
时间:2022-08-03 13:38:29 | 来源:语文通



When I was on vacation a few days ago, my parents took me to visit the beautiful garden, where the flowers, trees, and architecture there were very beautiful!


The flowers of the Gongyuan Garden are colorful and colorful, which is very gorgeous.First of all, the colorful chrysanthemums are colorful.It is like a firework that burst into the air, and the petals are piled on the other cluster.The big orchid wearing a purple dress danced in the breeze, as if to tell the tourists: "Come and see me! Come and see me! See how beautiful the dance I dance!" There are some small umbrellas, for yourself, for yourself, for yourself, for yourselfThe shading, white, dandelion like a velvet, blows gently with the breeze, and it floats with the wind, as if a little girl flew in the air with an umbrella, flying to the distant place.


The tree of Huicui Garden is also very beautiful.The pine trees wearing green all year round, a large wind blowing through, the pine trees shake.When shaking, its branches are like a child's palm, "slamming" in the air; the willow girl who dragged her long hair sorted out her hair in the breeze, as if he was saying, "Come! Come! Come!Yeah! Look at how beautiful my long hair is! "If you are holding a comb to comb it, it will say," Come! Give me a hair, I will be very happy! "


The buildings in the garden are different, and the style is different. There is a statue in Heze Garden, which is the peony fairy. The peony fairy is wearing a white robe and holding a "Peony Flower King" in her hand. There are some other fairy around her, some are sewing clothes; some are dancing; some are singing, as if in the fairy world. There is also Liaocheng Garden. There is a red door in Liaocheng Garden, and then walking in, an oval white door, walking inside, just like a "maze". There are flower beds in the maze with big head orchids, wild chrysanthemums, butterfly flowers, roses, peony flowers ... There is also a piece of water, there are some small fish in the water. It will gather together, as if we need to drive the enemy away in conjunction with everyone's strength. There is also Hekou Garden, there are some grass houses in Hekou Garden, and there is a boat for rural fishermen in the courtyard. My parents and my mother sitting on the boat seemed to see the fisherman who was happy and happy when you saw the fisherman fishing. Swing, if you touch it with your palms gently, you will feel itchy and itchy.


The scenery in the garden is very beautiful, just like a beautiful painting that makes me unable to leave.



1、美丽:美丽读音为měi lì,是指1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦美丽 měi lì词语解释:1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。[beautiful] 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦分词解释:美好:好。好看:①看着舒服;美观:这花布做裙子穿一定很好看。②脸上有光彩;体面:儿子立了功,做娘的脸上也好看。③使人难堪叫做要人的好看:你让我上台表演,这不是要我的好看吗?美女:美丽的女子。艳丽:色彩明亮美丽:那富于色彩的连绵不断的山峦,像孔雀开屏,艳丽迷人。...美丽怎么造句,用美丽造句»

2、荟萃:荟萃读音为huì cuì,是指(英俊的人物或精美的东西)会集;聚集:荟萃一堂ㄧ人才荟萃。荟萃 huì cuì词语解释:(英俊的人物或精美的东西)会集;聚集:荟萃一堂ㄧ人才荟萃。分词解释:人物:文艺作品中所描绘的人物形象。是作品内容的重要因素,也是组成艺术形象的主体。文艺作品大多通过人物和人物的活动来反映现实生活。东西:①东边和西边。②从东到西(距离):这座城东西三里,南北五里。精美:精致美好:包装精美ㄧ我国精美的工艺品在国际上享有盛名 。人才:1.人的才能。 2.有才学的人。 3.人的容貌。 4.指美貌女子。...荟萃怎么造句,用荟萃造句»