The cold wind in winter has long been far away, and everyone has entered another colorful spring.
A slight breeze slowly blown to the earth, and spring returned to the earth.The birds screaming, pleasant flute songs, and children with like Yin Ling laughed ... Spring is like this.
The weeping willow on the banks of the river is like a pretty dancer. They seem to be cleaned down in the mirror, the green and soft hair dancing in the light wind, involuntarily reminded the phrase: "Jasper makeup into a tree with a treeGao, tens of thousands of hanging up green silk. "Even the birds over the sky were attracted by her graceful posture, flying in her treetops, singing songs" 啾 啾 ", praising Chun's praise, praising SpringRhythm.
"The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again." Nothing is wrong, which is just a small flower of "Spring Special Envoy".Under the breeze summons, they diligently grew and developed, flocked to the ground to drill up, and started the hard soil on the top of the top.Looking at it, it is like the emerald green handkerchiefs on the ground and hillside.
Yun Duo also walked out and walked.Look!Isn't it Goku who wields Dinghai God needle?Huh?Isn't that the moon rabbit in the Guanghan Palace?Could it be said that it couldn't help slipping into the world to appreciate the beauty of this spring.
Look!The clear spring water was flowing, but seeing it patted a stone naughty, splashing a crystal clear waves.I raised it with my hands, the slightly cool, involuntarily made people feel refreshed.At this time, a piece of leaves floated over the water, and several naughty fish drilled under the fallen leaves, as if they were hiding with cats with fallen leaves.
On the stage of spring, how can there be less beautiful flowers.You see, they flocked to the ground to open to the outside, one bouquet, cluster, and pieces.Look!The red oil landslide, the honey peaks came to visit, and it hosted this small VIP in the victory. The elegant Lamei was also gladly bloomed, and the beautiful and touching fragrance was simply endless.The cute little girls show everyone a beautiful and touching smile.The beautiful cherry blossoms are blooming one by one, clusters of clusters, looking at it from a distance, like a pink cloud, dream 2 and dense.Suddenly, the aroma of cloves floated in the air, and I couldn't help but flashed a light purple world in my mind ...
"Wait for the car style, and the purple thousands of red have been spring." Let us open our arms and usher in this vitality and purple red spring!
1、一直:一直读音为yī zhí,是指1.顺着一个方向。 2.表示动作持续不断或状态持续不变。 3.犹一程。 4.强调所指的范围。用在“到”前,后面常有“都”﹑“全”呼应。一直 yī zhí词典解释:1.顺着一个方向。 2.表示动作持续不断或状态持续不变。 3.犹一程。 4.强调所指的范围。用在“到”前,后面常有“都”﹑“全”呼应。(1) [straight]∶不拐弯的(2) [continuously;always;all along;all the way]∶始终分词解释:方向:①指东、南、西、北等:在山里迷失了方向。②正对的位置;前进的目标:军队朝渡口的方向行进。不变:1.常用于诗或古文,可以意味不变的恒常性或稳定性。 2.使…不发生不合心意的改变。 3.使 [某物]不再改变。不断:1.割不开。 2.不绝;接连。 3.不果决;不果断。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。...一直怎么造句,用一直造句»
2、万紫千红:万紫千红读音为wàn zǐ qiān hóng,是指形容百花齐放,色彩艳丽。也比喻事物丰富多彩。 各种颜色的花朵竞相开放,五彩缤纷。比喻各行各业兴旺发达万紫千红 wàn zǐ qiān hóng词典解释:形容百花齐放,色彩艳丽。也比喻事物丰富多彩。[a riot of colour;blaze of colour] 各种颜色的花朵竞相开放,五彩缤纷。比喻各行各业兴旺发达分词解释:丰富多彩:内容丰富,花色繁多。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。百花齐放:形容百花盛开,丰富多彩。比喻各种不同形式和风格的艺术自由发展。也形容艺术界的繁荣景象。...万紫千红怎么造句,用万紫千红造句»
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