
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:58 | 来源:语文通


我的同学 篇1我的同学300字作文 篇2我的同学作文300字 篇3我的同学作文300字 篇4我的同学作文300字 篇5

我的同学 篇1


She is a quiet girl, with an egg shaped face with a small cherry mouth, and a pair of big black eyes like two black gemstones, flickering. She is Xu Qiaoning in our class.


At the end of class every day, the students gathered in groups, laughing and talking, but she always sat quietly in her seat, like an inconspicuous grass. I think it may be because her academic performance is not very good and she is inferior. In fact, she also has many advantages, such as kindness and humor.


I remember one day when we were chatting together, she said to me, "When I was born, I was like oxygen. Later, after my sister was born, I became air. When I went to school, my grades were poor, and I became carbon dioxide. Now, I am worse at learning, and I become carbon monoxide." When I heard this, I burst into a giggle, and the water in my mouth came out and sprayed on her. I quickly took out a tissue to let her wipe it, and said to her: "I'm sorry." She shook her hand and said, "I'm fine. Did you choke?" I sprayed her all over. She not only didn't blame me, but also cared about me, comforted me, and moved me.


Today, I want to say to Xu Qiaoning: Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. Don't feel inferior and play with everyone. I hope you are happy every day.

我的同学300字作文 篇2


In the classroom, you can hear her reading aloud; On the playground, you can see her struggling figure. She is Li Jianing in our class.


Li Jianing has a round face and is flushed. Under a pair of crescent moon like eyebrows, there is a pair of small water smart eyes, and a pair of small red glasses on the eyes. Her dark hair and pink face are particularly beautiful.


Li Jianing's Chinese is very good. In a Chinese contest, I was absent-minded when I finished writing the paper, leaving five short questions blank, and I was not careful when checking. Li Jianing carefully checked and thought hard about those difficult questions. When the examination paper was handed out, I was ashamed that I had missed Li Jianing's test by a few points because of my negligence. Since then, I have made up my mind to surpass Li Jianing and never be impetuous. This final exam, I finally got the same score as Li Jianing.


Li Jianing, I admire your earnest and down-to-earth learning attitude. I hope we can help each other in learning and make progress together.

我的同学作文300字 篇3


Our class has a lovely Chinese class representative - Xiao Wang.


Xiao Wang has a pair of big watery eyes, a beautiful nose, a cherry red mouth, a fat, very cute. She has a nickname "Lao Wang next door" Why do you call her "Lao Wang next door"? Because she lives next door to my house and her surname is Wang, she is called "Lao Wang next door".


We all like to be friends with Xiao Wang. She is very generous and often brings us something to share. Once, I forgot to bring a break meal. I was very hungry, and I was embarrassed to ask for it. Xiao Wang seemed to see my trouble, so she took out her break meal and gave it to me. I thanked her very much.


She is also very helpful and will help others when they are in trouble. Once, while we were doing our homework, I couldn't answer a Chinese question. Just when I was very puzzled, Xiao Wang saw my mind, walked up to me, explained the question to me, and gave me several exercises after speaking.


Xiao Wang is a responsible, generous and helpful person. We all like her.

我的同学作文300字 篇4


In the summer vacation, I met some classmates in the Taekwondo class, and one of them impressed me very much. His name was Wu Wei.


Wu Wei has dark skin and dark hair; About 155, not much taller than me, but strong; He looks very powerful, but his strength is average. But he works very hard and is often praised by the coach. He said that he did a very good job, which made many students envy him for being praised by the coach.


Once he played the kickboard very well. Because he mastered his strength very well, he was praised by the coach again. He told us to learn from him and study Taekwondo as hard as he did. He will certainly be praised by the coach.


Wu Wei, my classmate, is also very humorous. He often tells us some small jokes to relax. When he is tired, the coach will ask him to tell jokes. We call this time "Relaxing Moment".


He is also a lively boy. Some of his classmates are always fighting. Although he was beaten, he still smiled; I like to be the first to run out after class, but I always come back soon.


This is my humorous and lively classmate --- Wu Wei.

我的同学作文300字 篇5


1、 Appearance


My classmate Ma Li Cheng is very beautiful, but he walks too slowly, and among the boys, he is very short and weak, so his classmates call him "little snail".


2、 Homework


Ma Licheng is a slow worker in his class. Every time the teacher asks him to hand in his homework quickly, he always says, "Soon, soon." But the teacher didn't see him hand in his homework for a long time. The teacher has to keep Ma and Li every day after school.


3、 Diet


The "snail" pony ate slowly every day, and we all ate well. He was still slowly eating with chopsticks. Whenever this happened, the table mate laughed at him: "Little snail, how slowly he ate!" Hearing this, Ma Licheng immediately retorted, saying, "What's wrong with being slow? I'll be fine soon." After listening to his words, we will laugh and have nothing to say!


4、 Examination


Ma Licheng was even slower in the exam! "Ding Lingling!" The bell rang, but Ma Chengcai solved the first problem. We have all handed in our papers, and only he is still writing, but the quality may not be good when we finish. Hey, who called him a "snail" pony!


Poor Ma Licheng, we really need to speed up!