
时间:2022-06-09 13:38:57 | 来源:语文通


What a person wants to learn and does not want to learn, it is determined by his own interests. The so -called hobbies are the best teachers.One year of college entrance examination questions, talking about a student -let's call her Wang Xiaoya -Wang Xiaoya is not the material to pull the violin. Her parents do not support it, but she still practiced and practiced hard.Later, in the forest (such piano practitioners generally went to the woods), Wang Xiaoya met an old woman. She said she did not understand music, but she felt that Wang Xiaoya pulled very well ... In short, in her hints, in her hintsWang Xiaoya finally succeeded and pulled a good piano.Later, when I saw Wang Xiaoya realized her ideals, the old woman also showed her identity. She was a teacher of the Conservatory of Music. At first, when watching Wang Xiaoya was not a violin, he couldn't bear to hurt her, so she encouraged her to encourage her.Unexpectedly, she succeeded ... After reading the material of this college entrance examination, I laughed and laughed. If it wasn't for a sudden call, I would laugh at myself.


I always feel that there is a problem with this problem. At least, it is a bit too idealistic. I understand the great goal of the questioner, that is: as long as others give you confidence and encouragement, you can do anything. It is too naive to think about this view. It seems that the Red Devils Lala team can come, and Chinese football can rush out of Asia and go to the world. I think, it is not that you must do whatever you want to do. Ideal, this thing has something to do with the encouragement of others, and has little to do with self -confidence, but it has little to do. A rice is ideal, no matter how confident, and give it more encouragement, I am afraid that it will not grow. The ideal of a rice can only make himself fuller and heavy. We must reduce the height of the ideal as much as possible, and even reduce some unrealistic ideals like house prices. When I was in elementary school, the teacher liked to ask us what our ideals were. My class, anyway from the Prime Minister to the Minister, Governor, Scientist ... There are people registering, but now, the head of the division level is one or two, and there are still one or two, and there are still one or two. Get it on. More people marry their wives and have children in the countryside, keep two acres of land, and have a cow, and live a pure natural, grass -green life. Students, whether college students, middle school students, or elementary school students today, they all have ideals to make their ideals. None of them want to be a cleaner. However, everyone goes to the Prime Minister ’s aerospace pilot. Then, who will sweep the street? Who will build the house? Who will drive the bus? Of course, I say this, it is not for everyone to compete for cleaners, drivers, or something. From one extreme to another. I mean, you have to reduce your ideal altitude as much as possible. If it was as high as 8848.13 meters like Mount Everest, now I persuade you to drop to less than 1 kilometer or even lower. It is also very good. Your ideal, if it is only five meters of altitude, it will be easy to achieve. On the basis of five meters, you can ask for another ten meters of altitude, 20 meters of altitude.


For the better realization of life value, please put the ideal altitude low, low, lower.



1、心情:心情读音为xīn qíng,是指情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。心情 xīn qíng词语意思:情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。分词解释:心情舒畅:无忧无虑的,无所恐惧的。感情:①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。不好:1.不美;不善。 2.不舒服,指生病。 3.不便。 4.不能。...心情怎么造句,用心情造句»

2、期待:期待读音为qī dài,是指期望;等待。 期盼;等待期待炮弹爆炸期待 qī dài词语解释:期望;等待。[anticipate;await;expect] 期盼;等待期待炮弹爆炸分词解释:期望:①对未来情况寄托希望或有所等待:期望能有成功的一天。②又称“数学期望”、“均值”。概率论的基本概念。指随机变量ξ取值的加权平均数,其权数就是相应的概率或概率密度,常以eξ表示。期望由它的概率分布唯一确定,它反映了随机变量取值的平均,是随机变量最重要的数学特性。等待:1.不采取行动﹐直到期望或意料中的人﹑事物或情况出现。 2.犹等到。● 期 qī ㄑㄧˉ◎ 规定的时间,或一段时间:定期。限期。期限。学期。◎ 量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五期。◎ 盼望,希望:期望。期冀。期盼。期待。◎ 限度:“征敛无期求索无度”。◎ 必,决定:“期死,非勇也”。◎ 〔期颐〕指人活到一百岁。◎ 地质学上指在一个国境内或一个大区域内,小于“世”的地质年代单位。● 期 jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 一周年,一整月:期年。期月。期服(古代丧服名,要穿一年)。● 待 dài ㄉㄞˋ◎ 等,等候:待到。待旦。拭目以待。◎ 以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对待。招待。待遇。待人接物。◎ 将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正待出门,有人来了。● 待 dāi ㄉㄞˉ◎ 停留,逗留,迟延:你待一会儿再走。...期待怎么造句,用期待造句»

3、海拔:海拔读音为hǎi bá,是指以平均海水面做标准的高度。也叫拔海。海拔 hǎi bá分词解释:以平均海水面做标准的高度。也叫拔海。(1) [elevation;height above sea level]∶超出海平面的高度(2) [altitude]∶以平均海水面做标准的高度分词解释:拔海:海拔。以平均海水面做标准的高度。标准:①衡量事物的准则:技术标准ㄧ实践是检验真理的唯一标准。②本身合于准则,可供同类事物比较核对的事物:标准音ㄧ标准时。平均海水面:某一海域一定期间(如1天、1月、1年或多年)海水面的平均位置。分别由相应期间的逐时潮位观测资料按一定方法计算求得。多年的平均海水面可作为陆地高程的起算面。中国规定按1956年青岛验潮站的观测数据计算出的黄海平均海水面作为全国高程的起算面。高度:①高低的程度;从地面或基准面向上到某处的距离;从物体的底部到顶端的距离:飞行的高度丨 这座山的高度是四千二百米。②程度很高的:高度的劳动热情丨高度评价他的业绩丨这个问题应该受到高度重视。...