
时间:2022-06-22 13:26:47 | 来源:语文通



The autumn wind blows away from the hot summer, and I have become a primary and secondary school students.Student uniforms on the shelf are full of new expectations for tomorrow.


On the first day of the school, as soon as I stepped into the class collective, I saw him at a glance, dark, thin and small, but his face was full of pride, as if the whole world was not serious.Unexpectedly, he turned into my back table.He seems to have a built -in stage special effects. Even if there are no audiences, he can care about patting his chest and said: "Look at my watch, cool, inside but the content, it takes 2,000 yuan!"The big white teeth with a very different skin, publishing a domineering side smile, and holding the "shining" big gold watch swaying left and right under your eyes, a pair of high toe, he has a handsome title- "Brother Kim.In his heart, he should have been high, but he didn't want to, sorry!


I still remember that I asked him a problem. I thought he would raise his head proudly, "How can I respond to the ignorance of ordinary people such as Ru?"I was also infected at the same table, adding everyone's topic discussions and conducting violent discussions.He exposed his snow -white teeth everywhere, but he would no longer be handsome in his mouth. He had 700 square meters in the house in the house. The book H is an imported statement, but it has a real expression on this issue.


After that, I asked him: "Are you not very narcissistic? How can you continue to respond to the problems of my ordinary people?" He shot the table and replied handsomely: "I see you and your classmate so helplessIn the case, I really want to help you, and I can help you look cool? "Seeing his flashing eyes, I always feel that I have misunderstood him.There is a warm current.


Before, I always feel that "narcissistic" people are those who are high -top and high -profile people, but I can understand this "Jindang Brother". I find that the narcissistic people are not like that. They will all have it.Highlights.My rear table does not care about my surface, and always watches the most handsome side of myself every day.When he assisted his classmates, he was passionate; when he encountered difficulties, he responded cheerfully; when the response was incorrect, he actively corrected it.It is also exactly a "narcissistic" person like him, which can explain the word "narcissistic" to the most extreme realm of life!


My "narcissism" back table in my eyes!



1、自恋:自恋读音为zì liàn,是指自我崇拜并过分关心自己的完美的一种心理状态。 自我崇拜并过分关心自己的完美的一种心理状态自恋 zì liàn词语解释:自我崇拜并过分关心自己的完美的一种心理状态。[narcissism] 自我崇拜并过分关心自己的完美的一种心理状态分词解释:完美:完备美好,没有缺点:完美无缺|都锦生丝织厂的织锦十分完美、精致,举世闻名。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。关心:(把人或事物)常放在心上;重视和爱护:关心群众生活丨这是厂里的大事,希望大家多关点儿心。自我崇拜:指自己崇拜自己,盲目自大。...自恋的近义词,自恋的同义词是什么»