
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:16 | 来源:语文通



端午节的由来作文 篇1端午节的来历作文 篇2端午节的来历作文400字 篇3端午节的由来作文 篇4端午节的来历作文400字 篇5端午节的来历作文 篇6

端午节的由来作文 篇1


It is forbidden to draw well water on the Dragon Boat Festival in Peiping. People often draw well water before the festival, which is said to avoid well poison. Marketplace vendors also sell cherry mulberry on the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that cherry mulberry is eaten on the Dragon Boat Festival, but flies are not eaten by mistake throughout the year. Each stove sells "Five Poison Cake", which is decorated with five kinds of poisonous insect patterns. The in laws of men and women who have been engaged in Luan County give gifts to each other on the Dragon Boat Festival. At the Dragon Boat Festival in Zhaoxian County, the local government will hold a party in the south of the city and invite the city's sergeants and officials to feast and compose poems, which is called "Stepping on the Willows".


During the Dragon Boat Festival in Zouping County, Shandong Province, people need to drink a glass of wine when they get up early. It is said that they can avoid evil spirits. Sunshine Dragon Boat Festival wraps seven colored thread around children, and it is necessary to wear it until the first rain after the festival. At the Dragon Boat Festival in Linqing County, boys under seven years old wore amulets (necklaces made of wheat stubble), girls wore pomegranate flowers, and wore yellow shoes made by their mothers. Five kinds of poisonous insects were painted on the vamp with a brush. It means to kill five poisonous insects with Qu Yuan's ink. Jimo washes his face with dew on the morning of Dragon Boat Festival.


During the Dragon Boat Festival in Xiezhou, Shanxi Province, men and women wore wormwood leaves, which was called "disease elimination", and young children wore a hundred ropes around their necks. It was said that this was "to tie dragons for Qu Yuan". At the Dragon Boat Festival in Xizhou, every village offered sacrifices to the Dragon King and hung paper in the fields. The Dragon Boat Festival in Huairen County is also known as "Zhumen". During the Dragon Boat Festival in Dingxiang County, students need to present gifts to teachers. Lu'an Mansion steamed rice balls with wheat flour, called "white balls", together with zongzi, they were presented to each other as gifts.


During the Dragon Boat Festival in Xing'an Prefecture, Shaanxi Province, local officials led their colleagues to watch the race, which was called "stepping on the stone". Xingping County Dragon Boat Festival uses silk to sew small corns, and then sews a small puppet below, which is called "Shuai Wa". Tongguan County's Dragon Boat Festival is called "Zhenbing", because it uses Puai and paper cattle to stick doors.


Rose picking at Dragon Boat Festival in Jingning Prefecture, Gansu Province takes honey pickling as malt. Zhenyuan County Dragon Boat Festival presents newlyweds with incense fans, Luo Qi, handkerchiefs and Ai Hu. Children also invite their parents and brothers to entertain teachers, which is called "Enjoy the Festival". At the Dragon Boat Festival in Zhangxian County, shepherd boys worship the mountain gods. The hill is burned before the cock crows, commonly known as "burning mountains".

古时"端"与"初"同义,"五"与"午"相通。按地支顺序推算,五月为午月,故初五作端午。唐玄宗的生日是八月初五日,宰相宋建议要避讳,此后,"端五"就改称为"端午"了。端午节也叫端阳节、天中节、浴兰节、女儿节、解粽节、午日节、重五节、五月节、菖蒲节、诗人节、龙日、艾节、夏节等等。 端午节是一个富有中国特色的岁时节日,也是一个有着大爱内涵的节日,其重要性仅次于春节,与清明、中秋并列。端午节的版本多样,说法甚多,诸如:纪念屈原说;纪念伍子胥说;纪念曹娥说;起于三代夏至节说;恶月恶日驱避说;吴越民族图腾祭说等等。据闻一多先生的《端午考》和《端午的历史教育》列举的百余条古籍记载及专家考古考证,端午的起源,是中国古代南方吴越族--一个龙图腾部族举行图腾祭的节日,比屈原更早。但千百年来,屈原的爱国精神和感人诗辞,已广泛深入人心,因此,纪念屈原之说,影响最广最深,占据主流地位。唐代诗人文秀在《端午》诗中说:"节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原。堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。"在民俗文化领域,中国民众把端午节的龙舟竞渡和吃粽子等,都与纪念屈原联系在一起。可以说,屈原投江殉国的传说赋予端午节独特的历史和人文价值。 端午节经数千年历代承袭,形成了我国端午文化这一道独特亮丽的风景线,也留下了许多脍炙人口的诗联佳句。

In ancient times, "Duan" and "Chu" were synonymous, and "Wu" and "Wu" were interlinked. According to the order of local branches, May is the noon month, so the Dragon Boat Festival is held on the fifth day of the lunar month. The birthday of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was on the fifth day of August. Prime Minister Song suggested that taboos should be avoided. Since then, the "Duanwu" has been renamed "Dragon Boat Festival". The Dragon Boat Festival is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, Tianzhong Festival, Yulan Festival, Daughter's Day, Rice Dumpling Festival, Wuri Festival, Chongwu Festival, May Festival, Acorus Festival, Poet's Day, Dragon Day, Ai Festival, Summer Festival, etc. The Dragon Boat Festival is a seasonal festival with Chinese characteristics, and it is also a festival with great love connotation. Its importance is second only to the Spring Festival, and it is parallel to the Qingming Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival. There are many versions of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan; To commemorate Wu Zixu; To commemorate Cao E; It started from the saying of the Summer Solstice Festival in three generations; The evil moon and the evil sun repel; Wu and Yue national totem sacrifice said and so on. According to more than 100 ancient books and records listed in Wen Yiduo's "Dragon Boat Festival Examination" and "Historical Education of Dragon Boat Festival" and expert archaeological research, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is a festival held by a dragon totem tribe in the ancient south of China, which is earlier than Quyuan. But for thousands of years, Qu Yuan's patriotism and touching poems have been widely rooted in the hearts of the people. Therefore, the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan has the broadest and deepest influence and occupies the mainstream position. Wen Xiu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said in his poem "Dragon Boat Festival": "The Dragon Boat Festival is divided into two parts. It is said that Qu Yuan is the most famous person in the world. It's a shame that the Chu River is so remote that you can't wash away the grievances of a straight minister." In the field of folk culture, Chinese people associate the Dragon Boat Race and eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival with the commemoration of Qu Yuan. It can be said that the legend of Qu Yuan's death in the river endowed the Dragon Boat Festival with unique historical and cultural values. After thousands of years of inheritance, the Dragon Boat Festival has formed a unique and beautiful landscape of China's Dragon Boat Festival culture, and also left many famous poems and couplets.

端午节的来历作文 篇2


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival. "Five" is connected with "Wu", and "Five" is also a positive number, so the Dragon Boat Festival is also known as Duan Wu, Chong Wu, Duanyang, Zhongtian, etc. It is a traditional festival of the Han people in China. The essential activities of the day gradually evolved into: eating zongzi, racing dragon boats, hanging calamus and mugwort leaves, fumigating atractylodes, angelica, drinking realgar wine. It is said that eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are to commemorate Qu Yuan, so after liberation, the Dragon Boat Festival was named "Poet's Day" to commemorate Qu Yuan. As for hanging calamus and wormwood leaves, fumigating atractylodes, angelica dahurica, and drinking realgar wine, it is said that they are used to suppress evil spirits. Although the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated every year, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is not very clear. To sum up, there are roughly the following statements.


One of the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival: to commemorate Qu Yuan. This theory originated from the records of the Southern Dynasty Liang Dynasty Wu Jun's "Continuation of Qi Harmony" and the Northern Zhou Dynasty Zongjing's "Jingchu Suishiji". It is said that Qu Yuan threw himself into the Guluo River on the fifth day of May. After his death, he was trapped by a mosquito dragon. The world mourned. Every day, he threw five color silk dumplings into the water to drive away the dragon. It is also said that after Qu Yuan was cast into the Guluo River, the local people immediately rowed boats to rescue him and went all the way to Dongting Lake. Finally, Qu Yuan's body disappeared. At that time, on rainy days, the boats on the lake gathered together near the pavilion on the bank. When people learned that it was Doctor Qu, a virtuous minister, who was rescued, they went out again in the rain and rushed to the vast Dongting Lake. In order to express their grief, people went boating on rivers, and then gradually developed into a dragon boat race. It seems that eating zongzi and racing dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival are related to commemorating Qu Yuan, as evidenced by the Tang Dynasty's Wenxiu poem "Dragon Boat Festival"; "The Dragon Boat Festival was held by someone. It's said to be Qu Yuan. It's said that the Chu River is so remote that you can't wash away the grievances of Zhichen."


What is the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? River? The pixel size is 4 °? It's easy? II. The fork is out of sight? Paget Zunyu?? happy? Human scar? Gallery tax Ф? Happy?? Look at the Song Dynasty glaze?


The third origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is the Dragon Festival. This statement comes from Wen Yiduo's "Dragon Boat Festival Examination" and "Historical Education of Dragon Boat Festival". He believed that the fifth day of May was the day when the "dragon" tribes in the ancient Wuyue region held totems to worship their ancestors. The main reasons are: (1) The two main activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, eating zongzi and racing, are related to dragons. Zongzi is often stolen by dragons when it is put into water, while dragon boats are used for races. (2) The relationship between the races and the ancient Wu and Yue places is particularly deep. Besides, the people of Wu and Yue still have the custom of hair breaking tattoos "like dragons". (3) On the fifth day of May in ancient times, there was a folk custom of "colorful silk arms", which should be the relics of the tattoo custom of "like a dragon".


The fourth origin of the Dragon Boat Festival: the evil day. According to the Records of the Historian, Tian Wen, the monarch of Mengchang, was born on the fifth day of May. His father once ordered his mother to abandon Tian Wen because the child born on that day wanted to harm his father. Custom Tongyi of the Eastern Han Dynasty also said that "On May 5, when a son is born, a man harms his father and a woman harms her mother". The great general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Zhenai, was named "Zhenai" by his grandfather when he was born on the fifth day of the fifth month. Zhao Ju, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, was born on the fifth day of the fifth month and was fostered outside the palace. It can be seen that in ancient times, the fifth day of May was a bad day, which was a common phenomenon. In this way, it is natural to insert calamus and mugwort leaves on this day to expel ghosts, and to fumigate atractylodes, angelica and drink realgar wine to avoid the epidemic.


The fifth origin of the Dragon Boat Festival: The Summer Solstice. Liu Deqian, who held this view, put forward three main reasons in "Another Talk about the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival" and "Funny Tales about Chinese Traditional Festivals": (1) The authoritative book "Jingchu Suishiji" did not mention the festival custom of eating zongzi on the fifth day of May, but wrote it in the Summer Solstice Festival. As for the ferry race, the Jade Candle Classic by Du Taiqing of the Sui Dynasty included it in the summer solstice entertainment. It can be seen that it is not necessarily to salvage Qu Yuan, the great poet who threw himself into the river. (2) Some of the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as "stepping on hundreds of herbs", "fighting against hundreds of herbs", and "picking miscellaneous herbs", have nothing to do with Qu Yuan. (3) The first explanation of the Dragon Boat Festival in Sui Hua Ji Er, a famous historical feature of Sui Shi, is: "When the sun is rising, it's midsummer." That is, the Dragon Boat Festival is in the middle of summer, so the Dragon Boat Festival can also be called Tianzhong Festival. From this point of view, the earliest origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is the Summer Solstice.


The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival has been discussed, and the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan has the most extensive influence. Because of Qu Yuan's great personality and outstanding poetic skills, people are also willing to attribute this anniversary to him.

端午节的来历作文400字 篇3


The fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar is our traditional Chinese festival, the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it is to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. After he threw himself into the Miluo River, people rowed boats to look for Qu Yuan and put a lot of rice into the river to prevent other fish from eating Qu Yuan. Later, rice was wrapped in zong leaves and gradually evolved into today's zongzi, which is precisely because of this, Now the Dragon Boat Festival has the custom of eating zongzi and rowing dragon boats.


On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, our whole family gathered in front of the table. The dishes on this day were different from those in the past, because on this day, we would eat five yellows, three whites and one red. The five yellows were eel, cucumber, realgar wine, yellow croaker and egg yolk. The three whites refer to water bamboo, white cut meat, protein, and one red is sweat vegetable, which will turn red after cooking. They are eaten to ward off evil spirits and seek good luck. While eating, our family talked about the custom of dragon boat racing on the Dragon Boat Festival. After a while, we ate all the dishes on the table. After eating, we also ate zongzi. Eating zongzi on this day has a special significance. Our school is to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. His patriotic feelings are worth learning.


In this way, we spent an unforgettable Dragon Boat Festival according to the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival.

端午节的由来作文 篇4

有人甚至将这归因于“洋节”的流行,认为其实质是强 www..cn 势文化侵入导致的本土文化衰退。至少有两方面的因素,是不容忽视的:一方面,是社会生活水平的普遍提高,特别是城市居民,过去的节日特定食品如今随时可以享用,周末的休闲娱乐可以比过去的节日还丰富,传统节日自然就淡化了;另一方面,传统节日是在过去的生活节奏中产生的,或者可以说与旧时农业社会的生活节奏相依存,在今天这个社会大变革的转型时代,生活节奏空前加速,可能是人们不得不疏离传统节日的更重要原因。换个角度说,“洋节”是伴随当代生活节奏一起进入中国的,所以最先接受“洋节”的,恰恰正是最能适应当代生活节奏的青少年。与人们对春节与中秋的不能忘情相比,端午与重阳这两个传统节日就更是渐行渐远。

Some people even attribute this to the popularity of the "Foreign Festival", which is in essence the decline of local culture caused by the invasion of strong WWW.. CN culture. There are at least two factors that can not be ignored: on the one hand, it is the general improvement of social living standards, especially for urban residents, who can enjoy specific food at any time in the past festivals, and the weekend entertainment can be more abundant than the past festivals, so the traditional festivals will naturally fade away; On the other hand, traditional festivals are generated from the rhythm of life in the past, or can be said to be dependent on the rhythm of life in the old agricultural society. In today's era of social transformation, the rhythm of life has accelerated unprecedentedly, which may be a more important reason why people have to leave traditional festivals. To put it another way, the "foreign festival" came into China with the pace of contemporary life, so it is precisely the teenagers who can best adapt to the pace of contemporary life who are the first to accept the "foreign festival". Compared with people's unforgettable love for the Spring Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Double Ninth Festival are more and more distant.


Zongzi seems to be the symbol of the Dragon Boat Festival. In fact, the custom in Nanjing is that eating zongzi is not limited to the Dragon Boat Festival, but we must eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. It just seems that Nanjing Zongzi has never been famous. When it comes to Jiangnan snacks like Zongzi, people only think of Suzhou and Hangzhou.


Zongzi should have been made with glutinous rice. Because of its good viscosity, it can stick the dragon's teeth to prevent it from harming Qu Yuan. However, most people can only mix japonica rice with a little glutinous rice, or even mainly indica rice with japonica rice and a little glutinous rice. Because in the planned supply of grain, both japonica rice and glutinous rice are limited, especially glutinous rice. About one jin per person in a festival, and the price is a few cents higher. Poor families have to make such calculations. It's made of rice dumplings. Rice also needs to be soaked for a period of time to make it absorb a certain amount of water. It is easy to cook, but it cannot be soaked too long, otherwise it will become rice flour, and then it can only be made into Yuanxiao.


White rice dumplings are often wrapped at home, and even sandwich dumplings can be wrapped. One is vegetarian heart, which is mixed with red beans, or red bean paste, or date meat without stone; Meat dumpling is to cut the cured meat saved during the Spring Festival into diced meat. Each dumpling is wrapped with two or three diced meat. When eating, the leaves of the dumpling are uncovered and the meat smells delicious.


Zongzi with different contents must also be cooked in a pot. It is necessary to change the form of Zongzi or make a mark on the tie line to facilitate identification. The common ones are quadrangular zongzi and Xiaojiao zongzi, which are difficult to wrap neatly. It is a woman's business to make zongzi. Mother and daughter in law and daughter-in-law in the family sit around the wooden basin to make zongzi, which is also a kind of skill test and contest. Sometimes the woman next door also comes around to watch and judge; People who rely on good craftsmanship will also be generous, quickly and elegantly package a crisp dumplings, and enjoy a bunch of praise proudly. In recent years, most of the zongzi sold in supermarkets are quadrangular, or even Japanese style, simply folded into a cuboid, with no art to speak of. Cooking zongzi is also a technical job. It is usually the first night when the rice dumplings are boiled and Wu is on the coal stove. He has to get up and watch them several times at night. It can not consume water, nor can it be cooked half baked. That night, the room was filled with fragrance.


The Dragon Boat Festival is also divided into big Dragon Boat Festival and small Dragon Boat Festival. The small Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and the big Dragon Boat Festival is the fifteenth day of the fifth lunar month. The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Noon Festival, the May Festival, the Fifth Day Festival, the Ai Festival, the Pu Festival and so on, was originally a summer festival to eradicate the plague. Later, Qu Yuan, a poet of the Chu State, committed suicide in the river on the Dragon Boat Festival, and became a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan (first to commemorate Wu Zixu, a loyal minister of the State of Wu). Together with the Spring Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival and other festivals, they belong to important traditional festivals in China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and other East Asian cultural circles.

端午节的来历作文400字 篇5


The Dragon Boat Festival is held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar every year. It is a traditional Chinese folk festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Double Fifth Festival


Do you know how the Dragon Boat Festival originated? If you don't know, let me introduce it! It is said that during the Warring States Period, there was a man of Chu who was very knowledgeable. His name was Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was an official beside the King of Chu, who wanted to make his country rich and strong. However, the fatuous King of Chu listened to the treacherous officials and sent Qu Yuan into exile. In exile, Qu Yuan heard that the capital of Chu State was occupied by the enemy, and Baixin suffered. He was very sad and indignant. So he wrote his final work Huaisha on the fifth day of May, and then threw himself into the Miluo River and died. When people learned this news, they went out to look for Qu Yuan's body, but they couldn't find it. Later, people were afraid that the fish would eat Qu Yuan's body, so they wrapped rice dumplings and threw them into the river to feed the fish. Therefore, on the fifth day of May each year, there was a custom of dragon boat races, eating rice dumplings, and drinking realgar wine to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Since then, people have designated the fifth day of May as the Dragon Boat Festival.


After hearing about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, are you as moved as I am? The Dragon Boat Festival is an interesting traditional festival, so I like it.

端午节的来历作文 篇6


When it comes to Dragon Boat Festival, nobody knows. The Dragon Boat Festival is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, the May Festival, the Ai Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Chongwu Festival, the Noon Festival and the Summer Festival. Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? If you don't know, I'll tell you!


More than 20XX years ago, seven countries ruled China, including Yan, Qin and Chu. There was a poet named Qu Yuan who was born in the State of Chu. He wanted to make his country more prosperous and powerful, so he made a plan to benefit the people and himself. But the king of Chu, who was a fatuous monarch, listened to the words of treacherous ministers. Exiled him to a remote place. After that, he always went to the capital to show the plan to the King of Chu. But the king of Chu exiled Qu Yuan again and again. One day, the State of Qin suddenly attacked the State of Chu. The Chu army was defeated and the Chu people complained. Qu Yuan couldn't stand it any longer, so he picked up a big stone and jumped off the Miluo River. The people of the State of Chu were very sad, so they arranged a dragon boat to salvage his body and throw the zongzi into the water to feed the fish and shrimp. Naturally, he would not eat Qu Yuan's body.


Therefore, people set that day as the "Dragon Boat Festival". Do you know the reason for Dragon Boat Festival now?