
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:26 | 来源:语文通



成长的足迹作文 篇1成长的足迹高中作文 篇2成长的足迹高中作文 篇3成长的脚印作文 篇4成长的足迹初中作文500字 篇5成长的足迹初中作文600字 篇6成长的足迹高中作文 篇7成长的足迹初中作文600字 篇8

成长的足迹作文 篇1


Before the founding of New China, the poor people had no land of their own. Although the poor worked hard for a year, in the end, they could only earn a little bit of money. The years were unforgiving, and only words could record it beautifully. Words make up sentences, sentences make up paragraphs, paragraphs make up articles, and articles make up good books. Shakespeare once said, "Life without books is like a bird without wings."


It was drizzling outside the window, and pedestrians on the road were hiding, while I was bathed in the rain of books. My mother is cooking in the kitchen, while I am addicted to Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Seeing Zhuge Liang's extraordinary leadership and unfathomable wisdom, I can't help but go back to the scene through time and space and indulge in the breathtaking images, which will make people forget everything about time. Suddenly, I came back to my senses, but I heard my mother calling me that thing in the kitchen. What I heard seemed to be a straw hat, so I searched around the house. Finally, when I found it, I immediately took it to my mother in the kitchen. When my mother saw me holding the straw hat, she was immediately dumbfounded and asked, "What are you doing? I asked you to give me the pot cover. You unexpectedly brought me a straw hat. Alas... It's a rare bookworm in a hundred years! She would even make such a big joke by saying that" pot cover "was" straw hat "." From then on, my mother would bring this up at family gatherings from time to time, which made the whole family burst into laughter. But at this time, I did not feel embarrassed at all, but felt that they were praising me. But I also think as long as I can make my family happy and let them make fun of it, why not?


Books not only bring fun to me, but also bring infinite joy to my family. I love beautiful words, but also love good books composed of beautiful words.

成长的足迹高中作文 篇2


On the way to growth, we will always experience wind and rain, which are essential for us to become a long way. It makes us learn to be strong; It makes us feel better; It, let's learn!


I remember that summer vacation, when I watched TV at home, I was enjoying myself. Suddenly, from time to time in the distance, "Bang, bang!" I guess it's my grandparents who came back from farm work. Just then, "Xiao Hong, come here quickly." Grandma cried impatiently, "Oh, I see." I answered at random. I quickly turned off the TV and ran to Grandma. Grandma seriously pointed to the charred broom in the corner of the door and said, "Did you make this?" I said firmly, "I didn't do this. You must have misunderstood me!" Grandma said arbitrarily, "You didn't do this. Who is it?" My little aunt heard that Grandma and I were arguing all the time. So she came over. The little aunt seemed to know the reason and joined the war. My little aunt and grandma are constantly challenging me. Even though I am more reasonable, they are still indifferent. What they said was like a sharp knife inserted into my heart. I have collapsed, and my face is full of tears, but they still have different feelings. I ran out sadly and cried in a quiet place. Birds chirped on the branches, as if making fun of me. I couldn't help thinking: Do people all over the world hate me so much? Why? Why? Am I a cowardly, introverted child in the eyes of others? I may be like this!


After that time, I learned to be optimistic and modest. The road to your dream is full of thorns, waiting for you to move forward. As long as you experience it, you will reach the peak of success!

成长的足迹高中作文 篇3


Development is a flowing stream, which passes away in the twinkling of an eye in time. Quietly, I learned to cherish time.


"Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick" tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.


The sun is burning for thousands of miles and the sky is clear. I was awakened by a voice that said, "Young people don't work hard, but old people are sad." When I opened my eyes, everything was so vague and indistinct. I was surprised, Leo, I could go to work together again. It was not long before I wrote... Hoohoohoo


Apart from summer vacation, there are only three days left. "After that, I hurried back to school." Mom said. "What should we do? What should we do? Make up quickly!" I opened the table and chair, grasped the pen, and "brushed" it in three or two seconds.


When the teacher went to the college, he checked and opened his exercise book. Many questions were empty there. The teacher put his hands in his waist and said, "The handwriting is scrawled. Write like that." The students' eyes held on to me. Some laughed, some were surprised, and some were commenting. My face is as red as IPHONE. It's all red. Alas, it's my bad wish.


Walking slowly home, lowering his head as if he had committed a serious crime. After entering the door, my mother said to me: "Your yesterday has passed, he will always become yesterday, and you will never go back to yesterday. You don't need to look at your work in a tiger's head and tail way. Can you still go on during the summer vacation?"


This makes me understand that "one inch of time is one inch of money, and one inch of money can't buy one inch of time." When the sun goes down on the mountain, it is the passage of time.


Every day after that, I also ran a race against time, not consuming a minute or a second, to be a person who has been struggling like Mr. Lu Xun. When jogging, every minute counts; Do not procrastinate when doing homework; When it's boring, read more articles.


Time is life, time is speed, time is strength. To be grandiose, time is an outstanding teacher and the footprint of growth. Do you cherish time? Do you procrastinate like me? If so, you should know how to do it! That is, every minute counts!

成长的脚印作文 篇4


Life is a magnificent song, and growth is a magnificent movement. I am an ordinary girl, the most ordinary one in the vast crowd. In the corner of the city, I was busy doing the same thing all day, but there was a kind of hot blood surging in my heart - it was the blood of youth growing.


13 years old, an age full of laughter, a season of drizzle, looking back on the past, thinking about the passing years, trying to feel the footprints from the vague memory


On my first day in kindergarten, my parents sent me there. When I left, I cried and my parents were distressed, but they still had no choice but to put me there—— I was two and a half years old that year.


At the age of school again, I stepped into the beautiful school gate and was surprised to find that in this six-year school, I seemed to be a little fish in the ocean, swimming into the vast field of knowledge and sucking nutrients. I became a pupil—— I was five and a half years old that year.


After six years of primary school life, I started the junior high school curriculum. I felt lonely and sad, as if I wanted to return to primary school life. But I am very happy, and can understand a lot of knowledge, happy to get along with the students—— I was 12 years old that year.


Now, I am a 13-year-old girl. With their own ideals, with their own troubles. As I was approaching puberty, I seemed to be a rebellious child, and I had my own opinion in everything I did. Happiness is my principle, flying is my dream, and flying is our reason for carefree. Will reflect our unique personality. We are just like seagulls, soaring in the blue sky set off by white clouds, always looking at the beautiful sea, always flying happily, always looking for the footprints of our growth.

成长的足迹初中作文500字 篇5


We are moving along the path of life every day, and every bit of life is our footprint of growth. When I experienced something, I felt I had grown up.


One summer, our family went to climb Changbai Mountain. I stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up. Ah, this mountain is really high! I could not help feeling nervous, but I still got up the courage to climb up. In the process of climbing the mountain, we walked and enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the mountain. It was very leisurely. I thought to myself: climbing the mountain is not that tiring, and we will surely climb to the top soon! So I ran up at a very fast speed, only to hear the wind blowing in my ears, which made me feel more confident.


But after a while, I couldn't run. In addition to the steepness of the hillside and the heat of the sun, I immediately sweated and slowed down. Finally, I sat directly beside the road to rest. I look down the mountain, alas! I'm so tired after climbing half the way up this mountain. Can I still climb half of it? If you climb to the top of the mountain, it will consume a lot of physical strength, but you have to go back to the mountain. What can you do! I hesitated and was very depressed.


Then the mother who came to see my sad face smiled and said, "You can't give up! As long as you keep going, you will definitely climb to the top of the mountain." After listening to my mother's words, I felt confident again and continued to climb after a short rest. On the way, my mother and I talked and laughed. When we were really tired, we stopped to drink water and chat with my mother. Before we knew it, we climbed to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, I sometimes run and jump, and sometimes I open my arms to embrace the breeze, feeling extremely relaxed and complacent.


After this incident, I feel that I have grown up and become more brave, and I also know one truth: Don't shrink back when encountering difficulties in life, and only by crossing the obstacle in my heart can I succeed.

成长的足迹初中作文600字 篇6


The memory of each period gradually becomes the footprint of growth; Each deep footprint is the proof of my efforts to better, and this proof will accompany me along the way.


At this time last year, when the sun was blazing, I was faced with the adjustment of the class, and I felt a little uneasy because I had to face a period of adaptation. I was assigned to Class 4 (6), where I met my new head teacher, Shifu, who was a male teacher of medium height. He told us in the first class: "We should study gracefully, unite and love...".


Next, I got along well with the new students. In Class 4 (6), I saw what the teacher said about "solidarity and fraternity". I remember one time, the fourth grade held a football match. Of course, our class sent the strongest team. In the game, our class members ignored a handful of sweat drops on their forehead in the hot sun. They just grabbed the ball, dribbled the ball, and passed the ball. They could see that they were very tired on the field, but none of them flinched. They kept on biting their teeth, but one of the players fell down, The substitute players immediately went on the stage to compete for the excellent results of the competition. The teachers and other students immediately took care of the injured players. The sign of "Go Four (Six)" was always held high, and the slogan of "Go Four (Six)" never stopped. I was deeply shocked by such a collective. I saw the strength of unity. This is a collective that can unite and make progress.


In the art class, I forgot to bring my scissors, so I borrowed them from a classmate nearby. As a result, my classmates around me lent them to me one after another; One time when I was doing my homework, my deskmate could not do a problem. As a result, the students in front of and behind me came to explain to him one after another... There are many similar scenes. In this group, I saw the excellent tradition of the Chinese nation, "one fence, three stakes, one hero, three gangs". This is a group of solidarity and fraternity.


Yes, growth often takes people by surprise. The process of growth records frustrations, but also engraves joy. Along the footsteps of growth, accompanied by relatives, teachers and classmates, we are moving towards maturity and excellence step by step.

成长的足迹高中作文 篇7


Growth is a process of physiological and psychological changes, as well as the process of establishing mature ideas. To focus on growth is to focus on ourselves.


It happened when I was five years old.


Grandma's family has three chickens: Xiaobai, Xiaohei and Xiaohua. Xiaobai is a fat, big and gluttonous chicken. In addition to eating and sleeping, Xiaohua and Xiaohei get up and sing every day before dawn. In short, the three chickens have their own characteristics. Xiaobai and Xiaobai, when will you lose weight! At that time, my grandma was cooking. Suddenly, I heard the voice of "cluck cluck". They must be hungry. I jumped three feet high because I finally had something to do.


I grabbed three handfuls of millet and threw it at the chicken. Xiaohei and Xiaobai rushed out to peck at it, but Xiaobai walked out slowly because it was too fat and pushed the two chickens aside. They ate alone. Then, I had an idea: help Xiaobai lose weight and do what I say. I hit him from behind with a small stick. I chased him. After he ran for several times in a hurry, he sat on the ground. He did not respond to me. I sat face to face with him, staring at him.


Grandma came to see it. She was surprised and asked quickly what was going on? As soon as I explained, Grandma laughed and I was happy.


In retrospect, how childish it was then!


When I was young, my mind was simple and developed until I grew up! What a long process! How many complex thoughts are enriched in the mind when you grow up! Let's use this rich imagination to go through the road of growth again and again!


To focus on growth is to focus on ourselves!

成长的足迹初中作文600字 篇8


Rotating the dance steps of youth, we come to this flower like season. Time flies. Yesterday, we were still close to our parents. Today, we are flying freely in the vast sky. Suddenly looking back, I look for the footprints of 16 years of growth.


As a child, I was carefree and grew up healthily under the careful care of my grandmother. Now, there is only a vague impression of the kindergarten in my mind. The two-story small western-style building is still there, but things have changed. At that time, my grandfather taught in Daixian Middle School, and my grandmother contracted the canteen. Grandma has a cat named Dingdang. She always lies lazily on the rice pile and digs out mangoes that my cousin and I have hidden. There is also the tall magnolia tree in front of the teaching building. When it comes to flowering, the tree is full of snow-white magnolia flowers. The whole school seems to be intoxicated with the strong fragrance of flowers. When the wind blows, the petals are in profusion, scattered in my beautiful childhood.


Farewell to the childish childhood, I left my hometown full of memories and entered the school.


The sixth year of primary school is another unforgettable time. We studied and lived together with the other four roommates. We were inseparable. We listened to SHE's new album and talked in the quilt, so that we were punished and dragged down the corridor by the production management aunt. Now I think how naive it was! With the growth of age, troubles also follow. Sometimes, I don't dream about my grades. Although my mother didn't scold me, I was also depressed for a long time. Until now, Chinese is still my favorite subject, because the teaching of the primary school Chinese teacher is that she takes me into the palace of literature and feels the charm of literature; Talk to me like a friend and open my heart; Cultivate and encourage me, and let me have the opportunity to show myself.

六年岁月无声无息地从指缝间溜走,眨眼升入了初中。 https://m.chayi5.com/ 陌生的环境使我有一刻的迷茫,同时,我也接触到许多新奇趣味的事物,这才发现过去的自我可是是“井底之蛙”。中考匆匆结束,离开了团结且充满欢乐的12班,离开了充满喧嚣生气的学校,离开了紧张有序的学习生活,忽的感到些许寂寞。再过两个月,又将迈出新的一步。

Six years passed silently between the fingers, and in the twinkling of an eye, he entered junior high school. HTTPS://M.CHAYI5.COM/The strange environment made me confused for a moment. At the same time, I also came into contact with many new and interesting things, which made me realize that my past self was a frog in a well. The high school entrance examination ended in a hurry. I left Class 12, which was united and full of joy, the noisy and angry school, and the tense and orderly study life. I suddenly felt a little lonely. In another two months, another step will be taken.


The footprint of yesterday's growth is the foundation of today's success. Let's compose the rhyme of poetry and play the chapter of music in this perfect season!