
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:30 | 来源:语文通



In the memory of everyone, most mothers are all smart and capable.Tell you a secret, my grandma is also smart and capable!


Grandma is an old man in his sixties and looks energetic.Grandma originally had a bright and lush hair, accompanied by the improvement of the age, the dense black hair had a trace of strips, and she was getting scarce.Then look down, the eyebrows also changed from thick eyebrows to scarce eyebrows, and there was a pair of dull eyes under the eyebrows, but there was still no looser, and there were several deep wrinkles beside the corner of the inner eyes.Look!Grandma smiled, like a yellow chrysanthemum open.Grandma's lips have the neat teeth of the left and right lines. Because of their age, a teeth were a little loose and disappeared.I also found that the empty area is like a "door", and the intact teeth on the side are like soldiers who stand out of the front!Grandma loves to laugh, all day is happy, and the life is unrestrained!


Grandma is a smart and capable old man. I still remember that in the physical education course, I would not fall into it with my heart, breaking a hole in a pair of denim pants. After returning home after school, I told my mother in pain, and my mother looked at this rotten hole and said, "Such a big hole, it will not be beautiful, let your mother buy a new one!" Some reluctant. At this time, my grandmother left with the old flower mirror and looked at it carefully, as if trying to make up for it, and said, "This hole is not big, grandma can help you make up." Zhang Cheng has O -shaped. Grandma said to make up, and then found the needle and line. There was also a dark blue cloth that cut the cloth into a "kind" shape on the rotten hole. In the needle, gradually repairing one by one, I have some doubts, but after a while, a rotten hole will become a "kind". Grandma's design idea is simply ingenious, and the skills are wonderful!


Since my grandmother has made up for jeans before, I have admired my grandmother's hand -made five -body investment.In my heart, she is my technical major and a completely free tailor. I want to find grandma when I have any clothes and pants.Also find grandma.Grandma is also happy, and all the face of joy!


My smart grandma in my eyes, I love my grandma!



1、奶奶:奶奶读音为nǎi nai,是指亦作“嬭嬭”。1.母亲。2.祖母。3.也尊称祖母辈的妇女。4.对已婚妇女的尊称。犹夫人、太太。5.为婢仆对女主人的称谓。6.对女子的昵称。犹姐姐。7.乳房。奶奶 nǎi nǎi词语解释:亦作“嬭嬭”。1.母亲。2.祖母。3.也尊称祖母辈的妇女。4.对已婚妇女的尊称。犹夫人、太太。5.为婢仆对女主人的称谓。6.对女子的昵称。犹姐姐。7.乳房。(1) [grandmother]∶祖母。也称跟祖母辈分相同或年纪相仿的妇女(2) [breast] 〈方〉∶指乳房(3) [your daughter-in-law] 〈方〉∶少奶奶分词解释:姐姐:①同父母(或只同父、只同母)而年纪比自己大的女子。②同族同辈而年纪比自己大的女子(一般不包括可以称做嫂的人):叔伯姐姐。夫人:古代诸侯的妻子称夫人,明清时一二品官的妻子封夫人,后来用来尊称一般人的妻子。现在多用于外交场合。尊称:1.尊贵的称谓或称号;敬称。 2.尊敬地称呼。乳房:1.人和哺乳动物所特有的哺乳器官。发育成熟的女子和雌性哺乳动物的乳房比较膨大。 2.生长石钟乳的山洞。...奶奶怎么造句,用奶奶造句»

2、聪明能干:聪明能干读音为cōng míng néng gàn,是指天资高记忆和理解力强而又有能力会做事。聪明能干 cōng míng néng gàn词语解释:天资高记忆和理解力强而又有能力会做事。分词解释:记忆:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。天资:天生的资质,指人的智能:天资聪颖|很高的天资。能力:掌握和运用知识技能所需的个性心理特征。一般分为一般能力与特殊能力两类,前者指大多数活动共同需要的能力,如观察力、记忆力、思维力、想像力、注意力等;后者指完成某项活动所需的能力,如绘画能力、音乐能力等。做事:1.从事某种工作或处理某项事情。 2.犹作主。 3.担任固定的职务;工作。...聪明能干怎么造句,用聪明能干造句»