
时间:2022-09-28 13:23:25 | 来源:语文通



父亲节的作文 篇1父亲节优美文章 篇2父亲节优秀作文 篇3父亲节的作文 篇4父亲节优秀美文 篇5父亲节优美文章 篇6

父亲节的作文 篇1


This year's Father's Day is somewhat different than in previous years. This year's Father's Day is not only Father's Day, but also caught up with his father's birthday.I think it is particularly meaningful.So I carefully planned a birthday holiday party. Only me, my parents three participated.Dad and mother are audiences, and I am performer.


Because I do n’t have any financial ability, the birthday cake was bought by my mother. I told my father that when I grow up, I will definitely buy cakes for you.And I prepare two programs.The first time I told a few jokes. I didn't expect the jokes I was prepared to make my parents laugh. I haven't seen them laugh so happily for a long time.The second is a singing performance. I have learned to sing from an early age. It is not difficult for singing.Mom always said, I sing, she and Dad like to listen to me the most.I naughtyly changed "Only Moms in the World" into "There are Dads in the World".Then the three of us ate cakes together. Dad said that he had been very happy today and felt particularly meaningful.Because it was the first time I prepared his birthday so carefully.


Dad, thank you for your companionship and education. Because I feel proud, when I meet you, I feel very happy to become your daughter.It is said that my daughter is the little lover of my dad's last life, hehe, so I love you.

父亲节优美文章 篇2


Early one point is a point


In the Dragon Boat Festival, it was dawn early, and at 4 o'clock, the sky was dazzling.The sound of his father got up and opened the door, and then he coughing loudly.Listening to the movement, I couldn't sleep, and I got up.


"Why do you get up so early?" My father asked me slightly when he saw me."I go to the street with you for a while, and buy some dishes by the way." "What can you buy so early? You little sister -in -law really!" I know that my father wanted to make me sleep more for a while, for fear of being involved in connectivity,It's me.I have lost 50 people who talk about sixty. I never thought that I was still a "little sister -in -law" in my father's eyes. Thinking of this, I felt funny and felt a little touching: people, no matter how old you, in the eyes of parents, in the eyes of parentsThere are always children.


Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Yesterday afternoon, my father and I spent more than two hours. I picked 50 or sixty pounds from seven or eight ashes (plums' improved varieties).Sell a good price.Listening to my father said that a few days ago, there was a newly listed ash. It was 5 yuan per catty. It was quite good to sell this price in the countryside.


When the washing was good, my father and I raised a car, moved two vegetable baskets containing ashes to the board, and pulled up to rush in a town nearly two kilometers away.


The 87 -year -old father has no longer step by step, and every step forward is a bit slow.I try to slow down, but I stopped waiting for him for a while.We didn't talk much except for a few words.Even if these few sentences, I asked much, my father just answered passively.


Less than 5 o'clock, my father and I arrived at the vegetable field.At this time, the small vegetable farms seemed to be occupied by the vendors.In addition to selling meat, aquatic products, poultry and various vegetables, there are also early shops, various pesticides, seed shops, various tofu shops, grocery shops, etc.Most of the seasonal fruits are sold, and most of them do not have a fixed booth.The stall that sold the peach two days ago was occupied by a woman selling wormwood.His father was in a hurry and murmured in his mouth.He may not have expected at all. Today, the festivals, these people who sell things on the last time they have gathered so early.


My father turned around at the vegetable field, here, looking there.I was also in a hurry, but I have been staying outside for nearly 20 years, and I have just returned from outside for a few days. For me, my hometown is tantamount to foreign countryside, and I can't meet a few familiar people in this vegetable field.Seeing my father's helplessness, I was anxious.


In the end, his father touched his head to a 70 -year -old old man who sold wormwood, whispered with him, let him move, squeezed him a little, and made a small open space.Fortunately, the old man did not refuse, and the heart I tightly let go.


My father beckoned to me and motioned me to pull the car over.Remove the two baskets from the board and park the car on the side of the table. The father just let go of a pony and sit down. The owner of a shop behind him came over and let us drag the board of the car away.It is said to block the customer who entered his store.I was worried that it was too far away to park the board. Isn't it a big loss if I was dragged away by others?While sweeping in the vegetable field for a long time with my eyes, I couldn't find a place where I could park the car. I didn't know what to do for a while.My father looked at both ends of the board, and it was not too hindered, so he told me that he said he (meant to ignore him).Fortunately, the boss's attitude is not very determined, otherwise it may be moved again.


Settled my father, I was afraid that there were many people waiting for the gathering for a while, and there were more people who came to buy ash. He would not care about breakfast, and wanted to buy him some early.Ask him what he wants to eat, he let me not buy it, and he will buy it when he is hungry for a while."Wait for a while, you are busy, how can you buy it?" Then he asked, he said, there are more snacks, and everything is in the same way.


I bought it early, my father took it, and walked in front of the old man who had just moved him to him, so that he also ate.The man quit his father, and his father gave each other loudly.My father always determines a reason in his heart. He has the benefit of people, and he must pay attention to courtesy.


Because I had to buy some dishes, I went home to help my mother cook meals, so I left first.


In the sun, the sun was very hot, and sweated with a little movement.At 9 o'clock, his father had a red face and dragged back.Among the two vegetable baskets on the board, the remaining ash, about half of them did not sell it.There was a trace of disappointment in my heart, and there would be no fewer people on the street today. How can I sell it so much?My father also sighed: "Oh! It's not easy to sell, only 30 yuan!" What happened?I don't believe my ears.This is to say, my father and I were on the scorching sun yesterday afternoon, endured mosquito and flying harassment of tapeworm bites. They were busy for more than two hours. Today, the two got up early and ran so far.How many hours are you replaced back to this banknote?


I felt worthless for my father in my heart.For many years, we are worried that our children are worried about their parents' age, and we can no longer engage in heavy field labor. We have long been not allowed to plant this and that.But his father was not convinced of the old, and at home, it was also a little bit of a little bit, but his waist was short, but he was not a money.The rural people are really a sweat bead and eight petals. Which penny is easy?


I want to calculate this account with my father. From the spring cutting, sparse fruits, weeding, fertilization, and medication, to picking and selling, not to mention labor, not to mention hard work, I am afraid that the capital can not collect it back.Essence


Early one point is a point。我们在家多挣一分钱,你们就少一分钱负担。再讲,多动动也好,歇着身上反而难受。

But his father has his own truth: 30 yuan is also money, you do n’t move, which one is for you to give you 30 yuan?I can still move while I am now.When we earn a penny at home, you will have one less money.Besides, it is better to move, but it is uncomfortable to rest.


I know that I couldn't convince my father, so I had to go to him, as long as he could find a little fun in labor.But in the end, I still feel distressed. I think he and his mother at home can make your life easier and easier.

父亲节优秀作文 篇3


Sunday is Father's Day. In the morning, I ran into the kitchen, picked up the casserole, then put some water, put bones, dried vegetables, put it on the gas stove, opened the fire, and started to cook sand pot porridge!


I waited patiently, and the time passed one minute by minute. At this moment, my mood was extremely anxious.I was thinking; when will my casserole porridge be good?My mother told me before it took at least an hour to cook sand pot porridge.This is the gift I want to give to Dad's Father's Day!


I opened the lid and looked at it. The semi -finished casserole porridge came with a warm current in my heart.Thinking of porridge is about to be fine, my mood is extremely excited.At this time, I smelled the fragrant smell, and I opened the lid to see the porridge.Suddenly, Dad, Mom, and sister came over. Dad smelled the fragrance and said; "Who is cooking porridge?" Dad looked at me and said; "It turned out to be Li Jiahao's porridge!" I said to Dad; "Happy Father's Day! "Dad said with a smile to us;" This Father's Day is really happy! "

父亲节的作文 篇4


Compared with the delicate love of the mother, the love of his father is a bit rough; compared to Mother's Day widely promoted every year, Father's Day does not seem to be so famous.It is said that the father of the mother, the father of the father, the role of his father in the family seems to be a perfect "strict father."He is like a indifferent door.Whenever I think of the threshold of violations, he always appears in front of me, stops me, and said "no" to me.


Since childhood, my impression of my father is unsmiling.I will pretend to be stupid in front of my mother, but I never dare to expect my dad.I remember once, we met a beggar on the road.He was shy, his hair was messy, very thin, and his legs were limped, kneeling on the side of the road, sitting motionlessly, a bowl in front of a corner, there are some change in it.


Poor things, I couldn't help saying to my dad, "Dad, let's give him some money." Dad smiled and agreed.I took the two coins given to me by my father and approached the beggar, but he had a bad taste on him.Now that I regret it, I pinch my nose, and throw the coin quickly when I go away a few steps away, but I did n’t aim, and the coin rolled to the side.


"Complete the task", I wanted to turn around, but found that my father's face was ironing. He walked over to pick up the coins on the ground and gently put it in the bowl.I suddenly knew that my father was angry, and I didn't dare to say in a word.


On the way home, my father told me enthusiastically, "You have to give him money, indicating that you are kind and want to help the weak. My father is very happy, but since you have started to do it, you must complete it. You are afraid of it. You are afraid of it.Dirty and smelly, so throwing money in is a very impolite behavior. Although he is a beggar with no compliance, it does not mean that he is not worthy of respect. Respecting others is respecting himself, know? ""I know, Dad, I won't do this next time. "


Last month, our family went to my cousin's wedding.At that time, my eyes were only focused on beautiful brides, gorgeous hotels, and mouth -watering food, but my father was lonely and sad.I'm thinking.He suddenly sighed: "Every father is unwilling to face this day. How can he marry his daughter?" Looking back at me, I joked, "Dad is so fierce to you, you will not get married if you get married, you will not be married.Go back? "Suddenly sore heart, instantly understood the pain of parents.Although my father usually requires strictly on me, all the starting points are for my growth.I shouldn't be afraid of him, but I should understand him and thank him.


Father's Day is coming.Let me tell my father a happy Father's Day here.Thank you for your teachings.I will understand and accept.I hope you are healthy, I will study hard and become a daughter who can proud.

父亲节优秀美文 篇5


Actually, I can't mention my father.Because I feel that it is not a taste in my heart.


I wrote my mother, my mother and father had noisy for a lifetime, and lived for a lifetime.


His father is an extremely selfish person. He seems to live for himself. This is why his parents often quarrel.


My mother often complained that her father did nothing and never cared about her. So far, they are 80 or 90 years old. They still quarrel together.


I often feel speechless and powerless.


It is said that my father's love is like a mountain, and I don't have this feeling since I was a child.


When I was a kid, I often scolded my father. "Dead girl" and "Dead Girl" were shouted by him. The children of the entire team knew that I was called a dead girl, and they also called me dead girl.


Born in rural areas, a lot of housework must be done.Cooking, picking water, steaming ravioli, and chopping pigs are what I often do in elementary school and lasted for many years.


Every time I want to rub the buns, and I have to burn firewood.I was afraid that the fire was extinguished. If I was too late, I added two more firewood, and hurriedly rubbed the buns. As a result, my father was beaten with a meal, saying that I added more Chaihe, and the smoke could not run out. It was a great waste.EssenceI also said an analogy: "Just like your throat, you can't swallow so many things, you still fill in it." I said, "I'm rubbing the steamed buns, and no one helps to burn the fire. I'm afraid that the fire will be extinguished.! "He didn't listen to your explanation, and he hit a stick.


Once I picked a big bucket to go to the large pool to fight the water, accidentally fell into the pool, scared me to never dare to go home, until my mother came and found someone to pick it up, I dared to follow my mother home.


When I was a kid, I fed pigs. In addition to playing pigs every day, I also chopped pig grass and boiled pig grass.The pigs are cold, and they need to feed the pigs one by one.Once I chopped my index finger directly, half of my nails fell, and a lot of blood flowed. Instead, my father scolded me as a fool and said that I would not work.


The most terrible thing is that he let me bring my brother and sister.He often threatened me and said: If you have a bad brother and sister, you will kill me.He also told me a true thing that happened in the company, saying that a pair of parents cast two children into the vegetable cellar and frozen and starved to death.Although he grew up later, his father said he joked with me.


But my young heart was full of fear.


Until now I often have nightmares. I always dream that someone wants to kill me. I want my life. I can't breathe and I will scream.Husband has always insisted on saying, "You were absolutely stimulated and frightened when you were a kid. You need to see a doctor." And I didn't dare to tell my husband at all.Originally, he was prejudiced to my father. He didn't like my father, so I never talked about my father about his father.


I have been taking my brother and sister to nine years old, and my parents let me start school.If you go to school two years earlier, my destiny must be another way.Parents are ashamed of this matter.


In this kind of day, I have spent elementary school to junior high school. Every day I go home after class and work.When I was going to high school, my father did not let me read it, saying what is the use of girls to read so many books!


At that time, I wrote a "My Dad" composition.I described in detail what he often stared at a pair of small eyes and scolded me angrily. In the end, I shouted the voice I was going to read. It was no less than that of Gao Yubao.The Chinese teacher regarded this composition as a model text. I read in the whole grade patrol classes, and I was famous all of a sudden.


After his father knew it, he asked to see that his mother also scolded him too much, and he was a little better to me later.I went to high school and later admitted to a middle school class.In order to save enough tuition, I took the test of the whole group's substitute teacher. As a result, my Chinese scores ranked among the best. I temporarily became a first -first Chinese teacher in the summer vacation.


I made some money, I wanted to go to school, but my parents couldn't help me, so I agreed.During the two years, my father came to see me and gave me a living expenses ranging from 30 to sixty yuan, and I was moved.Every time I looked at the back of his departure, I felt sour, and I realized a little bit of fatherly love.


After graduating, I became a teacher in my group.At that time, I had to work and insisted on self -study and wanted to examine colleges.I am an eldest daughter. After returning home, I have to cook for the family, as if everything returned to the origin.I started to do the endless housework, and I was a few years until I got married.


When I do n’t do housework, my father still scolds me.Scolding is his patent, and he can scold anyone.His temper was very irritable, and the four children in the family were not scolded by him.Sometimes when I am annoyed, I want to leave the house quickly.


What really closer to our father and daughter is that I really left home because of getting married, and I went to work far away. It took seven or eight hours from Yining to Xinyuan.At that time, there was no phone call, and the contact was writing.Parents can receive my letter and gift every New Year. At this time, my parents started to read me at home. My father was full of guilt, and he often wrote to me.


When my daughter came from four months, I had a serious illness. At this time, my parents did not hesitate to reach out to help me.My old father was so good to my daughter.He rode a bicycle every day, took his daughter everywhere, and bought a delicious one for his daughter. His daughter couldn't forget his old man.


People say that generations are intergenerating, and I think my father is making up for his guilt and anxiety about me.Because of the four children in the family, their old couples always said that I was the most filial to them. I was good to them, and they could always feel that they were not a Mother's Day or a Father's Day, so they could receive my love.


Although his father was old, his temper was still not changed.We sometimes go home, and he still scolds others.He went out to pick up garbage every day and piled up the house.What we said, he didn't listen, and later we simply said nothing, we were exercising.


His father was very save, and I couldn't bear to spend a lot of money.He saved the tattered money, and his daughter went back to see him, and he would give my daughter some.He will also return to his hometown of Chongqing, thanks to the folks who have helped him.


But his tattered things never let us move.My husband and I used to buy New Year's goods for their old couples. Her husband used his team to use his cheerle car, and we said that the purchase of New Year's goods was purchased.We returned to the company again, and he scolded us with blood.


My husband often said that he would not care about my father's elderly. I said that I do n’t need to control it, but I do n’t have to restrict my filial piety for my parents.


My father is ninety years old this year, and his ears are deaf, but your body is okay, and he can go out and continue to pick up.


No matter how bad my father was a kid, he was my father, and I had to do my best to filial piety.I hope my father is healthy and happy every day. This is my greatest wish.


Today, Father's Day, my father received my love and laughed on the phone.


My father is happy, I am happy!

父亲节优美文章 篇6


Father's growth


For men, growing up is always a strange concept, and growth is the eternal theme.Men's living is full of troubles and assume the responsibility given by the times. In fact, responsibility may not be the best growth. After all, this is about a lifetime, and anyone has the right to choose happiness and enjoyment.However, the most important man in my life -my father, because of the twenty -four years of time that we can't make up, so I can't see each other's growth, nor does it understand the cost of their respective growth.Getting bigger and bigger, the more we want to abandon the more we want to abandon the dependence.


I am destined to be a father. As I get older, my life is increasingly inclined to this doomed fate. When the "patriarchal" collides with the patriarchal, the war of the two men has begun.My father experienced and dominated my growth. Many times, these eyes always accompanied me to look at the world. These big hands always accompanied me to make a choice. It canThe help of the outside world, because his childhood father was like a myth, relying on him, love him, admire him, and even possess him. No matter how cold the winter, he became warm because of him, and his boring life became rich and colorful because of him.The father in the eyes of the little boy is a great shore, and you can appreciate the world's style across his shoulders.At that time, the growth was just to find his arms to make yourself live happier, and the wayward rights can make a person pay for it alone.


However, I was destroyed by a fairy -tale growth. The reason was simple. The reason was very simple. I stole the money at home and lied to my family.The only slap in my life made me deeply understand that the tears of the child were used to exchange sympathy and pity, and the tears when I grew up were to pay the price of life errors.My naive childhood ended because of this slap. The image of my father's warmth of spring suddenly declined, and the growth fell into a blue state. My father accompanied me through the growth of the thorns, but he just stood not far away and stared at my walking.I feel my father's loss, and those who have warm people's hearts no longer exist.I was resentful, and I was looking forward to the father's love once again, but the burden of all the life and other life of learning, and being a man made me carry it. He silently paid attention to and provided selfless help.


When I grew up to the last stage, I hated those things I had done with my father and my father. When I grew up and grow up, my father's world was all strange and even with low colors.I am afraid that my life will live like a father and live a lifetime, and the growth I try to fight is just to defeat my father and complete a man's epic war.My father noticed my rebellion and disapproval. He did not expose my resistance, but always stated: "As long as you have half of me in your life, you can be a man." I am very dissatisfied.What is the meaning of being a man? I want to integrate into my own society, not the world of my father.But gradually, I realized that my father asked me to shoulder the responsibility of those years, and I did not grasp it. I believed that my growth was too much, but I was deeply isolated by society.My father used his experience of suffering and blood to help me live happily in this world. I do n’t know if there is a problem in the way he loves me, or the troubles of my own growth closed the sincerity of understanding my father's love.


Father's growth难道是根据孩子的成长作出智能判断与反应吗?父亲这个身份比男人众多的身份更伟大,更永恒,既要相伴孩子一生一世,又要对与孩子有关的整个世界的一切影响作出反应。而且这些反应时刻破坏着平衡的标准,因为这世上没有比父爱更无私,更不求回报的付出了。我为我的成长增添了多少烦恼,父亲就为我和他的成长平添了多少白发,没有人天生会做父亲,也没有人天生甘愿只做个孩子,我们都在共同努力着让双方的成长不留下遗憾,既有温暖,又有寒冰,但父亲与孩子的成长总会有一个谁胜谁负的结局,这些相爱相恨的故事的确不少,就像我从被打那一巴掌开始,在父亲面前,就再也回不到那个无拘无束的时代了。


Father's growth,父亲因为这一成长浪费的岁月与青春才有价值。至于我,和父亲仅剩不多的生命相比,我小小的错过又有什么关系呢?