
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:56 | 来源:语文通



清明节作文的500字 篇1关于清明节的作文 篇2清明节的作文 篇3

清明节作文的500字 篇1


Today is April 5. In the twinkling of an eye, the annual Tomb Sweeping Day has arrived. There are many customs on Tomb Sweeping Day, including ancestor worship, tomb sweeping, hiking and tree planting. On Tomb Sweeping Day, we should remember the dead ancestors and visit their tombs.


In the morning, Grandma bought "San Sheng" - chicken, fish and meat. Grandma steamed these dishes, prepared some wine cups, wine, paper money, incense, and cut clean paper, and took us off.


Along the way, I saw small fish swimming in the clear river; I saw the peach blossoms in full bloom, swaying and smiling in the spring wind; I also saw the flowers on the roadside, and a fragrance came from the sun. I picked some small flowers and made a wreath to put in front of my grandfather's grave to express my missing for him. At this time, I thought of a poem about the Qingming Festival: during the Qingming Festival, there was a lot of rain and passers-by wanted to die. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy pointed to the Apricot Blossom Village. But this year's Tomb Sweeping Day unexpectedly didn't rain, instead, the sun shone brightly. How strange!


When we arrived at Grandpa's grave, Grandma took out food and wine. Grandpa swept the dust off the tombstone, cut a tree trunk with a knife, inserted it into the mound next to the grave, hung up the clean paper, poured three glasses of wine, lit incense with a lighter, burned some paper money, put his hands together, and said some words of missing and blessing. Finally, we all bowed three times to express our grief.


After sweeping the tomb, we packed up our things and left Grandpa's graveyard after the paper money was burned to ashes. Tomb sweeping Day is a festival where we can worship and remember our ancestors, and we can also enjoy and embrace nature.

关于清明节的作文 篇2


I remember that on the Tomb Sweeping Day every year, the atmosphere at home is always a little heavy. I didn't know why when I was a child, but now I have grown up and gradually understand that it turns out that on the Tomb Sweeping Day, the living people are mourning the dead. My mother told me that she had an elder sister and a younger brother. When she was a teenager, she died of illness, which hit my grandparents very hard. It is no wonder that on every family reunion day, they always look at photos and cry.


This year, Mom and Dad discussed that we should accompany our grandparents on the Tomb Sweeping Day, so they can no longer be immersed in pain. The Tomb Sweeping Day should also be celebrated happily.


Early in the morning, the sun was smiling and the lovely birds were singing on the branches. Our family set out to welcome the warm spring breeze. Along the way, I sang and danced to amuse my grandparents.


Wow, the park is so busy! huge crowds of people. The blue sky is colorful. The kite was covered and looked very beautiful against the white clouds. The peach trees beside the road are full of pink peach blossoms. When the wind blows, the peach blossoms fall down like fairies one after another. Grandma and grandpa are in a better mood after seeing the beautiful scenery. They helped me take out my kites and joined the kite flying team. We ran hard, and the kite finally flew into the sky, higher and higher, like a happy bird flying freely. Looking at the kite, we all laughed.

回家的时候,我们去了舅舅的坟地。爸爸妈妈告诉舅舅,外公外婆身体很好,我们一家都很好,让他放心。我也告诉舅舅,我的学习 m.paomian.net 也很好,我们家还买了新房子,马上与外公外婆一起搬进去住。默念时,我一不小心说了句“祝舅舅与大姨清明节快乐”妈妈捏了我一把,偷偷地望了外公外婆一眼。我也吓得直吐舌头。没想到外婆却说,没关系,他们今天看到我们了,还听我们说了这么多的话,一定很高兴很快乐吧

When we returned home, we went to my uncle's grave. My parents told my uncle that my grandparents were in good health, and our family was very well, which reassured him. I also told my uncle that my study was M. PAOMIAN NET is also very good. Our family also bought a new house and moved in with my grandparents immediately. During meditation, I accidentally said, "Happy Tomb Sweeping Day to my uncle and aunt." My mother pinched me and looked at my grandparents secretly. I was so scared that I stuck out my tongue. I didn't expect Grandma to say, "It doesn't matter. They saw us today and listened to us talk so much. They must be very happy."


Yes, why not? Whether dead or alive, we should be happy! Happy Tomb Sweeping Day!

清明节的作文 篇3


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, a day to worship the dead. In the morning, my parents and I went to visit the tomb together. On the way, I found that the streets had become much cleaner because of the heavy traffic. There were few pedestrians on the roads and people were in a hurry. There were few people here today. This reminds me of Du Mude's Tomb Sweeping Day: "During the Tomb Sweeping Day, there is a lot of rain, and people on the road want to die. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village". This year, the Qingming Festival is also full of drizzle, which makes people feel more sad for no reason. We came to the florist shop and saw that the usual colorful florist shop was almost replaced by the simple yellow chrysanthemum and white chrysanthemum today. We bought a pot of chrysanthemum, and then we ran to the destination.


As soon as I got to Longwang Mountain, I vaguely heard a string of firecrackers. It turned out that some tomb sweepers set off firecrackers. In the drizzle, there was some gray smoke, and the tomb sweepers burned sacrifices for their ancestors and got floating objects in the air. After I came to Longwang Mountain, my father sent the flowers to my grandmother and grandfather's gravestones. My aunt lit firecrackers, and my grandmother was burning sacrifices. After we lit candles, we would all kowtow. I heard some elderly people not far away talking about their interesting childhood stories and the scenes when their parents were alive, and from time to time there were several sighs. My grandfather and grandmother also talked about their father and mother when they were alive, and how happy they would be if the old man were still alive.


On the way home, I saw a lot of cars parked in other places. My mother told me that these cars were owned by people who came back from all directions to worship their ancestors. My mother also told me about her childhood. My mother said: "At that time, the family was not very rich, but my mother could always get some cheap fruits from your grandmother and grandfather, and also get some pocket money. My mother was a very happy child at that time." Speaking of this, my mother was a little dejected. Although I did not see my grandmother and grandfather, I wish them happiness and ease in heaven!