
时间:2022-07-16 13:30:15 | 来源:语文通



I have seen the stuff of kayaks.Essence


Looking from a distance, a coach with a kisswood, holding a "golden hoop stick", stood there very well, waving his strong "golden hoop stick", teaching us how to slide the handsome look.Kae, we waved the paddle -like paddle.We learned very quickly. How good we put on the life jacket, everything was prepared. The coach took the boat to the shore. The coach pulled me on the boat and helped me adjust the posture. I don't care about it.Sliding forward, I almost hit the aunt who swimmed in front of it. Fortunately, the coach used his "golden hoop stick" to help me block it, and helped me turn around. I had to draw aside.The more skilled I am, I can easily transfer the bow to the other direction.


It is not easy to master the two -person boat. I took a paddle with my good partner and I got a boat on each. Let ’s do it again and shout:“ 1, 2, 1 ”.After the movement is skilled, we slowly wander around the area near the shore, leisurely, carefree, freedom.The light wind blew on the face, feeling very cool.I feel very happy to splash water on us.


Drives the single person again.I rushed to the center of the lake, and then turned sharply, almost in the river where I was caught. Fortunately, there was a coach who rescued each other, otherwise I would be over.


Happy time is always short, we are going home! I will come again next time!



1、体验:体验读音为tǐ yàn,是指亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。体验 tǐ yàn词语解释:亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。演员:戏剧、电影、音乐、舞蹈、曲艺、杂技等表演者的通称。产生:1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。必须:①表示事理上和情理上的必要;一定要:学习必须刻苦钻研。②加强命令语气:明天你必须来。‖‘必须’的否定是‘无须’、‘不须’或‘不必’。作家:1.治家,理家。 2.节俭。犹言做人家。 3.从事文学创作有成就的人。 4.佛教禅宗对善用机锋者之称。 5.行家;高手。...体验怎么造句,用体验造句»

2、皮艇:皮艇读音为pí tǐng,是指皮艇运动中使用的艇,原为北美洲因纽特人使用的兽皮船,现多用胶木、玻璃钢等制成。...