!

重阳节作文 篇5

九月初九――重阳节到了!这可是我敬爱的爷爷奶奶的节日!我今天可一定要好好地表现一下! 迅速吃好晚饭后,我从口袋中掏出一把早已准备好的精致的小剪刀,跑到爷爷奶奶身边,说:“爷爷奶奶,我给你们剪指甲,好吗?”爷爷听了,一愣,带着怀疑的神情说:“乖孙女,你也会剪指甲?”“会!”话虽这么说,可我却心虚得很,毕竟我从来没剪过指甲呀!不过我相信:只要用我的诚心,就一定能完成任务。不是有句老话吗?

The ninth day of September -- the Double Ninth Festival is coming! This is my beloved grandparents' festival! I must perform well today! After finishing the dinner quickly, I took out a small pair of delicate scissors that had been ready in my pocket, ran to my grandparents and said, "Grandpa and grandma, can I cut your nails?" Hearing this, Grandpa was stunned and said with a suspicious expression: "Good granddaughter, can you also cut your nails?" Yes That said, I feel guilty. After all, I've never cut my nails! However, I believe that as long as I use my sincerity, I will be able to complete the task. Isn't there an old saying?

世上无难事,只怕有心人! 说干就干,我拉过爷爷的手,开始行动了。哇!爷爷的指甲好硬哦!万事开头难,我花了九牛二虎之力终于剪了第一刀。“爷爷,痛不痛?”“不痛不痛,这哪会痛呀!”爷爷满意地坐在沙发上说,“爷爷这是在享我孙女的福啊!” 突然我发现爷爷有个手指头上竟没有指甲,我急了,问:“爷爷,你这个手指头的指甲呢?” 爷爷见我着急的样子,连忙说:“小平平,别急!这是我在部队时弄掉的。

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it! I took grandpa's hand and started to take action. Wow! Grandpa's nails are so hard! Everything is difficult at the beginning. It took me nine cows and two tigers to cut the first knife. "Grandpa, does it hurt?" "No pain, no pain!" Grandpa sat on the sofa with satisfaction and said, "Grandpa is enjoying my granddaughter's happiness!" Suddenly I found that Grandpa had no nails on one finger. I was worried and asked, "Grandpa, where are your fingernails?" Grandpa saw me in a hurry and said, "Xiao Pingping, don't worry! I lost it when I was in the army.

那是一次军事练习,我们正在训练擦枪,由于我一心想快些,用力过猛,让枪给夹了。没事,现在早好了,一点也不痛了。不信你摸摸,它硬得很呢!” 听了爷爷的话,我赶紧去摸,那肉果然已很硬了。是呀,都已经几十年了,能不硬吗?爷爷可真是个坚强的人哪!我一边摸着他的手指头,一边这么想着。 剪好了爷爷的手指甲,轮到给奶奶剪了。我捏过奶奶的手,发现虽说奶奶是个女的,可手却很厚,而且也很粗糙。我心里格登了一下。奶奶见了,猜出了我的心思:“是不是也想听听奶奶的故事?”

It was a military exercise. We were training to clean the gun. Because I wanted to be quick and tried too hard, the gun got caught. It's OK. It's better now. It doesn't hurt at all. If you don't believe it, it's very hard! " After listening to grandpa's words, I hurried to touch it. The meat was really hard. Yes, it has been decades, can it not be hard? Grandpa is really a strong man! I felt his finger and thought so. After cutting Grandpa's fingernails, it's Grandma's turn to cut them. I squeezed Grandma's hand and found that although Grandma was a woman, her hand was thick and rough. My heart gave me a pause. Grandma saw me and guessed my mind: "Do you want to listen to Grandma's story?"

我抬头看着奶奶慈祥的眼睛,点了点头。 奶奶的话匣子一下子打开了:“我们年轻的时候可没现在这样的好条件。因为你爷爷在外面当兵,所以家里的'事、田里的活都由我包干了。我这双手干过的事三天三夜也说不完,它可作出了大贡献呀……” 听着奶奶的话,我竟忘记了给她剪指甲,而是把她的手捧起来,紧紧地贴在我了的小脸上。 一次剪指甲竟让我懂得了那么多,这得感谢这个重阳节呀!但愿在人们的心里天天是重阳!

I looked up at Grandma's kind eyes and nodded. Grandma's chatterbox suddenly opened: "We didn't have such good conditions when we were young. Because your grandfather was a soldier outside, I was responsible for all the work at home and in the fields. I can't finish what I have done with my hands for three days and nights, and it has made a great contribution..." Listening to Grandma, I forgot to cut her nails. Instead, I held her hands and stuck them tightly to my small face. I learned so much from a manicure, thanks to this Double Ninth Festival! I hope that in people's hearts every day is Chongyang!

重阳节作文 篇6


"I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival." The annual Double Ninth Festival is also the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly. On that day, the elderly climbed high for leisure, in order to let people carry forward the fine tradition of respecting the old and loving the young.


My grandfather is a retired teacher. The school congratulated him on this day. It not only arranged wonderful programs and celebration ceremonies, but also gave him a beautiful cake! In the evening, Grandpa invited all the family members to the "hometown" to have a reunion dinner, and also accompanied the Double Ninth Festival. At about six o'clock, the second uncle, the second aunt, my sister and my family arrived. The dinner started. Grandpa cooked a table of delicious dishes, including braised chicken, sweet and sour Changyu, Yangcheng Lake wood, hairy crabs, etc. I was dazzled by the color, fragrance and taste on the table. I couldn't help eating first. While tasting delicious dishes, we talked about some interesting things from all over the world. How intimate and harmonious they are!


This is the most enjoyable and meaningful Double Ninth Festival.