
时间:2022-06-30 13:03:02 | 来源:语文通



There was no trace of wind in the sky, and the vehicle was blocked by the vehicle.My mother and I entered a large shopping mall and chose daily necessities and snacks.


In large shopping malls, all kinds of items are different, each with its own characteristics. At a young age, I saw a children's picture book. The undulating eyes suddenly looked like being sucked up by the magnet, staring at the book. I couldn't help but get rid of my mother's hand and ran to that bookcase. I read the Pinyin "A Leaf Falling" in the book. The book I opened and saw a beautiful picture: the lush leaves are beautiful. I took the book and ran back to the original area happily. When we ran back to see it, my mother did not have the original area. I think my mother is likely to be around. This idea asked me to have a trace of consolation. I also went through in the group, moving my head, and looking forward to looking at the shadow I could understand, but I couldn't get nothing. The more I was looking for, the more I was unconfident. In the end, I gave up, letting tears coming out of my eyes, passing the cheeks, and falling on the book. I was so anxious that I was so anxious that I dared not shout my mother because I was afraid of being found by the wicked. There were all kinds of terrible interfaces that couldn't find my mother in my head, and felt frightened.


Just when I had no choice, a sister wearing a red dress came back and asked, "Children, are you going with your family?" I thought that my mother advised me not to answer with others. I shook my head, took a step back without a word, turned around and wanted to go. The big sister guess my thoughts and pointed to the work card on the clothes, and said gentlely: "Child, sister, sister is the staff here. If you have no peace of mind, you will be there. That's a radio station that can help you find your family. Look, it's nearby. "I looked at that place, I really don't understand other methods, thinking that it is very close there, there should be no problem! So I nodded and followed the big sister. When I arrived there, the elder sister picked up a toilet paper from the table and helped the siblings. I said to me with a good job of telling me, "Tell this big sister, your name!" I told my name Essence After a while, my mother happened in front of it. I ran to my mother happily, poured into her arms, tears burst into tears. The big sister looked at me with a smile. I described the whole process to my mother, and my mother hurriedly thanked the elder sister because I thanked her, and said, "Thank you, thank you for helping me find my mother." The older sister said with a smile: "No What, rude. "She hasn't forgotten to tell me:" Don't make messages next time! "I nodded, and my mother would leave. The big sister has been watching everyone away. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence


Oh!As long as everyone is present, a little love will become a world of happiness, maybe this is the feeling of being caring!



1、关怀:关怀读音为guān huái,是指关心:关怀备至丨亲切关怀丨关怀青年人的成长。关怀 guān huái词语解释:关心:关怀备至丨亲切关怀丨关怀青年人的成长。分词解释:成长:1.长大;长成。 2.向成熟的阶段发展。亲切:1.切近。 2.亲近;亲密。 3.贴切。 4.真切;确实。 5.引申为准确。 6.形容热情而关心。关心:(把人或事物)常放在心上;重视和爱护:关心群众生活丨这是厂里的大事,希望大家多关点儿心。关怀备至:关心得无微不至。...关怀怎么造句,用关怀造句»

2、温暖:温暖读音为wēn nuǎn,是指①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。温暖 wēn nuǎn词语意思:①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。词语意思:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。集体:许多人合起来的有组织的整体(跟‘个人’相对):集体生活ㄧ集体领导ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。亲切:1.切近。 2.亲近;亲密。 3.贴切。 4.真切;确实。 5.引申为准确。 6.形容热情而关心。布被:布制的被子。多以状生活清苦。不冷不热:指温度不高不低,冷热适中。亦比喻对人态度一般。...温暖怎么造句,用温暖造句»

3、陌生:陌生读音为mò shēng,是指生疏;不相识:陌生人|孩子有些怕陌生。陌生 mò shēng词语解释:生疏;不相识:陌生人|孩子有些怕陌生。分词解释:孩子:①儿童:小孩子丨男孩子。②子女:她有两个孩子。相识:认识:相逢何必曾相识。也指认识的人:东道若逢相识问,青袍今日误儒生。生疏:①不常接触而不熟悉;陌生:好久不练字,笔都生疏了|人地生疏。②疏远;不亲密:我跟他关系十分生疏,也不好多问|得人怜处且生疏。有些:1.有一些。表示数量不多。 2.犹有的。表示其中的一部分。 3.略微﹐稍微。...陌生怎么造句,用陌生造句»