
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:43 | 来源:语文通



元宵节作文800字 篇1元宵节700字作文 篇2元宵节700字作文 篇3元宵节作文 篇4元宵节700字作文 篇5

元宵节作文800字 篇1


The beauty of the Lantern Festival lies in the liveliness of watching the red fire, the beauty of enjoying the flower lanterns, and the reunion of eating the Lantern Festival.


Look at the red fire


The chilliness of early spring can't stop people's enthusiasm to see the red fire. The deafening sound of "Dong Dong Qiang" spread from far to near, and people shouted excitedly, "Here we are!" I stood on tiptoe, stretched my neck and widened my eyes. A little boy also rode anxiously on his father's shoulder. Finally, I saw a colorful and decorated floater with a neat gongs and drums team opening the way in front, followed by performance teams such as Yangko Dance, Lion Dance, and Boat Rowing. Particularly noticeable was the old women who were dancing Yangko, wearing pink jackets, green pants, and red silk around their waist, He is energetic and has a bright smile. With the drum beating, the silk cloth in his hand sometimes stretches straight forward, sometimes flies up and down, sometimes swings from side to side, like a silver snake, like flying practice, with neat movements. The red silk is flying, which makes people dazzled and wins cheers. The beauty of the Lantern Festival lies in the excitement of watching the red fire!


Ornamental lantern


Looking forward to the stars and the moon, it finally came to night. The trees on both sides of the road were covered with red and green. The trees in early spring were dotted with colorful lights, which gave out brilliant light, and the road was also shining, just like the Avenue of Stars. In front of the gymnasium, there are also lanterns and decorations. Carps jump over the Longmen, peacocks open their screens, and flowers bloom. We can't see the colorful lanterns. Suddenly, a lantern came into my eyes: a Monkey King, wearing a gold hoop on his head, wearing a tiger skin skirt, treading on clouds and walking with a gold hoop in his hand, was standing there majestically, surrounded by several monkeys, some holding peaches, some holding wine, and some kneeling, as if wishing everyone a happy Lantern Festival. The sky flashed with dots and dots, which turned out to be Kongming Lanterns with good wishes. The beauty of the Lantern Festival lies in the beauty of the lanterns!


Eat Yuanxiao


The steaming Yuanxiao is fresh. I looked at the Lantern Festival in the bowl: black, white, big, small. It was really black and white, alternating in size. I couldn't help laughing and asked my father loudly, "What kind of Yuanxiao are you cooking? Why do you have everything?" Dad smiled and said, "You are right. If you don't believe me, you can bite it open and taste it." Unable to resist the temptation, I carefully scooped up a big white Yuanxiao, leaned close to my mouth, and gently bit, red strawberry juice flowed out, "It's strawberry!" I quickly sucked the sweet and sour pulp into my mouth. It was delicate and smooth. It was delicious. I finished it in two bites. "Try one more." I am just like a treasure hunter. I have eaten all kinds of Yuanxiao: sesame and peanut. It is so rich. The whole family sat around, eating and laughing. The beauty of the Lantern Festival lies in the reunion when eating the Lantern Festival!


The beauty of the Lantern Festival attracts me, makes me nostalgic and intoxicated!

元宵节700字作文 篇2


Just after 8:00 p.m. on the 15th day of the first month, the family members of the staff and workers gathered near the culvert of the mine railway and the south gate of the water park to "seize" the favorable terrain in advance and choose the best angle to watch the fireworks party that is about to open. From time to time, everyone looked up at the night sky, looked down at their watches and looked forward to the arrival of the "fireworks moment".

Just after 8:00 p.m. on the 15th day of the first month, the family members of the staff and workers gathered near the culvert of the mine railway and the south gate of the water park to "seize" the favorable terrain in advance and choose the best angle to watch the fireworks party that is about to open. From time to time, everyone looked up at the night sky, looked down at their watches and looked forward to the arrival of the "fireworks moment".


At 8:30, the fireworks party to welcome the Lantern Festival officially kicked off. Colorful fireworks, like spring flowers in full bloom, decorate the night sky of Phoenix Mountain Mine to be bright and dazzling. In a moment, the whole mine becomes colorful, just like a world of light. The blooming of each group of fireworks has attracted a burst of cheers and exclamations. The changing colors of groups of fireworks have all affected people's eyes and triggered people's imagination and thinking.

At 8:30, the fireworks party to welcome the Lantern Festival officially kicked off. Colorful fireworks, like spring flowers in full bloom, decorate the night sky of Phoenix Mountain Mine to be bright and dazzling. In a moment, the whole mine becomes colorful, just like a world of light. The blooming of each group of fireworks has attracted a burst of cheers and exclamations. The changing colors of groups of fireworks have all affected people's eyes and triggered people's imagination and thinking.


After the fireworks party, our mine also lit a ten thousand long whip symbolizing hope and harmony in Shuishan Park.

After the fireworks party, our mine also lit a ten thousand long whip symbolizing hope and harmony in Shuishan Park.


This fireworks party aims to celebrate the arrival of the Lantern Festival, fully demonstrate the brilliant achievements of our mine in all aspects this year, and let the family members of the mine staff have a happy and peaceful Lantern Festival. The fireworks party lasted nearly 30 minutes, and more than 1000 fireworks were set off. The whole fireworks party was in good order, without any unsafe accidents.

This fireworks party aims to celebrate the arrival of the Lantern Festival, fully demonstrate the brilliant achievements of our mine in all aspects this year, and let the family members of the mine staff have a happy and peaceful Lantern Festival. The fireworks party lasted nearly 30 minutes, and more than 1000 fireworks were set off. The whole fireworks party was in good order, without any unsafe accidents.


Just after 8:00 p.m. on the 15th day of the first month, the family members of the staff and workers gathered near the culvert of the mine railway and the south gate of the water park to "seize" the favorable terrain in advance and choose the best angle to watch the fireworks party that is about to open. From time to time, everyone looked up at the night sky, looked down at their watches and looked forward to the arrival of the "fireworks moment".

Just after 8:00 p.m. on the 15th day of the first month, the family members of the staff and workers gathered near the culvert of the mine railway and the south gate of the water park to "seize" the favorable terrain in advance and choose the best angle to watch the fireworks party that is about to open. From time to time, everyone looked up at the night sky, looked down at their watches and looked forward to the arrival of the "fireworks moment".


At 8:30, the fireworks party to welcome the Lantern Festival officially kicked off. Colorful fireworks, like spring flowers in full bloom, decorate the night sky of Phoenix Mountain Mine to be bright and dazzling. In a moment, the whole mine becomes colorful, just like a world of light. The blooming of each group of fireworks has attracted a burst of cheers and exclamations. The changing colors of groups of fireworks have all affected people's eyes and triggered people's imagination and thinking.

At 8:30, the fireworks party to welcome the Lantern Festival officially kicked off. Colorful fireworks, like spring flowers in full bloom, decorate the night sky of Phoenix Mountain Mine to be bright and dazzling. In a moment, the whole mine becomes colorful, just like a world of light. The blooming of each group of fireworks has attracted a burst of cheers and exclamations. The changing colors of groups of fireworks have all affected people's eyes and triggered people's imagination and thinking.


After the fireworks party, our mine also lit a ten thousand long whip symbolizing hope and harmony in Shuishan Park.

After the fireworks party, our mine also lit a ten thousand long whip symbolizing hope and harmony in Shuishan Park.


This fireworks party aims to celebrate the arrival of the Lantern Festival, fully demonstrate the brilliant achievements of our mine in all aspects this year, and let the family members of the mine staff have a happy and peaceful Lantern Festival. The fireworks party lasted nearly 30 minutes, and more than 1000 fireworks were set off. The whole fireworks party was in good order, without any unsafe accidents.

This fireworks party aims to celebrate the arrival of the Lantern Festival, fully demonstrate the brilliant achievements of our mine in all aspects this year, and let the family members of the mine staff have a happy and peaceful Lantern Festival. The fireworks party lasted nearly 30 minutes, and more than 1000 fireworks were set off. The whole fireworks party was in good order, without any unsafe accidents.

元宵节700字作文 篇3


"The gongs and drums are roaring, the firecrackers are roaring, the colorful lights are shining, and there are a lot of people!"


Another year of Lantern Festival, still ten miles of colorful lights! A year has passed quickly. Looking back, it seems that the Lantern Festival in 2009 has just passed, and this year's Lantern Festival is coming! Every year, the Lantern Festival has a traditional celebration, that is, watching lanterns! It has become a habit of Chinese people to celebrate the Lantern Festival and watch lanterns. Imagine what the lanterns will look like this year?


Before reaching the destination, I saw a long motorcade parked at the roadside. I guess there must be many people coming to see the lanterns. Sure enough, we soon heard the deafening sound of gongs and drums, and the Lantern Festival is holding its opening ceremony. I can't wait to squeeze into the crowd. The gongs and drums team of Jiuji Village is performing enthusiastically. They wear red scarves and performance costumes, and use gongs and drums to express their love for life and celebrate the festival!


I was so anxious that I rushed into the Botanical Garden before I finished watching the gongs and drums performance. "It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar!" The lantern that entered the door is very appropriate. Many friends come from all over the country. Are you unhappy? I walked a short way along the crowded road. There were two lifelike dragon lanterns on both sides of the road. There was a tiger in the middle. It was really a scene of "living and leaping"! The trees on the roadside are covered with colorful lights like stars, and there are fire trees and silver flowers everywhere.


Walking in front of a lantern on the earth, the Shenzhou VII astronauts were walking out of the capsule on the earth. I said to my mother jokingly, "Hey! Look carefully, this astronaut's body is much bigger than the hatch of Shenqi! Besides, the earth is too small, so I'm bigger than it!" This caused a burst of laughter.


Looking at it, we unconsciously saw all the lanterns. When we went home, we saw a strange team. Several of them were pushing big drums and lined up in a neat line. My father drove a little closer. Unexpectedly, it was the gongs and drums team at the lantern watching opening ceremony of the Lantern Festival! It suddenly dawned on me that after their performance, they packed their bags, pushed the heavy drum and hurried back without stopping. Because the drum was too big, they had to push the drum together. The speed was very slow, so when we came back with the car after watching the lanterns, an hour and a half had passed, but we bumped into them on the road.


I was suddenly moved that people could happily watch lanterns for the Lantern Festival because some people were silently offering behind their backs!

元宵节作文 篇4


My hometown is in Shandong. Every year, the Lantern Festival is very lively and there are many activities. On the night of the Lantern Festival this year, my father and mother and I came to Baotu Spring Park to watch lanterns. As soon as we entered the park, there was a festive atmosphere in the park. There were a lot of people, and the lanterns inside were so colorful that I could not catch my eyes. The holly branches on both sides of the road were also decorated with countless small lanterns, just like little stars in the sky. They blinked as if they were saying to each visitor, "Welcome!" A variety of large lanterns have condensed China's 5000 years of culture, such as drilling wood to make fire, Hou Yi shooting the sun, the four great inventions, the four dragons playing with pearls, the Shanghai World Expo, the dreamy disc shadow, the Jade Rabbit paying New Year's greetings, the environmental balance, and the lanterns named after the twelve constellations. I was most impressed by the environmental balance. The shape of the whole lantern is like a scale. At both ends of the scale are tall buildings and green trees and red flowers. My mother told me that this is an appeal to people not only to build tall buildings, but also to ignore the green environment. Only by taking care of the environment can the whole ecology be balanced, and our life will be better.


The lanterns in the water are also very beautiful, including watermelon lanterns, lotus lanterns, and crane lanterns. The crane's wings flicker in the water as if it were going to fly to heaven, but when it sees the beautiful scenery of Baotu Spring, it seems reluctant to stay on the water.


The most distinctive is the Folk Street, which gathers the handicrafts displayed on site by Shandong folk artists, including mask painting, dough sculpture, pottery carving, paper-cut, hand-made windmill, egg carving, sugar blowing people, micro sculpture, shadow play, etc. My favorite is micro sculpture. At the beginning, I saw two words I didn't know on the cover, and I asked my mother: "What is this?" Mother said, "It's a micro sculpture." I asked, "What is a micro sculpture?" Mom said, "I'm not sure, let's go and have a look!" So we came to the booth to see what was going on. There were a lot of magnifying glasses on the stalls between them. I thought they were selling magnifying glasses, but the uncle who made the micro sculpture picked up the magnifying glass and said to me, "Little friend, do you know the words on this stone with it?" At this time, I found that there were many small black spots on the stone. When I looked at it with a magnifying glass, it turned out to be neat words. I wondered how such small words were carved. A tourist came to ask his daughter to carve some words on the rice grain. Just for me to see, Uncle Microcarving put the rice grain under the microscope and brought a special pen with a very thin tip, I carefully carved the words "happiness and peace" on the small grain of rice. It's amazing. This time, I finally know what micro sculpture is.

元宵节700字作文 篇5


The great China is full of 56 national flowers. Different regions and nationalities have their own unique folk customs. Different festivals, different clothes, different food, different dwellings... Every bit of life reflects the rich and colorful regional characteristics and the unique charm of national culture.


When it comes to the folk customs of my hometown near the river, it can be said that there are countless: dragon lanterns are danced on the Lantern Festival, and every household lights up all night, with countless lanterns hanging on the street; Qingming goes to visit the tomb in front of the ancestors and eats delicious Qingming fruits... Speaking of this Lantern Festival, the dragon dance is not only famous, but it is also a household name. People from the streets in the neighborhood often come to join in the fun. None of them has complained about it, and they all praise it. That scene! That atmosphere! It's so lively!


On the fifteenth day of the first month, when night fell, we ate delicious food and waited for the arrival of the dragon lantern dance. After a while, the prompter walked around the village beating gongs and drums, shouting: "Villagers, today is the 15th day of the first month, we will prepare the dragon dance for three times a year, please get ready!" Hearing this, everyone cheered happily. They bought firecrackers from stores and lit candles at home. After adequate preparation, the dragon lantern dance began.


Everyone moved out a section of the dragon lantern they had prepared, put it at their own door, and then connected it with the dragon lantern of other houses. A vivid dragon was born, and the village head shouted, "Get up.". The villagers immediately danced vigorously, and the onlookers applauded. The "scales" of the dragon glistened and surrounded the village. Each lantern is painted with the language of blessing, in different lines and colors. Some painted carp jumping over the dragon gate, indicating that there is more than one year, some painted a door to show good luck in opening the door, and some used words to express their respect and blessing to the villagers.


After the dragon lantern show, it was already 10 o'clock at night. Everyone fell asleep again and again, and they all dreamed about the scene tonight. Maybe, this will become a good memory in everyone's heart.


In the next two days, every night I will cheer for the wonderful performance of the dragon lantern dance, and wait for the return of the dragon lantern dance to other villages. We will always love the performance of the dragon lantern dance and the people who dance the dragon lantern.


Now, the shadow of the Lantern Festival is still reverberating in my mind. When I think of the past, I still remember it vividly.


The Lantern Festival here is just like this. It should be more lively and lively.