Everyone rushed to the big chicken house on the top of the mountain.
For the first time, everyone came to the chicken house. Several abominable big roosters have been rampant and always love to bully people. They use their sharp lips to peck in me without mercy.I want to get revenge!
This time I pulled up first, I carried a wooden stick, a sword, and a pocket stone rushed to the door of the chicken house.
I kicked away the gate of the chicken house. Several cocks immediately greeted them. For me grinning my teeth, the air was full of smoke, and I suddenly entered the situation where Bing Rong met.It's about to start!I pulled out the stick, swept to the road, and gave them a "siege to the city". These cocks learned about it, shot a shot of wings, avoided my attack, and came 360 degrees to me to me.run over here.When I saw a bad momentum, I hurriedly used the "rotating stick method" and only heard how to form words "pop, slap, pop", and the rooster accidentally knocked to the ground.
I think: Why do this kind of rooster always love to attack me?Could it be said that I want to catch their chicken daughter -in -law?
In the past, the first line of defense was involved in the base of the chicken house agile.As everyone knows, it was miserable!It is the black hair rooster with all wisdom.My stick was just thrown at the gate, and it was too late to get it.The black -haired rooster premiered the game, using its "tip of the mouth" to attack me with waves of offensive, but I "hid through the first day, could not hide fifteen", and finally was hit.
"The tiger is not prestigious, when we are a sick cat!" I pulled out the bamboo sword on my waist with my left hand, took out a few stones in my right hand to throw it out of the black hair rooster, and caught it off. The black hair cock was helpless.I was not as good as action. I immediately used the stunt to "shock the world" and "cut" the rooster with the strength of the whole body. The black -haired rooster was panicked.
I won the battle, and those cocks were afraid of bullying people since then, and I could go to him in the chicken house.
I was close to the chicken eggs and found that a hen squatted in the chicken egg nest. What did they do?My father told me that the hen was hatching the chicks, is it a flattering fluffy chick?I was anxiously waiting for the chicken to be born, hugging the hen every three differences, and see if the chick was born.
With my "pretended egg", the chicken house is extremely disturbed.
Sometimes the hens bring a group of chicks to find food, and I follow the back to chase; sometimes I can "abduct" the chicken; sometimes I can catch the little bugs to eat the chicken ... I gradually obsessed with the chicksIt is a paradise for my childhood.
Now, the chicken house on the top of the mountain has long been barren. As soon as the childhood years are gone, I slowly grow up and I can no longer do these childish things.Chicken, I still think of the childhood in my chicken house.
1、儿时:儿时读音为ér shí,是指儿童时代。 童年谈及儿时故乡的景物,如在眼前儿时 ér shí词语解释:儿童时代。[childhood] 童年谈及儿时故乡的景物,如在眼前分词解释:儿童:较幼小的未成年人(年纪比‘少年’小):儿童读物。时代:①社会发展的不同阶段或时期:原始时代|社会主义时代。②个人生命的某个时期:儿童时代|青年时代。③美国新闻周刊。1923年创刊。以报道国际、国内新闻为主,并大量使用图片。有国内版和国外版。国内版在纽约出版。国外版分大西洋、亚洲、拉丁美洲、南太平洋等版。各版内容基本相同。● 时(時) shí ㄕˊ◎ 一切事物不断发展变化所经历的过程:时间。时不我与。◎ 较长的时间:时代。古时。◎ 泛指一段时间:时光。时令。时分。◎ 现在的,当前的:当时。时下。时务。时宜。◎ 常常:时常。学而时习之。◎ 一年中的一季:时序。四时如春。◎ 旧时的记时单位,一昼夜十二分之一为一“时辰”,深夜十一点至次日凌晨一点为“子时”,中午十一点至一点为“午时”。◎ 现在的记时单位,一昼夜的二十四分之一:时钟。时差(chā)。◎ 某一时刻:按时上班。◎ 不定时,有时候:时而。时阴时晴。◎ 机会:时机。待时而动。◎ 姓。● 儿(兒) ér ㄦˊ◎ 小孩子:儿戏。◎ 年轻的人(多指青年男子):男儿。儿女情。◎ 男孩子:儿子。生儿育女。◎ 雄性的马:儿马。● 儿(兒) er ㄦ◎ 作助词(同前一字连成一个卷舌音):小孩儿。...儿时怎么造句,用儿时造句»
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