My mother works hard every day, but my mother is hard and tired, and she accompany me to write homework every night.
On Friday, a homework mountain was waiting for me to solve it.I was under pressure. When I was worrying about writing homework, my mother came in and asked: Baby, have you finished his homework?I said nothing: there are many homework today.I laughed bitterly.Mom came over and said: Do you do n’t know if you have to make up lessons tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?See what time is it now!I was a little angry, so I sent my mother away.After she left, I thought: I don't write homework!Then I picked up the phone and played the game.
Half an hour later, my mother suddenly opened the door and made me panic.When my mother saw that I was playing the game, I immediately took my phone away, and yelled: Did I not ask you to do my homework?Do you want to play without a mobile phone in the future!I was so scared that my pants were wet.
My mother said she was going to watch me one by one, otherwise I would never have a mobile phone to play in the future. I had to start writing. After writing for a while, I didn't want to write it.But my mother was next to me, I had to write it down until I finished writing. It was already 12:30 at that time. We were all tired, but there were still many homework. I wrote that I found that my mother was gone. I just stayedA note, which reads: Baby, I did not deliberately scold you just now.I really want you to finish your homework quickly. You can write the rest of your homework tomorrow. After you read it, you feel very happy and moved.
Mom, I want to say to you: Mom, you have worked hard, thank you, I will work hard.
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