
时间:2022-11-24 13:05:10 | 来源:语文通



母爱伴我成长作文 篇1母爱伴我成长作文 篇2母爱伴我成长作文 篇3母爱伴我成长作文 篇4母爱伴我成长作文 篇5母爱,伴我成长作文 篇6母爱伴我成长500字作文 篇7

母爱伴我成长作文 篇1


When I came home from school, I opened the door and a smell of food came to me, wow! What a sumptuous lunch! This scene is staged every day. Growing up from a snack on my mother's food is a very happy taste. The taste of my mother grows with me. Mom's taste is the most beautiful taste in the world!


I don't know how to express my gratitude, because everything I have done is not enough to express my gratitude to my mother. I can't thank her for all her love and hard work over the past 12 years! I feel my mother's deep and selfless love for me with my heart!


Now, I am in the sixth grade of primary school, and my height is more than half my mother's head. But my mother has wrinkles on her face and white hair on her head. Watching my mother working hard for me day and night, I was tired and bent, and my heart hurt! Every morning at school, my mother was the only parent who watched me do morning exercises every day. In the morning, my mother escorted me to the school gate and followed me into the school. At noon, my mother waited outside the school gate for me to finish school, and then gently took the bag on my shoulder. In the evening, my mother was busy with housework and asked about my homework. For my study, my mother was more stressed than me. Before going to bed, my mother gently pinched my feet to let me sleep happily! All of this reflects my mother's heavy maternal love for me. I also know that what my mother would like to see most is my excellent achievements and performance, so I have never let my mother down, and I hope to become her pride one day.


The capitalized "love" and "heart" are in the middle, and the upper and lower parts are "receiving", which means that we should feel the deep love of our mother! I love my mother and I want to repay her. I have learned to repay my mother with subtle actions, such as helping her beat her back and rub her shoulders, helping her clean up the dishes, and cleaning up the room and shoe cabinet


My dear mother, I would like to dedicate a grateful heart, a pair of tender hands and a sweet kiss to you, my dear mother. My daughter loves you forever! May our mother and daughter's love last forever!

母爱伴我成长作文 篇2


Motherly love is like water, bright as flowers, warm as sunshine, and tender as water—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


Tender love


In spring, everything recovers. Birds stand on the branches and sing. The ice disappears and the snow melts. Animals climb out of the ground to move. This is nature. On the green grass, "the grass turns green", I run and jump like a child, "I am busy releasing paper kites while the east wind blows". Even though it was raining with sweat, my heart was filled with laughter. Inadvertently, I tripped over a stone and my mother ran towards me from afar. "What's the matter?" I looked at my mother. She was anxious, her eyebrows were locked, her eyes were gentle, and she was full of love, which gave me great comfort. The dark clouds in my heart dissipated in an instant, and I ran on the grass with my mother's love to the distance.


Blazing Love


In summer, cicadas sing in the branches, and my mother and I are in the shade of a thick green window. The breeze is gentle, the branches are swaying, and the mottled light and shadow are scattered on the ground. The beauty of the suburban garden in midsummer is vivid and interesting. The hot sun made me upset, but the beautiful scenery in front of me became the object I hated, and the leisure and elegance in my heart and poetic feelings disappeared. While my mother was beside me, fanning away mosquitoes for me, even though her sweat wet her clothes, she never stopped, silently paying for me. At that time, I suddenly felt very cool because of the maternal love.


deep love


In autumn, the leaves wither, "withered vines, old trees and crows", but "I say autumn is better than spring". The mountains and rivers in front of us are lifeless and full of desolation, but the beautiful fallen leaves coat the earth with colorful colors. Autumn cold moonlight, fireflies fly away, I can not sleep alone. Quietly, my mother came in, brought me a glass of milk, told stories, and I snuggled in her arms to enjoy her warmth. Although the flowers are withering and the leaves are zero, "falling red is not a ruthless thing, but it can be turned into spring mud to protect the flowers".


Pure love


In winter, when the north wind is howling, the snow elves can't bear it. They run to the world mischievously and sprinkle the earth. A person curls up in a corner, loneliness and cold come to my heart. At this time, the strong fragrance of tea came from the distance. It was my mother. She brought me a cup of hot tea. After drinking, the cold dissipated. My mother melted the snow mountain in my heart with love, making me feel warm.


In spring, summer, autumn and winter, different love is filled with different happiness. It is the love of the four seasons that has built a bridge of the four seasons. I stood on the bridge and walked forward step by step, breathing the air of maternal love and feeling the maternal love throughout the year. In the warmth of maternal love, I walked through spring, summer, autumn and winter one by one, and stepped into the glory of life

母爱伴我成长作文 篇3


The gentle March wind gently blows away the rampant sleepiness on the eyebrows, and the warm morning sun drives away the tiredness of running in the heart. This feeling is just like the lingering tenderness and happiness in the pure land of mind when I am with you.


Do you still remember that when you were a child, you always carried me to bed with a bright smile on the night when the moon was high, covered me with quilt, and pressed the corner of the quilt for me with your slender fingers. You smiled and said, "Honey, my mother will tell you stories." I suddenly became quiet, blinking and looking forward. You took a small mahogany stool with one hand, a storybook or a riddle book with the other, sat down by the bed, opened the book, took out the bookmark, and talked endlessly. Outside the window, the flowing clouds like water quietly wiped away half of the idle month. The gentle moonlight streamed down gently, and your sweet voice melted into it. The moonlight became beautiful in a trance. It flowed on my pillow and into my dream. The dream was filled with a thick taste of cotton candy and swelled with sweetness. I fell asleep in a daze, but when I was about to go to sleep, I felt you gently kissed me on the forehead, and your gentle voice was in my ear: "Baby, Mom loves you." No matter whether it is an illusion or not, I know that you must have a warm smile at that time. When I am with you, I will always feel the tenderness day and night when I receive the baptism of wisdom.


Gradually grew up, but I still always like to act like a coquette towards you, depend on you, and pester to sleep with you. You always frowned and said angrily, "I'm ashamed to sleep with my mother when I'm so old." But there was no blame in the tone, instead, it was full of love. I poked out my tongue at you carelessly, and you laughed with a loud "puff". The thick crow's feet were twisted into bright yellow roses. The dark yellow fingers gently nodded at my head: "This child!" In fact, you were more like a child at that time. The sunshine in winter is extremely lazy, just like a sleepy child. I also like to stay in bed. You shook your head helplessly: "I don't care if you are late." Then he leaned against the wall silently, stretched out his thin arms and yawned, kneaded his squinting eyes, and put on a fat coat at random, even his hair was messy, like a bird's nest that had been ignored for a long time. But you didn't care. You just leaned on me in silence, called me up in time a few minutes later, held a warm coat, accompanied by a familiar smile, and gave me the first ray of sunshine in the morning, bringing me another warmth in winter.


The love you have given me can always bring lasting happiness to my heart when I feel the long lost innocence. Over the years, I have been with you. Little by little, I have withered your face and your years. But you have given me everything you have. With the few years you have left, I continue to irrigate my youth and nurture my growth little by little.


Thank you, Mom. Thank you for the love you have given me, which has accompanied my growth and brought me warmth.

母爱伴我成长作文 篇4


Yesterday afternoon, I was playing with the plane downstairs. Suddenly, the plane was out of power and rushed directly to the ground in the air, slamming into the nearby grass. I was shocked. Fortunately, I didn't fly very high, otherwise my plane would be broken. No, why did I hear a scream? Airplanes can't do this! Look carefully, there are two little dogs playing there. When they hear the barking, a bigger dog - their mother is coming. First, I walked around the puppy and found my plane. I looked up and saw that I was walking forward to pick up the plane. It seems to understand something. It yells at me "woof woof woof" and looks like it's going to eat me. Thirty six plans are better than others. Run!!! But he kept chasing after me. It seems that he must revenge. I quickly went upstairs, leaving the plane alone. It's important to escape. Seeing that I ran away, the mother dog returned to her child's side, lying on the grass to let her child nurse, and licked the injured puppy with her tongue. The puppy happily wagged its tail and enjoyed the mother's love.


Seeing all this, I suddenly understand that the bitch can go to revenge regardless of herself for her children. At that moment, it was not afraid of me who was much taller than him. This was the greatest maternal love. Our mother also loves us so much!

母爱伴我成长作文 篇5


Motherly love is like spring rain, moistening things silently; Motherly love is like a clear song, flowing long; Motherly love is like sunshine, warm and genial... It always accompanies me.


When I was young, my mother's love was a sweet kiss to the baby in her arms. Every night, wayward I always wake up my mother with a sudden cry. But my mother was not bored. Instead, she smiled and muttered, "What's the matter, little baby? There is a mother! Good, don't cry!" While comforting me, I carefully checked my diaper. Gently stroked me and kissed my forehead. Mom's kiss was soft and fragrant! I'm falling asleep


In kindergarten, my mother's love was to teach me how to write patiently. I am a clumsy little girl. Especially when I was just learning to write, I always wrote like an earthworm crawling in the soil. But my mother was not angry, but patiently taught me to write one stroke at a time. With my mother's careful guidance, I became interested in writing, which was clean and neat. The teacher praised me, and I secretly smiled in my heart: "That's my mother's credit!"


In primary school, my mother's love was my guide when I was confused. At that time, my biggest dream was to get double hundred in the exam. But every time in the Chinese exam, I always make mistakes in the "supplementary words" category. Time and time again, my dream was broken, which made me feel terrible. My mother looked in the eyes and was anxious in her heart. When I fell asleep, my mother picked up the test paper, studied it carefully, and figured out how to make me understand. The next day, my mother began to explain to me in her way, but I was confused and frowned, but I didn't understand. My little tantrum broke out. I hit the table with my little fist and shouted, "I'm not going to learn!" At this time, my mother took me out of the house. The early spring twilight was cool and warm, the breeze was blowing gently, and there were all kinds of flowers. I suddenly understood why the word "whistling breeze" in my group was wrong. Under the guidance of my mother, I finally realized my dream of getting two hundred!


Later, my mother's love was my comfort when I suffered setbacks; It's a bowl of hot egg noodles on my breakfast table; It is my company when I am lonely in the cold night


Mother love is sunshine, which warms my loneliness; Motherly love is the sky, making my life broader; Motherly love is a mountain, guarding my dream... Motherly love is silent, silently growing with me!

母爱,伴我成长作文 篇6


From childhood to adulthood, we all bathed in the rain of maternal love and enjoyed the warmth of maternal love. Motherly love is the catalyst for our growth, the umbrella for frustration, and the encouragement for failure. Walking along the growth road laid for me by my mother's love, I have a good view and sunshine along the way.


Motherly love is encouragement. I remember that last summer, I ranked 14th in the junior high school entrance examination. I got 88 points in the Chinese test. After I got the report card, I was depressed and walked down the road with my head bowed. It happened that my mother came to pick me up. She smiled and waved to me. I ran straight over and got on the bus. My mother kindly asked me, "How was the test?" My face turned red, and my voice said in a low voice, "Not so good!" Mom was angry and calmed down gradually.


I thought my mother would blame me when she knew it, but she was not. She was expressionless and showed a slight loss. She stroked my head and said, "It doesn't matter, I will do well in the exam next time! Come on!" I immediately recovered my peace. After returning home, my father didn't say anything. The house is very quiet, and it's a little scary. I don't know what I'm afraid of. Is it the emptiness of failing to test my mind, or the shame of being ashamed of myself...


My mother's words gave me confidence that I would be better in the future exam.


Mother's love is like a protective umbrella. I accidentally scalded myself when I was boiling water. Mother came right away when she knew about it. She saw several blisters on my legs and took Jingwanhong Scalding Cream carefully. Wipe it on for me, while blaming me for my carelessness, I felt warm in my heart when I saw her in a hurry. With the careful care of my mother, I soon recovered.


I grew up with maternal love. The greatest love in the world is maternal love. I believe that under the bath of maternal love, the road of growth becomes flat and broad. In the bath of maternal love, the future is unlimited. Cherish this land and let us grow up healthily.

母爱伴我成长500字作文 篇7


Yang Hao


Some people say that maternal love is a rose, the embodiment of beauty and love; Some people say that maternal love is gardenia, simple and unadorned, aromatic; Some people say that maternal love is dandelion, because she loves you and flies hard.


That day was the day when the midterm exam results were issued. I was walking on my way to school. The white clouds in the sky were very white, and the birds were singing on the branches. I thought I could do well in the exam. Until all the scores were handed out, I was a little scared. My score in this test was very low, which was the lowest score in my history. In the evening, I went home and told my mother about the score. My mother was surprised at this, then touched my head and said, "It doesn't matter. Next time, you can do well in the test." I thought my mother would criticize me, but she encouraged me.


Mom and Dad are businessmen. They are very busy and tired every day. They get up early and go to bed late every day. However, my mother will take vegetables, fruits or meat every day when she comes home. I know that no matter how tired she is on this day, she will bring a lot of food when she comes home, and then she will be busy cooking for us. And herself? Sometimes when I'm busy, I don't even care about eating at noon. Sometimes I just eat a little. After dinner, my mother has to do housework at home, washing clothes, mopping the floor... I think she is very hard.


Sometimes I will wake up hungry in the middle of the night. At this time, I will go to my mother, who will always find food for me or cook a meal for me.


This is maternal love. Every bit of life contains the mother's love for herself.