
时间:2022-09-13 13:09:53 | 来源:语文通



建国71周年主题征文 篇1新中国成立71周年 篇2建国71周年主题征文 篇3

建国71周年主题征文 篇1


The five -star red flag fluttering the wind, how loud the victory sings; singing our dear motherland, from now on, to prosper and prosperity.Cross the mountains, cross the plains, and cross the Pentium Yellow River and Yangtze River; the broad and beautiful land is our dear hometown."Whenever I hear this song, I will be proud, especially when the 71st anniversary of the founding of the country is coming, my mood is even more excited.


The history of the Chinese nation has a long history. From the Yuanmounan, we have a history of 1.71 million years, and the history of civilization of the Chinese nation has more than 5,000 years.The legend of the three emperors and the five emperors shows the wisdom of the Chinese ancestors, and the bronze wares of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties show their national wisdom.Qin Hanxiong not only expanded the territory, but also passed through the Silk Road through the Silk Road through the Gobi, Desert and Snow Mountain to spread Chinese civilization to the west of the world, so the Chinese have a name "Han".The Tang Dynasty not only had land on the land, but also the maritime Silk Road directly to the East and Africa. Datang has enjoys the most open era of China's calendar.A generation of Tianjiao Cheng Genghis had drank the Malainhe River, and the sound of the iron hoof of Mongolia trembled the entire Europe.Zheng He seven to the West, showing my country's prestige!Tang Shi, Song Ci, and Yuan Qu have deep into the blood of the Chinese nation. The four inventions have never been behind.The history of our Chinese nation is so brilliant!


However, our motherland's 5,000 -year -old civilization has also gone through vicissitudes. When the fire wheels of the British came over in the British, our dreams of our country were awakened. The Chinese nation has never been the case. When the Yuanmingyuan was burned, the hearts of each Chinese child were deeply tingled. The Chinese people deeply realized that the backwardness was about to be beaten, and the Asian sleeping lion woke up! As a result, inspirational maps have become the goal of fighting for the blood of several generations of Chinese people. The hundred -day -olds, Boxer Movement, 1911 Revolution ... The wheels of history have been pushed again and again, but they have not drove out of the quagmire. "The sound of the October Revolution sent Marxism to China", and the establishment of the Communist Party of China made the Chinese revolutionary look refreshing. Under the guidance of __ thought, after 28 years of bloody struggle, it finally established New China. When Chairman Mao was solemnly announced on the city: "The People's Republic of China is now established!", It also announced that the Westerners can set up several cannons on the coast to occupy the era of a country. China The people have stood up again! "Recalling the years in the past, watching the prosperity of the country today," the Asian sleeping lion woke up and would not be silent. Comrade Deng Xiaoping opened the country with the guidance of "emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts". Entering the flies. "The words of the great man showed the courage of Superman. The spring breeze of reform has passed through the earth. The achievements of reform and opening up in thirty years have proved the foresight of the great men. The glorious achievements of the thirty years of reform and opening up have also made each Chinese proud. Our comprehensive national strength is at the forefront. Made in China in the world. We can take the moon for nine days, or we can catch the five oceans. The 2008 Beijing Olympics made the world know China again.


There are countless times to prove national unity, social harmony, the unity of the motherland, and the country must be strong.Hainan is a lot of Rong Nai, I believe that our motherland is stronger and our people's lives are happier.


Of course, the responsibility of building a great motherland is on you and my shoulders, because the motherland is in our hearts!

新中国成立71周年 篇2


today is National Day.Although it was drizzling, I was still very happy.


By the way, do you know the origin of the National Day? Let me tell you: At 3 pm on October 1, 1949, 300,000 people in Beijing held a ceremony to celebrate the establishment of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. Mao Zedong Chairman Zhuang announced the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the Central People's Government, and personally raised the first five -star red flag. Chairman Mao read the "Announcement of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China." The government is willing to establish diplomatic relations with it. "Then the parade and the masses were held. Commander Zhu De reviewed the Sea -Emperor and Air Force and announced the "Order of the People's Liberation Army Headquarters", ordered the Chinese People's Liberation Army to quickly clear all the remaining armed forces of the Kuomintang and liberate all the land that has not been liberated. So what is the National Day on October 1? At the first meeting of the first National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Xu Guangping said: "Member Ma Xunlun could not come to leave. October 1st is set as National Day. "Mao Zedong said," We should make a proposal to suggest to the government and be determined by the government. "On October 2, 1949, the Central People's Government passed the" Resolution on the National Day of the People's Republic of China ". It is required to be the National Day on October 1st every year, and on this day as the day of declaration of the founding of the People's Republic of China. From then on, on October 1st each year, it has become a grand festival in the people of all ethnic groups across the country.


In addition, the term "National Day" refers to the celebration of the country and was first seen in the Western Jin Dynasty.The writer Lu Ji of the Western Jin Dynasty had a record of "National Day alone, and the main concern of the country" in the article "The Fifth Princes", the feudal era of my country, and the national festive events. (Long live the birthday of the emperor in the Qing Dynasty) and so on.Therefore, in ancient my country called the emperor and the birthday as "National Day".The anniversary of the country established today is National Day.


Okay, I will introduce here today, goodbye!

建国71周年主题征文 篇3


Five thousand years of heavy, heavy, seventy -one years.The years are long. We carry each other with the motherland and walk all the way, walk through each step, and every dream shall think together.The wind and rain fluttering, the hardships, and fortunately, the original intention has not changed.


Dreaming with the country, the dream is that foreign insults retreat, and the world returns.After the tears of the iron claws and steel teeth of the powers, we dream of returning at midnight, and we all regretted the suffering of the motherland in the past.Therefore, Lin Zexu fainted and died in the giant risk for the country's roots, and the two bombs were explored for decades of hard work.Born today, in the years of Taiping, we also have the weak power of the motherland to make peace of mind.Resisting the celebrities and famous products of the humiliation, not to say words, and refute the villain who split the country on the Internet.Maybe we have a little words, but the heart of the same dream is not changed.With the most enthusiastic efforts, we will have a bright and eternal dream.


Dreaming with the country, the dream is a long -term long -term, long -lasting flow.The valuable culture that came from ancient times, such as dusty beads, is still waiting to be found, how can we forget the fundamental and not the same dream as the country?As a result, the masterpiece of the opera culture was like a famous master, and the protection and disappointment of ancient buildings like Lin Huiyin and his wife.Nowadays, we will integrate traditions into emerging technology and culture. It goes further in a hundred feet, and it is new and new in a more enlightened way, and then create the immortal glory of Chinese culture, making the world applaud.We will take care of the ambition to keep their careers, and for the long -lasting dream of the state.


Dreaming with the country, the dream is the prosperous Datong, and the Baijia is happy.The motherland saves us the suffering of food and restlessness. We bid farewell to the poor and poor in the past, and are also willing to work with more compatriots and people to enjoy the dream of enjoying and enjoying joy with the country.So there was a wise move of reform and opening up, and there was a sentence that Jixing Farmers were serving the people. We used such a romantic and simple slogan to show the yearning for a better life.The selflessness of the family book, the flags of rural teachers to devote their fame and interest to the education of education.


The motherland's dream of land, the spread of culture, and the joy of the people, we also have the same dream of the territory, the essence of the essence, and the luck of the people.This is our most simple and firm belief in the country.The dream of the dream country, with the country with the country, we will never give up in the motherland and create glory.The strength of the country is the strength of the country, trying his best to do it, and he will never regret it.


It is "I recommend Xuanyuan with me."