
时间:2022-10-11 13:18:16 | 来源:语文通


他生气了 篇1爸爸生气了作文 篇2他生气了作文500字 篇3爸爸生气了作文 篇4他生气了500字作文五年级 篇5他生气了500字作文五年级 篇6他生气了作文400字 篇7他生气了500字作文五年级 篇8

他生气了 篇1


My father is tall and has thick arms. As long as he clenches his fist, the veins on his arms will burst out. The most terrible thing is my father's feet. Although they are not very big, they are powerful feet. When he got angry, his feet became a "heavy armored vehicle", kicking (my dog) and hiding in the corner whining. Such a tragic thing has happened to me.


That day, I went out to play catch game with my friends. I was so excited that I forgot the time to go home. When I looked down at my watch, I was more than two hours away from home. I quickly got on my bike and hurried home. As soon as I entered the door, I felt a chill coming to my face. Sure enough, Dad's fierce face was close to me. Under his inverted eyebrows, his bloodshot eyes seemed to spurt fire, and the "typhoon" in his nose seemed to roll me up next second. Dad gnashed his teeth and asked me, "What did you do?"


"Out... out to play." I answered in a trembling voice.


"Then why did you come back so late?" Suddenly his voice seemed to be magnified tens of thousands of times, and I was like a lamb waiting to be killed, and my body could not help shaking. I saw my father's "heavy armored vehicle" roaring and flying over, kicking me firmly on the buttocks, which made me howl like a group.


Alas! How can I have such a devil father. Later, my mother talked with me for a long time, and I reluctantly agreed that he became a devil because he was worried about me. Well, angry dad also cares about me and loves my dad.


However, Dad's angry appearance is really terrible!

爸爸生气了作文 篇2


Today, my father got angry because I didn't review.


In the evening, when I finished eating, I went to do my homework seriously. After finishing my homework, I felt very tired. I went to watch TV. I forgot to review because I wanted to relax. After a while, my father walked from the room to the hall and said to me, "Son, go to review. Your grades are already very poor, and you will not review". I said to my father, "Dad, I have finished my homework, so I will not review today.". My father said to me: "Although you have finished your homework, you still need to review it. There is a good saying, 'Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart'.". I still said, "I won't go. I'm really tired." My father was furious. At that time, I thought it was terrible dark, and there was a terrible atmosphere in the room. My father's head was "on fire". Then my father scolded and scolded. My father hurried over, as fast as a tiger, and only heard the sound of "breaking". The TV was turned off. Dad got angry, and I was speechless. When my father scolded me, I walked away quietly like a mouse.


I picked up my clothes and took a bath. When I took a bath, I kept thinking: I really shouldn't not review, let alone make my father angry.


Dad is so angry. I understand that my father is so angry because of my future prospects, so I will study hard in the future and stop making my father angry.

他生气了作文500字 篇3




爸爸生气了作文 篇4


Night came, because I played games all day, so I finished my homework before my father came back, and I sat in front of the desk seriously, waiting for my father to come back. "Dong -" My father came back after working outside all day. My heart was pounding. Before being checked, my room was extremely quiet.


Come here. It was like a thief sneaking into the satire and being found scared and scared. With this feeling, I went to my father in fear, ready to meet the "flame". Dad tried to cover up his anger with an extremely weak voice.


My father looked at me and taught me a lesson in a low voice. My face was hot, and my mind was blank. Words passed through my ears, leaving deep traces that the whole room was quiet and frightening. Dad was dark faced, holding his cell phone and turning it over one by one. I think he must be looking for the answer. Hey, come on, make it through! From time to time, Dad made a lot of noise and seemed to vent his anger. These actions showed that Dad was very angry, and the lead wire was lit. Then there was the saliva harvesting and scolding. He came close to me and hit me. I subconsciously wanted to avoid. At this time, my father was like a dinosaur. He could eat me with one mouth. I was so scared that I couldn't look at him directly.


Now I stay at home, and my spirit is still tense at that moment. More than a year has passed, but I can't forget my father's anger. That time, my father was angry. It was so terrible. But it is also the best advice.

他生气了500字作文五年级 篇5


I'll never forget that time. I made him angry!


It was a dark day. It seemed that something bad was going to happen to me. The result was the exam results on Friday, which made me upset and angry with him.


When I came to the classroom in the morning, the teacher hurried in with the exam results. From the eyes of the teacher who wanted to eat us raw, I could predict that there must be an unimaginable "bloody rain" today. The teacher forcefully threw the test paper on the platform and only listened: "Lu Hongxin, 78 points." My heart beats faster and harder than before. I just got the test paper back, and I thought what should I do? Shall I take "painkillers"? My heart beat faster.

我走在放学回家的路上,却发现原来阳光明媚的道路,变得无比黑暗,原来十分钟的回家路程我走了好久,原来家里的大 m.1mi.net 门是多么轻松就打开了,今天不知怎么也开不了

On my way home from school, I found that the originally sunny road had become extremely dark. I had walked for a long time on the original ten minute journey home, and the original big M.1MI NET door is so easy to open, I don't know how to open it today


When I got to the living room, my father looked at me with serious eyes, but I didn't dare to look up at my father. At this time, he had found a problem and guessed that the test result must be not ideal. The tenderness in his eyes disappeared, and he asked me sternly: "How much did you get?" "78 points," I replied. I thought the voice was loud, but he didn't hear me. I raised my voice and answered, "78 points.". When Dad heard this, he pulled up my clothes, took me to the room, and said, "Think about it for yourself!"


I didn't dare to look at him because I was afraid, but then I realized that he was angry!


Since then, my score will generally not be below 90, because I don't want to make him angry again!

他生气了500字作文五年级 篇6


Today, we provoked the physical education teacher to be furious. Why? Let me explain it for you.

正当我们一个个打篮球打得正欢时,体育老师叫我们集合,叫了三次,可我们的绝大多数同学都没有听见,打完后就直接跑回了教室,我们刚坐上椅子没多久,体育老师就突然出现在门口,他怒气冲冲地拍着门,眼睛瞪得溜圆,大声吼道:“你们都干什么?怎么都到教室啦?早退是不是?马上全部到体育馆集合!” 说罢,只见他的脸通红的,头发似乎竖起来,肌肉不住地颤抖着,十足一头头发怒的狮子。

When we were having fun playing basketball one by one, the physical education teacher asked us to gather and called for three times, but most of our classmates didn't hear us. After playing, they ran back to the classroom directly. We had just sat down in the chair when the physical education teacher suddenly appeared at the door. He angrily slapped the door and stared round, Shout loudly: "What are you doing? Why are you all in the classroom? Leave early? All of you should go to the gym immediately!" After saying that, I saw his face was red, his hair seemed to stand up, his muscles were trembling, and he was a lion with angry hair.

我们个个心惊胆战,全都快速的到了门口,又火速地赶到了体育馆。没有早退的同学们对我们举行了“欢迎”仪式后,老师就让他们走了。老师将我们的名字一个一个记下来。我们都很紧张,冷汗不断冒出,一直站着,老师时不时训斥两句 :“早退和迟到都是不能做的事情,除非你们的家长允许······刚才我拼命地给你们的班主任打电话,他们接,就跑上去叫你们下来了。”我们一改吵闹的风格,一动都不敢动。静得连根针掉在地上也能听见。

We were all scared, and all of us quickly arrived at the door and rushed to the gym. The students who did not leave early held a "welcome" ceremony for us, and the teacher let them go. The teacher wrote down our names one by one. We were all very nervous. Cold sweat kept popping up and we kept standing. The teacher scolded us from time to time: "You can't leave early or be late, unless your parents allow you to... I just tried my best to call your head teacher, and they answered and ran up to ask you to come down." Once we changed our noisy style, we dared not move. It was so quiet that you could hear a needle fall on the ground.


Our legs were numb. At last, the head teacher called and asked us to have dinner. The teacher finally put forward the right to ban our use of sports equipment, so we were allowed to eat. At this time, it was several minutes before the usual time for eating.


We must learn from this painful lesson. In the future, we can't leave early, otherwise, if the PE teacher gets angry again, it will be over.

他生气了作文400字 篇7








他生气了500字作文五年级 篇8


Today is Saturday. My father will go to work in the morning. He told me, "I will be on duty. You recite English at home, and then write your homework. I will come back at night for random inspection!" I said happily, "Good dad, promise to finish the task." At the moment when he closed the door, I put my ear to the door and listened for a while. So I gently opened the door. When I confirmed that there was no one at the door, I suddenly closed the door and turned on the TV. Then I ran to the refrigerator, took out snacks, sat on the sofa, and ate snacks while watching TV. Leaving study in outer space, let it fly out of the Milky Way to wander!


The time to watch TV always passes quickly, and I have been watching the afternoon unconsciously. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "Dong Dong Dong, Dong Dong Dong..." I suddenly recovered from the plot, and quickly turned off the TV to open the door. It was Dad who came back. My father went to the bathroom to wash his hands and asked me: "Did you recite English? I had a sharp pain in my skull. It turned out that the" learning "who had been wandering in the galaxy flew back and hit me hard on the forehead. I shivered and said," No, no! " Dad turned up the volume and asked, "Have you finished your homework?" At this time, my heart was like a ball, and I could not speak with my head down. So my father picked up the exercise book, which was cleaner than my face. With a wave of his hand, the exercise book fell to the ground with a loud "pop"! I almost fainted. At this time, he stared at me like Zhang Fei with his copper bell like eyes, threw me into the toilet, and beat me with his belt.


From then on, I never dare to do anything else while studying! Through this, I know that learning is my own business, and I should worry more about it, instead of letting parents worry. I am a student, and I should focus on my studies. I am diligent and lack of fun. Playing is also my interest, but it cannot occupy my study time.