
时间:2022-07-15 13:49:44 | 来源:语文通



Everyone is walking on a flat and open stone road.


The bushes on the side of the road stretch out the branches, and stretch out everyone's legs or trousers.Although it has been in the summer, the forests here are cool.Looking from a distance, the forest is full of vibrant scenery.The bird crying seemed to be near, not far away.Vaguely, I also heard the sound of "wow" in the waterfall.Everyone didn't speak, and it looked very quiet in the forest.


The road is getting narrower.Looking up, I couldn't see the top of the mountain, but it could be seen that the lack of clouds and mist surrounded.I heard that the top of the mountain was very beautiful, and I could look at the surrounding scenery, so I went to climb.The road before, or it was good, at this time, it looked narrow but not based on the two.He didn't arrive at the station, followed the army.The scenery of the forests is leisurely, and even if you look at it, even if it is unclean.Thinking of the appearance of the past, I couldn't help but regret it: Why come here to climb?To be very boring, you need to sweat a lot to die here.


The road is getting steady.After a while, it rained.Originally, the narrow and dangerous road was mud, and it became muddy, and the more she went.There was no umbrella on his body, and it was poured by the rain.In the end, I simply met the waterfalls from the half -hill slope, and the shoes were wet.My heart is becoming more dissatisfied and not resistant.Looking up at the top of the mountain again, the top of the mountain seemed to be a lot clear, but the boring and boredom in my heart could not be removed from beginning to end.


The pottery of the pot shows my thoughts: "Is so annoying? In fact, the beauty of the mountain top is also very worthy of a view. Just overcome it, it's nothing."


I looked at the top of the mountain again.Yes, there seems to be nothing.The top of the mountain seemed to be in front of me, waiting for me to climb.


I seemed brisk in my heart.Undertake the soreness of your hands and legs, strode forward, sometimes rest, and then climb up.The road, it seemed not so steep again, the rain stopped.The flat and wide avenue is now presented.It's coming!I keep moving forward and embark on the last stairs -


ah!I watched at the foot of the mountain. The rain seemed to have not dissipated yet. The crystal -clear green Yang Ting was covered up, and the color was graded layer by layer, like a beautiful, emerald green mask.Everything has nothing to do.


is solid, not arrogant, impatient, not afraid of difficulties, so that they can see the mountains.To overcome it, for a while, the beautiful scenery will be seen at a glance.This is the same in daily life. It overcome the difficulty of saying plain, and the future of happiness is close at hand!



1、中的:中的读音为zhòng dì,是指1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。中的 zhōng de词典解释:1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。分词解释:中肯:《庄子.养生主》:“技经肯綮之未尝,而况大軱乎?”肯,着骨之肉;綮,筋骨结合处。肯綮为肢体紧要之处,后即以“中肯”指言论击中要害或恰到好处:你说的话很中肯|其言甚中肯,余深赞之。靶心:靶子的中心。目的:想要达到或希望得到的预期地点或结果:他说这话的目的是想提醒大家别忘了以前同学时的友谊。达到:1.到达。 2.达成;得到。多指抽象事物或程度。切当:贴切恰当。...中的怎么造句,用中的造句»

2、暑期:暑期读音为shǔ qī,是指暑假期间。暑期 shǔ qī词语意思:暑假期间。(1) [summer vacation time]∶暑假期间(2) [heated term]∶夏季炎热的日子分词解释:期间:某个时期里面。暑假:学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。● 暑 shǔ ㄕㄨˇ◎ 热:暑天。暑热。暑假。酷暑。◎ 中医学“六淫”之一。● 期 qī ㄑㄧˉ◎ 规定的时间,或一段时间:定期。限期。期限。学期。◎ 量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五期。◎ 盼望,希望:期望。期冀。期盼。期待。◎ 限度:“征敛无期求索无度”。◎ 必,决定:“期死,非勇也”。◎ 〔期颐〕指人活到一百岁。◎ 地质学上指在一个国境内或一个大区域内,小于“世”的地质年代单位。● 期 jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 一周年,一整月:期年。期月。期服(古代丧服名,要穿一年)。...暑期怎么造句,用暑期造句»

3、登山:登山读音为dēng shān,是指1.上山。 2.指重阳登高。 3.登山运动的简称。 徒步爬山;体育运动的一种它的计划包括几次登山登山 dēng shān词语解释:1.上山。 2.指重阳登高。 3.登山运动的简称。[climb] 徒步爬山;体育运动的一种它的计划包括几次登山分词解释:登高:中国古代旅游活动。相传源于汉代,并相沿成俗。一般于重阳节,约聚家人及亲朋好友旅游,登高远眺,藉以避难消灾、娱乐身心。简称:①较复杂的名称的简化形式。如中专(中等专业学校)、奥运会(奥林匹克运动会)。②简单地称呼:化学肥料简称化肥。上山:1.登山,到山上。 2.指到山里打游击。 3.指蚕上簇结茧。山,指蚕簇。重阳:1.指天。 2.古代中医谓周身发热,脉象旺盛。 3.节日名。古以奇数为阳,偶数为阴,九为阳数之极。九月九日故称“重九”或“重阳”。魏晋后,习俗于此日登高游宴。...登山怎么造句,用登山造句»