
时间:2022-06-28 13:18:26 | 来源:语文通



Da Vinci was originally ranked Onedo. Maybe many people only know that he has achieved the peak achievements in the field of painting. In fact, he is in medicine, science, and science.Military, meteorology, etc. have also made great contributions.All of this comes from his excellent personality habits, which is why I worship him most.


When you see your mobile phone, do you think of studying its internal structure? When you see a dragonfly flying, who will notice its two pairs of wings, when the previous pair is liftedWhat about it? Things that swept through us were full of curiosity and perseverance in Leonardo's eyes.It is said that he was still thinking before death: What is the shape of the woodpecker's tongue? Who will we consider what the tongue of the woodpecker is like? And Leonado is always interested in all this, making him always happyLive a perfect life in the state of heart.This is one of his excellent traits -full of curiosity and courage to explore.


It is understood that there have been more than 7,200 pages of Leonardo's 7,200 pages, and this accounted for 1/4 of his total notes! The paper of that era was very expensive, so he was written by him edge and corners.Full of, it can be seen how hard he is! In addition, notes are worthy of admiration. It helps us develop a tough personality, form a good learning habits, and improve the ability to understand the problem.


Leonardo's excellence also comes from his bravery.Once he continued to hover at the door of a cave, the cave was dark, the wind and wind were full of wind, and he had no exception.Get: I found a huge whale bone fossil.


Da Vinci has almost enthusiastic curiosity, keen observation and persistent diligence, and has achieved the achievements of the world's attention, letting me worship him!



1、人物:人物读音为rén wù,是指文艺作品中所描绘的人物形象。是作品内容的重要因素,也是组成艺术形象的主体。文艺作品大多通过人物和人物的活动来反映现实生活。人物 rén wù词语解释:文艺作品中所描绘的人物形象。是作品内容的重要因素,也是组成艺术形象的主体。文艺作品大多通过人物和人物的活动来反映现实生活。分词解释:组成:谓由部分或个体组合成为整体。通过:1.通行;穿过。 2.议案等经过法定人数的同意而成立。 3.以人或事物为媒介或手段达到某种目的。 4.征求有关的人或组织的同意或核准。描绘:描画;描写:描绘人物|作品生动描绘了大上海的变化。主体:①事物的主要部分:合唱队以中学生为主体|主体工程已经竣工。②见“主体与客体”。...人物怎么造句,用人物造句»

2、崇拜:崇拜读音为chóng bài,是指尊崇敬拜:对英雄人物非常崇拜|个人崇拜|无限崇拜。崇拜 chóng bài词语解释:尊崇敬拜:对英雄人物非常崇拜|个人崇拜|无限崇拜。分词解释:个人崇拜:以个人作为别人崇拜的对象。尊崇:1.尊敬推崇。 2.庄严高大﹐用以形容庙宇﹑宫阙等建筑。 3.显贵。无限:见“有限与无限”。非常:①异乎寻常的;特殊的:非常时期ㄧ非常会议。②十分;极:非常光荣ㄧ非常高兴 ㄧ非常努力ㄧ他非常会说话。...崇拜怎么造句,用崇拜造句»