
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:02 | 来源:语文通



放假的作文 篇1放假的作文 篇2放假的作文 篇3放假的作文 篇4放假的作文 篇5放假的作文 篇6放假的作文 篇7

放假的作文 篇1

五一放假了,妈妈对我和弟弟说:“你们放假了妈妈就带你们到洛阳看看牡丹怎么样?”我和弟弟别提有多高兴了! 我俩兴奋的一晚上没睡好。

May Day holiday, my mother said to my brother and me: "You have a holiday, my mother will take you to Luoyang to see peonies?" My brother and I are so happy! We were so excited that we didn't sleep well.


My brother and I got up early this morning to finish our meal quickly and set out with my mother. Looking at the beautiful scenery along the road, I thought: I will see the peony soon. I am very happy. The adults say that Luoyang peony is the best in the world, and that Luoyang peony is the king of beautiful flowers. Today, I also want to see it.

我们坐了一段路程的车就到了洛阳公园,我们走到了牡丹种植园的地方。哇!在这里所有牡丹花都开了,姹紫嫣红,百花齐放。真有一股春天的气息!这里的牡丹五颜六色,有的是紫红色的、有的是粉红色的、还有的是米黄色的,更有的牡丹花洁白无瑕,好似雪一般。我拿起妈妈手机上的相机就把这美景拍了下来,就在这时我看见了一朵牡丹,它是那么的好看。周围一圈的花瓣是白色的,往里面一点变成了粉色,在它的正中央夹着一些花蕊,是黄色的。这一朵牡丹简直美到了极点,我心想就算是莲花也未必有这么好看吧!与此同时,我的手也没闲着,拍下了这一朵牡丹。 牡丹不愧是中国的国花,我为它们的美丽而喝彩。

We took a ride to Luoyang Park, where we came to the Peony Plantation. Wow! All the peonies here are in full bloom. It really has a spring breath! The peonies here are colorful, some are purple, some are pink, some are beige, and more peonies are white and flawless, like snow. I picked up the camera on my mother's mobile phone and took a picture of the beautiful scenery. At that moment, I saw a peony, which was so beautiful. The petals around the circle are white, and turn pink a little inside. There are some stamens in the center of it, which are yellow. This peony is extremely beautiful. I thought that even the lotus may not be so beautiful! At the same time, my hand was not idle, and I took this peony. Peony deserves to be the national flower of China. I applaud for their beauty.


I reluctantly left the Peony Garden and got on the bus home.


May Day is really good, let me have a happy day.

放假的作文 篇2


On May 3, Mr. Dong and I came to Shouqiao Primary School in Zelin Town and participated in the field rape cutting activity with the students there.


We walked along the winding field path into the fields, and a large green and yellow rape appeared in front of us. The principal of Shouqiao Primary School emphasized the safety issues that should be paid attention to when cutting rape, and carefully prepared labor gloves for everyone. Then, the team leader explained and demonstrated the essentials of rape cutting: hold a rape with the left hand, put a sickle on the stalk with the right hand, pull it hard, and cut a rape easily. After watching the demonstration, everyone was eager to try. Who knows, it seems easier to do it than to do it. The sickle seems to be disobedient. If it is heavy, it is afraid of cutting itself. If it is light, it will cut again. Some students simply cut and pulled, and even pulled up the root of the oil cabbage. Then they stumbled and almost fell. Suddenly, the field became lively. While cutting, everyone summarized their experience, and soon mastered the skills of labor. The cutting became more and more smooth. The man standing next to him was itching and shouted, "You are tired. Take a rest and let me try." But the man with the sickle still felt bored and said loudly, "Not tired, let me cut it for a while!"


Soon, a piece of rape was put down. The team leader also taught us to pull the roots of oilseed rape. She held a piece of straw exposed on the ground with both hands and pulled it up with all her strength. The roots of oilseed rape broke through the soil. I walked over to try my hand. Unexpectedly, I tried my best, but the rape root seemed to be pulling a tug of war with me. Teacher Dong came to pull it with me. "One, two, three". Ha ha, the rape root could not beat us after all, so we had to leave the ground.


At this time, the sun was scorching in the sky, our cheeks were red with the sun, and everyone was already sweating, but no one would stop to have a rest, and everyone was immersed in the joy of labor. Today, I learned to cut rape, and also learned to work together, and I have never tasted the happiness.

放假的作文 篇3


On the first day of May, when I got up in the morning, I lay on the sofa bored and thought about things. "This festival must be very boring..." At this moment, a sentence pulled me out of the dream world, "Yiman, your aunt asked if you would go to her house to play?" My aunt's house, isn't it a village? "Well, well, yes." Mom said, "Now you should wash and change your clothes and start immediately!" It was still a long time before the family started.


After a bumpy journey, we finally came to the countryside. When I came to my aunt's house, I smelled the local flavor of cooking in the countryside as soon as I entered the house, which made my mouth water.


The dishes are served. Wow, although Wenzhou's snacks are complete in color, smell and taste, the dishes here are also complete in color, smell and taste, and are more healthy. They are completely different from snacks and make people salivate. I couldn't wait to pick up my chopsticks, pick up a piece of "Spicy Shrimp" and eat it with relish, saying, "If only I could eat such delicious food every day."


After lunch, I hurried outside, greedily breathing the unique rural atmosphere. There is a big flower in the field. I feel relaxed and happy when I look at the endless sea of flowers. The fragrance of flowers and plants and the natural breath are all integrated together, giving people unlimited reverie. Close your eyes and ask for the warmth from nature, as if all the noise had stopped. I listen carefully to the sound of the leaves being blown by the wind and the heartbeat of nature. How pleasant!


After wandering in the countryside for so long, it was dusk in a twinkling of an eye. "Yiman, there are festival programs." When our mother asked us to watch, the program had already started. We applauded when watching various programs.


How time flies! It's time to leave this happy countryside. I really feel reluctant. I took a disgusted look at the cage like black car and reluctantly got on the bus. I opened the window and took a deep look at the world that I yearned for. How I missed it. I closed the window and reluctantly left.


I really hope that next year's Labor Day holiday will be able to come to the countryside again and breathe more with the vegetation here.

放假的作文 篇4


One day on Saturday, my mother had to work overtime at her office, so she sent me to her colleague's home. Because one of her colleague's daughters was a few years older than me and just my partner, my mother asked me to bring my skates and skate with her sister.


My mother sent me to my aunt's house and left. At that time, I was a little shy and afraid of strangers. I stood there without moving. It was Big Sister who led me to her room and started chatting with me gently. Then, she turned on the computer and we started playing games together. There is a game called Q version of Bubble Hall. We cooperated very well, and we broke several levels.


At noon, my sister, I and her father went to her grandmother's house for dinner. When I got there, I was still very nervous. I didn't know what to say. My sister asked me to say hello, and I cried softly. I was very shy. However, they welcomed me warmly and gave me a lot of food during the meal. Slowly, I felt less nervous. I ate a lot of food and felt full.


After dinner, we went back to my sister's house. We had a rest for a while, and then my sister proposed to go skating. I found my sister's skating skills were very good. I asked her to teach me how to brake. She patiently guided me. We skated for a long time, and I also practiced skating brake skillfully.


Unconsciously, it was getting dark, and my mother came to pick me up before I had played enough. Although it was only a short day, my sister and I had a deep friendship. Not only did I learn some tricks of skating, but also I was not afraid of strangers. I really benefited a lot!

放假的作文 篇5


I walked into my room and looked carefully. Ah! I was really surprised at the sight. How can I not notice that my room is so messy? Let alone it's like a dog's kennel. The bedside table was littered with used napkins; The bed is full of books, learning books, extra-curricular reading materials, lying in disorder; The desk is full of all kinds of pens, pencils, water pens, color pens occupy the whole desk; Open the three drawers, wow, it's even worse. The book, eraser, ruler and other things in the drawer are mixed together, and a large stack of awards are mixed in the middle. If you don't sort them out, it's necessary to sprout and grow worms. Also, the dirty clothes and trousers I changed yesterday were thrown on the chair. It is estimated that they will get moldy if they are not washed.


I must make my room clean and tidy today. I threw the napkins on the bedside table into the trash can, folded the books on the bed one by one, put them back to the bookshelf in turn by category, and put the pens on the desk into the pencil box and pen container one by one. Next, the task of sorting out the drawers was more difficult. When I opened the drawer, I poured the contents out, and the ground was piled up like a hill. I squatted on the ground and got up. I fold the book from big to small and put it in the first drawer; Then I found two beautiful boxes, put all kinds of erasers in one box, put rulers of different lengths in another box, and put the two boxes in the second drawer; Finally, I put the certificates into the third drawer according to the winning time. After all this, I was sweating so much that I didn't want to get up. I looked up and saw the dirty clothes on the chair. I thought that I must start and finish everything. After a rest, I gritted my teeth and stood up. I picked up a pile of dirty clothes and went to the balcony. I threw them into the washing machine. After putting in the washing liquid, I pressed the washing button.

走回自己房间 www.shubaoc.com ,看着焕然一新的面貌,我心中充满了劳动后的喜悦,同时也真正明白了父母的辛苦,我暗暗告诫自己,今后一定要多干些力所能及的家务事,减轻他们的负担。

Go back to your room WWW.SHUBAOC COM, looking at the new look, my heart is filled with joy after work, but also really understand the hard work of my parents. I secretly told myself that in the future, I must do more housework to reduce their burden.

放假的作文 篇6


Today is the last day of the May Day holiday, and a wonderful holiday is coming. However, it seems that my holiday is not so beautiful.


In the evening, before school was over, the Chinese teacher came to assign homework: two newspapers, write the notebook from 24 sides to 40 sides, ten pages in length, and add a composition. The teacher assigned the homework and asked us if it was too much. We shook our heads and waved our hands and said in unison, "Not much, not much!" Do you know why? This is a short story.


On the afternoon of last Monday, in the math class, the trainee teacher took us to make an exercise book. I don't know which students were speaking below. The trainee teacher criticized a few words, but there was still a voice. The teacher turned green with anger and asked the monitor to call the math teacher. The math teacher became more angry when he came. Because the teacher couldn't figure out which students were talking, he criticized the whole class together, and then gave us a lot of homework: 15 definitions learned in Unit 3 were written ten times, 150 times in total. As soon as the teacher said something, we were shocked, but none of our classmates dared to contradict us.


From 7:00 to 8:30 that evening, I had to go to the Cultural Bureau to practice the piano. When I got home and finished my homework, it was already over ten o'clock. The next day, as soon as I arrived at school, I saw that many students were still making up their homework. Before class, the head teacher came and told us that what the math teacher said yesterday was angry. The students should stop writing. Of course, our classmates who didn't speak in class were angry. They felt like they were being played. Some of them wanted to beat the teacher.


After that, we know that if we annoy the teacher, we will have no good fruit to eat.

放假的作文 篇7


It was not easy to get to the "May Day". I wanted to relax and enjoy myself, but my mother issued an "order": let's do a general cleaning while we are on holiday today. I think the "May Day" holiday is for fun, but in my mother's eyes, it is cleaning.


After listening to this, Dad quickly opened his mouth and said: "Today I want to wash the car, but also..." My sister said hesitantly: "I, I also need to check the information." "I still have a lot of homework to do!" I am not willing to lag behind, and I am busy using the killer! "Leave all of them to clean up! No one is allowed to leave." Mom gave orders, and no one dared to say more, so they had to stay quietly to participate in the cleaning.

说干就干,妈妈动作真利索,一下子就把衣柜处理完了。我和姐姐为了少干一点活,就故意慢吞吞的,一个书架子就搞了老半天。爸爸当然是“父女同心”, 东擦擦,西抹抹,一副吊儿郎当相。还美其名曰:“这是慢工出细活嘛!”

Just do what you say. My mother was very quick and finished the wardrobe at once. In order to do less work, my sister and I deliberately slowed down. We spent a long time on a bookshelf. Dad, of course, is "father and daughter are one heart". He rubs around and around, making a fool of himself. It is also called "Slow work makes fine work"


Just after the words, my mother has stood behind my father, so we can be more honest. My sister and I mopped the floor and cleaned the tables and chairs. Dad had to mop the dust. The whole family was very busy... Finally, Mom gave an order to "stop work" and we collapsed on the sofa.


Ah! It's so comfortable. Looking at the clean windows and the brand-new home, I feel relaxed and comfortable! Hehe, the original labor is happy!