
时间:2022-08-19 12:14:54 | 来源:语文通



On Monday afternoon, the teacher told us that students in grades in grades in the sixth grade tomorrow afternoon can only have six grades.This good news was like a gust of wind, giving everyone a surprise, and we cheered happily.In a blink of an eye, the destination has been reached.


We walked into a wide venue and there were dozens of acres! After walking for a while, we saw a large "lotus leaf" from a distance. What are they? I am curiously running.Its stems are very rough, whether it is upper or lower, its leaves are like a huge love, standing on a pole, the veins on the top are so clear, like small streams flowing on the flat ground.I took a closer look, "Well, nothing else?" I said to myself, and suddenly a classmate shouted, "Look at it, where can I have taro!", Oh, this boy is called Taro!react.Gently lift the taro's leaves to see the exquisite taro.I'm not eating taro for the first time, but the first time I saw the true face of taro! This is also the first fruit and branches I have seen. There are so many different plants! It is really a magical plant!


Going forward, I saw a row of "flowers" on the left side of the road, "Ah, this flower is green! It's really amazing." A classmate said.I want to see what is special about this green flower.Looking from a distance like a layered peony to be open.Its leaves are from large to small, from dark green to light green, which is very special.I approached and found, "Well, this flower heart seems to be a served cabbage often." I suddenly thought, "Hey, where is there a hollow." Speaking of this, I found that this is Miss Baoxincai, I am, I am, I am, IHow can I recognize it?/? It turns out that "cabbage" and "cabbage" are packed one by one, but people only eat its heart.Ah, a large number of dishes that farmers worked hard can only be eaten in the middle.


"Classmates, now we have to walk into a large -scale soil -free greenhouse, don't touch it with your hands!" The instructor told us.As soon as I walked in, I clearly felt that it was hotter than outside. No wonder it was a greenhouse.I saw a brand that introduced soilless cultivation: The soil -free cultivation is fixed plant with lightweight materials such as grassh charcoal or forest corrupt leaves, vermiculite and other lightweight materials.Modern seedling technology for planting seedlings once.The seedling plate is selected in the component room, seeding one grain, one plant in one room, and the root system and matrix of the seedlings are entangled with each other.Radio seedlings.Oh, it is amazing. It can be planted without soil. Although I have heard of it, this is also the first time I have seen it.


This time it was not easy to learn farming activities, and it was exclusive to the sixth grade.This activity made me see and realized some novel plants and technology, which made me feel the magic of the vegetable world!