
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:56 | 来源:语文通



初中优秀叙事作文 篇1叙事作文700字 篇2叙事作文600字 篇3叙事初中作文 篇4初三满分叙事作文800字 篇5高中叙事作文 篇6

初中优秀叙事作文 篇1


If someone asks me if you are healthy recently, I will say that without thinking! Because I have a happy mood, I will be healthy every day.


I am happy, because God has given me a healthy body, so that I have a fresh heart. Just imagine, if you have to face infusion, testing and taking medicine all day long, can you be healthy and happy? Isn't it true that life is only once? Who doesn't cherish his own life? The health of the body lies in maintenance. He is tall, short, black and white, and handsome and ugly. Most of them are given by his parents. He can't make his own decisions, so he should work hard on reasonable diet and proper exercise.


What to eat? We ordinary people don't care much about the delicacies of the mountains and seas, so they eat our own simple meals, which are called "green" and "natural". Didn't the sweet potato leaves and cowhide that were fed to pigs also get on the table of star hotels? With this heart, you won't complain about why you don't come from a famous family.


"Walk a hundred paces after dinner, and you'll live to be ninety-nine." This is certainly true for people like me who spend all day with computers and students. For farmers who work in the fields and on slopes all day long, it may seem redundant. In spring, when "the affectionate peony contains spring tears, and the powerless rose lies on the dawn branch", they "rise in the morning to manage the uncleanness, and wait for the moon lotus to hoe back"; On the summer night, when "the lotus wind sends fragrance, and the bamboo dew drips clear", they "open the noodle garden and talk about mulberry and hemp with wine". How pleasant! The old people in the city who are not burdened by their children, the women in the Yangko team, and the men who walk the birds and fish, also enjoy themselves!


I am happy, because my friends and family make me have a young heart. Friend, when your marriage, family, career and life are in the whirlpool or at the top of the wave, I'm afraid that what you need most is not money or beautiful women, but the comfort of friends, the encouragement of relatives, even wordless silence, will give you hope and hope!


Life is like the pots and pans bumping, like the tangled hemp. What should I do? One man has four helpers. You won't tell your friends. Let them give you a fulcrum. Don't you just carry the heavy burden of life? isn't it? When you "flow from the sad water", your friends will not only "sit up in fear of dying", but also "do not regret when your clothes become wider and wider, and you will become haggard because of Iraq"!


A dying flower. Bite your teeth and you may be able to see the red sun tomorrow. Parents, wives and children are your angels and your sun! Therefore, you must cherish the friendship that is more precious than gold! Didn't it say that "there is half of my military merit badge and half of yours"?


I am happy, because the cause of "holding a heart and going without half a blade of grass" has made me have a hot one. Heart. Teachers do conscientious work, relying on love, carefulness and perseverance; The assessment of front-line teachers is much more complicated than that of factory workers. In other words, it is more difficult to be fair and equitable. How to really reward the good and punish the bad is really painstaking. Therefore, it is even more valuable to keep an ordinary mind and "not be happy with things, not grieve with yourself". Once you have a good mood, you will not be distressed by the fact that you "get up earlier than the chicken and sleep later than the watchman".


You see, Jiang Taigong's fishing is so leisurely that he caught King Wen of Zhou and became famous all over the world; That Tao Yuanming "does not bow down for five measures of rice", so he can have the elegance of "leisurely seeing Nanshan". Therefore, keep an ordinary mind, you can be pure, passionate and charming forever!

叙事作文700字 篇2

在我的身边发生过许许多多的事情,给了我深刻的教育和启迪。 那年夏天,亚运会快要召开了,酷暑闷热。我来到了拥 有“水城”之称的苏州市度暑假。苏州市内大街两旁摆满了 迎亚运的花卉图案,形象逼真,看到商店橱窗的玻璃上贴 满熊猫“盼盼”。好多家商店门口还摆上厂卖亚运奖券的摊子。 好一派迎亚运的热烈气氛!不仅卖亚运奖券的摊子多,买奖 券的人也不少。 太阳像个大火球,放射出刺人的光芒,炙烤着苏州大地, 人们仍川流不息,来往于卖奖券的摊子旁。这些人一个个容 光焕发,满面春风,像是做了一件多么伟大的事似的。

Many things happened around me, which gave me profound education and enlightenment. That summer, the Asian Games was about to be held. It was sweltering. I came to Suzhou, which is known as the "Water City", to spend my summer vacation. On both sides of the inner streets of Suzhou, there are flower patterns for the Asian Games, which are lifelike. I saw pandas "Panpan" pasted on the window of the shop. Many stores also have stalls selling Asian Games lottery tickets. What a warm atmosphere to welcome the Asian Games! Not only are there many booths selling tickets for the Asian Games, but also many people buying tickets. The sun is like a big fireball, radiating stinging light and baking the land of Suzhou. People are still flowing around the booths selling lottery tickets. One by one, these people were radiant and beaming, as if they had done something great.

我来 到最近的一个摊旁,这个摊并不大,但周围买奖券的人却十 分多,这个说:“同志,买3张。”“同志,买10张。”那个说: “我买20张。”"15张。”……声音一个高过一个,卖主们都有 些应接不暇了。只听见我旁边的一个满头浓发的叔叔,用他 那沙哑的嗓子说:“同志,买15张。”“干吗买这么多?”他旁 边的大约五六岁的男孩,睁大眼睛,用他那清脆的声音间着。 是啊,他干吗买这么多?是炫耀自己吗?我不禁也产生了疑 问。“这还多呀?”叔叔低下头,用那双布满茧子的手抚摸着 小男孩的头,深情地说:“国家为我们付出的太多了!这点钱 算得了什么呢?”

I came to the nearest stall. The stall was not big, but there were many people buying lottery tickets around. This said, "Comrades, buy three." "Comrades, buy 10." That said, "I'll buy 20." "Fifteen."...... The sellers were overwhelmed when their voices rose one by one. I heard an uncle with thick hair beside me saying in his hoarse voice, "Comrade, buy 15." "Why buy so much?" The boy next to him, about five or six years old, opened his eyes wide and spoke in his clear voice. Yeah, why did he buy so much? Is it showing off? I couldn't help wondering. "How much more?" The uncle lowered his head, stroked the little boy's head with his cocooned hands, and said affectionately, "The country has paid too much for us! What is this money?"

“是啊,”旁边一位胖阿姨说,“自从三中全 会以来,咱们的收入增加了,这几个钱算个啥?亚运会快要 召开了,这可是咱们国家的大事,人人都要管。”小男孩好像 听懂了,点了一下头。 这时,我仿佛茅塞顿开,原来是亚运会的精神深入了千 百万个中国人的心,鼓舞他们为亚运、为祖国贡献力量。一 个个卖主虽然热得汗流满面,累得气喘吁吁,仍面带笑容地接 待着顾客。一张张奖券妞到了买主的手里,尽管没有中奖, 但仍然满面笑容而来,喜气洋洋而归。 是啊,一张张小小的亚运奖券,代表着一颗颗热爱祖国 的赤心,代表着对亚洲人民的友谊。一张张亚运奖券代表着 中华人民共和国的骄傲,显示着中华民族灿烂的美好前程。

"Yes," said a fat aunt nearby, "since the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, our income has increased. What is the money? The Asian Games is about to be held, which is a major event of our country and everyone should take care of it." The little boy seemed to understand and nodded. At this time, I felt as if the spirit of the Asian Games had gone deep into the hearts of millions of Chinese people and encouraged them to contribute to the Asian Games and the motherland. Although the sellers were sweating and panting with heat, they still greeted customers with smiles. Lottery tickets came to the buyer one by one. Although she didn't win the lottery, she still came back with a smile. Yes, the small lottery tickets for the Asian Games represent the hearts of people who love their motherland and the friendship with the Asian people. The Asian Games lottery tickets represent the pride of the People's Republic of China and show the bright future of the Chinese nation.

叙事作文600字 篇3


Today is the fifth day of the lunar new year. As in previous years, my father and mother took me to my aunt's home early to pay New Year's greetings. My aunt's youngest daughter is the same age as me. She is my good friend, but I will call her younger aunt according to her seniority.


After lunch, my aunt took me to the brook to catch shrimps. When we got to the brook, we immediately divided our work: my aunt was responsible for observing whether there were shrimps on the water, and if we saw any, we immediately called me; I'm in charge of fishing shrimp with a big spoon. After the division of labor, we immediately started to split up. After a while, I found a shrimp swimming slowly, which is a godsend! The opportunity must not be missed. I fished out the shrimp as quickly as I could, and even the sand was fished out. When I looked at my "trophies" with confidence, I found that the shrimp in the spoon had disappeared. How can the fat that reaches the mouth escape? After careful analysis, I suspected that the shrimp was too alert. Before my spoon was put into the water, it might be aware of the danger, so it swam away quickly. This shrimp fishing failed, but I was not reconciled, so I waited for another shrimp to come.


After a while, the little aunt suddenly found a shrimp resting under a leaf. I crept over and quickly fished for it. I caught the shrimp before I knew what was going on. I don't think this shrimp can escape from my heart this time, even if it has the ability to make trouble in heaven. I took a closer look at the shrimp and found that it was white and crystal clear, very beautiful, but very small, small almost invisible. I asked the little aunt, "Why are these shrimps so small?" The little aunt replied, "Almost all the prawns in the stream have been fished away, but it doesn't matter. We can raise these prawns slowly." After that, the little aunt and I continued to catch prawns. We caught one after another, and we were very happy. We left the brook reluctantly until our aunt came to call us home.


This time, I not only experienced the fun of catching shrimp, but also learned the truth that nothing should be done hastily and patiently. It's killing two birds with one stone.

叙事初中作文 篇4


Science is a commonly used subject in life. Many things can only be completed or explained by applying scientific knowledge. Today, with the teacher's recommendation, I participated in a scientific model airplane competition held by the school.


There are many people in the class who know a little about aeromodelling, but the teacher chose me and another classmate, which made me very excited. When I got home and finished the "important work", I began to inquire about some major scientific and technological aeromodelling knowledge online. After seeing more than one hundred, I thought it was possible to participate.


At last, it was time for the game. My classmate and I walked to the rest room slowly, thinking about what we had seen online. When we arrived at the lounge, we saw that all the students were eager and confident. The teacher clearly explained the rules of the competition: take the class as a unit, and make the two models fly in three minutes. "What a coincidence!" My heart exclaimed. Because I know the problem of flying very well, just turn up the propeller of the aircraft model to fly. I quickly passed on this "secret" to my "teammates". He burst out laughing happily. Because we are in Class One, we are also the first to play. Walking into the field, I saw two planes, one big and one small. The big one was a helicopter, and the small one was a glider. I chose the glider without looking at it, and hurriedly did what I saw on the Internet: I turned the propeller a dozen times and began the test flight. But to my surprise, I didn't fly successfully. I tried several more times, but failed. My teammate tried twice and successfully flew the helicopter, using only one and a half minutes. I started to sweat, but I still failed. "Dup!" The teacher blew the finishing whistle, and I failed to take off in the end.


Back in the lounge, my face was burning and I felt like I was dragging my teammates down. Compared with the later groups of students, many of them were able to take off the plane successfully, but most of them were helicopters, and there were few gliders. I went to consult my classmates who successfully took off the glider. They told me: "After making the strings and propellers of the plane, we should push the plane forward." "Ah?!" I actually failed because I didn't boost the plane. It was a drop in the bucket!


Although I didn't succeed in this competition, I got a lot from it. I never knew that I should practice. To really learn and master scientific knowledge, we have to practice. Science is everywhere in life, and science accompanies us!

初三满分叙事作文800字 篇5


In the current sea of people, although the distance between people is close, the distance between hearts is getting farther and farther. And in this, some people have the heart of caring for others.


On a cool night, I went out to play with some partners. Because I just learned it, but those partners have learned it for a while. Therefore, I always ask them to wait for me or almost fall down. When they were going downhill, they went down at once with their skillful skills. I was left to stare at the long downhill, while my partners looked at me from below, He shouted to me impatiently: "Come down quickly, you coward. After listening to this, I just gritted my teeth and rushed down, but maybe it was a bad luck! When I was about to rush to the end, my feet suddenly became unstable and I fell down, but the whole person still took the momentum of rushing forward. Two holes were worn out in the pants at the knee, and the knee was bleeding, but my friend's head did not turn back (They turned around after I got down, and only knew that I was falling by voice.) They said, "Get up quickly and catch up with us.". I left.


At that time, I felt helpless. Because I was injured outside my knee and there was nothing to hold around, I only had one person sitting there. When the wound stopped bleeding, I just stood up and chased after it. At this time, a strange man came over, his hands were very broad, but his body was not big, and he looked very capable. He walked up to me and squatted down to ask me what I was doing. I inevitably had some defensive psychology. Therefore, I did not answer his question. He also saw the wound on my knee at this time. He said to me: "It seems that you are injured by a fall. However, I usually carry some medicine rubbed on the wound, so I'll help you apply some." After that, he found a bottle of medicine in his bag. His big hand, with a cotton swab and proper medicine, smeared it on my wound. After he finished, I said to him gently, "Thank you.". He smiled after listening. He lifted me up with his big, generous hands, and then helped me shake the dust off my pants. He put his big hand on my shoulder and told me to be careful in the future. I felt his concern in my heart. I nodded and said goodbye to him.


When I arrived at the place agreed with my partners, they had already started playing. When they saw me coming, they complained to me about how to come.


Now when I think about this, I feel that sometimes people I know are not as good as strangers. I understand that in today's society, we need to treat others sincerely, and I always remember those generous hands.

高中叙事作文 篇6


I contact running every day, but I never feel the joy it brings, just regard it as a suffering, torture


But I was surprised to find at the sports meeting that those students who ran fast always rushed to the end with cheers and applause - the teacher's encouragement and the students' envy surrounded them all the time. They seem to live under the spotlight.


These all stimulate my heart, and the seeds of jealousy sprout in my heart. Envy, jealousy, turned into unwilling. I must be better than them. With constant meditation in my heart, I suddenly felt that my whole body was full of forward power.


But the road to success is doomed to be uneven. As Tagore said, only through hell like training can we develop the power to create heaven, and only through blood flowing fingers can we play the world's swan song.


I tasted the failure for the first time. In every PE class, I could only look at those who left me behind one by one. I feel pessimistic that I am like Kuafu every day, but I can never catch up with the sun.


The front of the runway seems to be covered with thorns, preventing me from reaching the destination


When the PE teacher saw me, he was dejected by the failure. Come over, pat me on the shoulder, and tell me sincerely, don't let failure become your trouble. Because in front of failure, there may be more surprises waiting for you.


Sweat and tears witnessed my growth. Even though I was tired and tired, I gritted my teeth to survive, just for the smooth road to success.


It was another year's sports meeting. At this time, I was no longer a member of the audience. The number plate behind me dances with the wind, just like my heart, full of excited microwave


The gunshot sounded, and I rushed out of the starting point with all my life and ran towards the mysterious road that the physical education teacher said.


The journey was hard. Soon, my strength was gradually evacuated, and my feet seemed to be bound. I did not want to follow my command. The sharp rise and fall of my chest and the heavier and heavier breathing are like thorns that hinder my progress.


At this time, I thought of the encouraging words of the PE teacher and looked up at the few opponents who left me behind. Gather one breath, pull out your legs and rush towards the success not far away. When I stepped on the finish line, my heart seemed to be in a tangle, nervous and excited.


At that time, I suddenly understood:


Failure doesn't mean failure is still ahead.


The thorns all over the place are just the inevitable setbacks on the road of life.


The road is still ahead.