
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:44 | 来源:语文通


雪中情作文 篇1雪中情作文500字初中 篇2雪中情 篇3雪中情作文 篇4雪中情作文 篇5雪中情作文 篇6

雪中情作文 篇1


When I woke up, I just opened my eyes and found a vast expanse of white outside the window. It's snowing! The snow is flying, like countless white butterflies playing in the air. After breakfast, I walked along the narrow path, as if I were in a wonderful fairy tale world. The pine trees beside the road are also covered with thick snow, and from time to time some snow blocks slide down, making a "rustle" sound. For a moment, I was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery.


Suddenly, an old man appeared in my sight with a child on his back. It was an old woman. Her lips were black and blue with cold, and she looked weak. The child was wrapped up tightly. They hurried along in the snow. "Ouch!" The old man stumbled and fell down, and the child was pressed under him. The child probably cried because of pain. The old man struggled several times without success. Just then, a traffic policeman ran over and helped the old woman up. Then, six or seven more traffic policemen ran over and picked up the old and young together, with shovel in their hands.


The old woman and the child were gradually disappeared into the snow curtain with the help of a traffic policeman. At the order of the remaining traffic policemen, they began to shovel snow. Their hands were red with cold, but they could not afford to be warm for a while; Although they were wearing thin uniforms, their heads seemed to be steaming in the ice and snow. After a while, red square bricks were exposed on the ground. Without taking a break, they shouldered shovel and set out for the next road. From afar, they shouted: "Comrades, work hard! Hey, work hard!" Before I knew it, I had become a "snowman". Looking at their slowly leaving figures, I could not help but feel a strong sense of respect. I felt a warm current rising from my heart and spreading to my whole body.


Standing in the snow, I felt warm all over.

雪中情作文500字初中 篇2


The snow is floating like cotton wool, covering the earth with thick quilts. I can't help thinking that all things put on white coats after snow, and my heart is also intoxicated by this pure snow.


After a heavy snowfall, the snow gradually lessened. The road was covered with a thick quilt. People knew it was going to snow and got up very early. Every family took a shovel to clean the snow on the road in front of the door. They were afraid that their children would fall down when they came out to play, but also for the safety of others.


The traffic policemen on duty in the snow and wind do not care how much they wear or whether the snow falls on their heads and faces. They are on duty seriously, and their faces are full of perseverance and responsibility. I can't help thinking: for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles, they still stand outside to guard the safety of everyone in such bad weather, which is worthy of the title of "People's Guard".


The snowy land has become a happy paradise for children. They fight snow battles and shoot snowmen. The students in the school formed a group by themselves in twos and threes, each occupying their own "territory". You hit me, I hit you, and snowballs flew around. Everyone was disobedient, so they all became "snowmen", but no one cared about anyone, and they were intoxicated with the joy of "snow war". Primary school students who make snowmen use rolled snowballs to make snowman heads and piles of snow to make snowman bodies. When the bell rang, the students hurried to the teaching building. After class, they rushed to the playground to continue making snowmen.


"What does snow look like"? Yeah, what does snow look like? Like petals, like goose feather, rather like children's pure hearts.

雪中情 篇3


A heavy snowfall fell down, mercilessly engulfing the city.


The snow fell on the tile house and into Tang's courtyard. The low hut, like a fishing boat floating in the rough sea, seemed likely to collapse at any time.


"It's snowing," cried Ah Jun, Tang's second son. "Ah choo!" He hugged his slightly thin clothes, put on his big scarf, and ran into the snow. Soon, the snow covered his figure.


"Army A!" Tang's voice changed from near to far.


Looking at the footprints left by the Arab army, the sister-in-law probably guessed his whereabouts. Step by step, she walked in the snow with difficulty, and her cotton shoes soon got wet. Unfortunately, Aunt Tang had to walk on regardless of the wet feet.


Suddenly, a little white thing like a hairball shook its body near the hill not far away. "What?" Aunt Tang cried out. This is a thin little rabbit, just born. The snow composition covered its small body, only its nose was still twitching and dying. "Poor little thing." Aunt Tang looked at it, picked up the rabbit without hesitation, and warmed it with her clothes. The little rabbit kicked her calf a few times, comfortably in Tang's arms, and changed her position to sleep.


The Arab army playing on the other side of the hill found several wild cats, who had nowhere to look for food and hide. They hugged each other tightly to keep warm. What a poor cat! The Arab army did not hesitate to take off his scarf and cover the cat.


"Ah Jun," Tang saw him. "Shh!" The Arab Army pointed to a small "hill", and several cats fell asleep under their scarves. At this time, the rabbit stretched its legs in Tang's arms, "Hush!" Aunt Tang also looked at Ah Jun with a pretense of mystery.


Two people, several small lives, stood quietly in the vast snow, only a cold wind whistled past

雪中情作文 篇4


The pace of winter is slow but unexpected. Suddenly, a snow tells everyone that winter is coming.


The first snow washed away the overcast and dark clouds in the middle of the season. Everyone was full of expectation and excitement for the first snow in 20XX, and they were eager to see the world's best taste of "flying snow like poplars". Outside the window, snowflakes are flying up and down in the air like goose feathers, making people dazzled and flawless. Those who are unwilling to be bitten by the wind stop at the branches and cover the grass. At a glance, it is quite spectacular, which makes people think of whether the snow that "snow disappears and thousands of mountains are green" for thousands of years is also so broad and soft.


My eyes drifted away with my thoughts, and several children were playing on the ground. Because of the mixed rain in the snow, there was no thick snow on the ground, which did not stop the childlike interest. I watched with interest as they stood by the grass and extended their hands to the "snow dragon as big as a hand" in the "cold weather". Then they seemed to quarrel. Two children, who were not as tall as the grass, were red faced when they were fighting under the grass. After a while, one of them stood on tiptoe and gently plucked the white from a green leaf covered with snow, that is to say, they were excited to show off to the other child. Although they could not hear what he was saying, they appreciated the white from his excited look of holding the snow No less than the sunny vitality of spring. The other child was excited and almost jumped up. I try to use the purest way of thinking to speculate about their "gambling" - probably to see how it is different from the melting snow on the ground?


"The snow is flying all over the sky, like flowers blooming at the touch.", The snowflakes like flying flowers bring about the smart and simple beauty after cleaning and filtering out all the black black, and bring about the childlike innocence that is enough to let people put down all their guard.

雪中情作文 篇5

《雪中情》家门前有个车库,有一位看车库的老人。约摸60岁,花白的头发却有着强壮的身躯。夏天,他总是拖着一双拖鞋,用力地扇着蒲扇;冬天,他又趿着一双破破烂烂的棉鞋,看着当天的报纸。他经常孤零零地坐在那张放得乱七八糟的靠椅上,翘着“二郎腿”抽香烟,还不时地盯着一些过路的行人和停车的人,自言自语。久而久之,我们院子里的孩子都十分讨厌他,讨厌他抽烟时的“烟”雾缭绕,讨厌他总是自言自语…… 早晨打开窗,哇!好美呀!窗外白茫茫的一片,成了一个银装素裹的世界。鹅毛般的雪花纷纷扬扬地飘落下来,像银色的蝴蝶,翩翩起舞,它调皮地落在了树枝上、草地上、屋顶上……这是常州入冬以来下的第一场雪。十年来最大,瑞雪兆丰年,她预示着来年风调雨顺、五谷丰登、吉祥如意、幸福安康。 “啊!”一声尖叫,打破了宁静,把我从欣赏的摇篮里拉了回来。怎么回事?我讯声望去,只见一个三四岁左右的小女孩被裹得严严实实的,可能因为车库门口的地滑,不慎摔倒了。她放声大哭起来。“这讨厌的老头,怎么这么没良心,小孩摔倒了也不出来扶一把!”我为小女孩打抱不平。这时,那个看车库的老人巍巍颤颤地从房间里走出来,“哎呀,小女孩,你怎么摔了呢?”老人小心翼翼地扶起女孩,说“都怪爷爷,今天不该生病,不该头痛,没力气清扫,让你摔倒,疼不疼……”我这才知道自己错怪了老人。中午,我出去吃饭,经过车库,看见老人那双冻得通红的手拿着铲子使劲地铲着车库门口的雪,想给停车的人劈出一条道。他那头发已经和白雪融为一体,佝偻的身影显得是那么动人…… 那纯洁的雪呀,洗涤了我心灵的污垢,让我对扫雪老人充满了敬意……

Love in the snow There is a garage in front of my house, and there is an old man looking at the garage. About 60 years old, he has a strong body with gray hair. In summer, he always drags a pair of slippers and fans the Pufan vigorously; In winter, he wore a pair of tattered cotton shoes and looked at the newspaper of the day. He often sits alone on the armchair which is placed in a mess, raises his legs and smokes cigarettes. He also stares at some passers-by and parking people from time to time and talks to himself. Over time, the children in our yard hated him very much, hated the "smoke" fog when he smoked, hated that he always talked to himself... Open the window in the morning, wow! How beautiful! The vast expanse of white outside the window has become a world of white. The goose feather like snowflakes fluttered down like silver butterflies, dancing. They fell mischievously on the branches, grass and roofs... This was the first snow in Changzhou since winter. It is the largest in the past ten years, and auspicious snow promises a good year. It indicates that the coming year will bring good weather, bumper crops, good luck and happiness. "Ah!" A scream broke the peace and pulled me back from the cradle of appreciation. What's going on? I heard that a little girl about three or four years old was wrapped up tightly. Maybe she fell down because of the slippery floor at the garage door. She burst into tears. "This annoying old man, how can he be so heartless? If a child falls down, he will not come out to help him!" I fight against injustice for the little girl. At this time, the old man who looked at the garage came out of the room trembling, "Oh, little girl, why did you fall?" The old man picked up the girl carefully and said, "It's my grandpa's fault. I shouldn't be sick today, I shouldn't have a headache, I don't have the strength to clean up, and I let you fall down. Does it hurt..." Then I knew I had wronged the old man. At noon, I went out to eat. When I passed the garage, I saw the old man shoveling the snow outside the garage with a shovel in his red hands, trying to cut a way for the parking people. His hair has melted into the white snow, and his stooped figure looks so moving... The pure snow has washed away the dirt of my soul, making me pay homage to the old snow sweeper

雪中情作文 篇6


This afternoon, I suddenly felt something cool hit my face, and I couldn't help looking up. Ah, it was a group of lovely elves --- Snow| I didn't hold an umbrella, nor did I cover it with anything. I let these elves on my face and body. I dare not touch them with my hands, because they are too fragile and will melt when touched. I saw these elves fall on my clothes and then slide down. Snow, like smoke, as white as silver, as moist as jade, kisses the earth, ah, how I love you, snow. At school, we played and talked with each other. I and so and so enjoy this beautiful scene in the snow, but the beautiful scene is just a moment.


In the evening, when I got home, I immediately did my homework. As soon as I finished my homework, I heard the phone ring. It was my aunt. My aunt is a middle school teacher. She lives upstairs and is pregnant, but she can't take off classes. Now she works very hard every day. Aunt [WWW.. CN] said, "I am now Yonghe soya milk. The land is very wet. Would you and your father come to pick me up?" I promised right away. When she got to Yonghe Doujiang with more clothes, she found her aunt waiting for us and waved to us. We ran over at once. My aunt said, "I didn't catch a taxi. I came by bus." We sent our aunt home safely at once. And from her home. After dinner, I went downstairs to see the snow. I forget myself in the snowflake flying world. The air seems to solidify, and everything stops. Only snowflakes fall from the sky and fly all over the sky. I am intoxicated with this family relationship. The snow is falling more and more heavily. It blows a white curtain of snow. I am so happy and blessed in the snow, just like snowflakes, which cover me gently.