
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:15 | 来源:语文通



小学作文批改评语 篇1小学作文批改评语集 篇2小学生的作文批改评语 篇3小学作文批改评语集 篇4小学作文批改评语 篇5小学作文批改评语集 篇6小学作文批改评语集 篇7小学作文批改评语 篇8小学作文批改评语集 篇9

小学作文批改评语 篇1


1. The ending points out the center appropriately, and the language is simple and profound, thought-provoking.


2. Feel the switch and end with feeling. This makes the article coherent from beginning to end, and at the same time, it makes the theme of the article repeat and has a strong appeal.


3. The praise of the characters at the end is sincere and touching.


4. The implicit end of the article is both a point and thought-provoking.


5. The end focuses on expressing emotion, which not only refers to the beginning but also summarizes the full text. The head and the tail are connected in one go.


6. The examples are described vividly and concretely, and the words and deeds of the characters conform to their own identity characteristics.


7. The article comes from life, so although the language is not so beautiful, it is really interesting and reasonable.


8. The article details.


9. The language is lively, lively and interesting.


10. A large number of oral English is used to make the article more natural and friendly.

小学作文批改评语集 篇2


1. This narrative of writing people only wrote one thing, but I don't think it is too thin after reading it, because it is very typical and can fully express the theme of the article. It can be seen that young writers will select materials.


2. The author successfully portrayed the image of a contemporary outstanding soldier mainly by setting suspense and profile description. This writing method is worth learning from. Rigorous structure. It is a remarkable feature of the language of this article to see the truth in simplicity.


3. Good title. The "empty box" gives people a sense of mystery and has a strong suspense effect. At the same time, it can be seen from the title that this article is also very novel. The idea is also clever. The flashback technique is used to draw out the memories of the past from the box in front of me, which shows regret between the lines, and also reflects my mother's painstaking efforts in educating "me".


4. The details are appropriate. This article begins with a direct entry; The middle part captures the characteristics of Yali pear, describes its flowers and fruits respectively, and briefly describes the flowers and fruits; The ending is concise and close to the topic. The language is vivid and the description is exquisite. The author gives a detailed description of the shape, color and taste of Yali pear, among which the words "short stump", "yellow" and "sweet silk" are properly used.


5. There are many fairies in nature. If you observe them carefully, they will give you rich associations and useful enlightenment. Some people observe bees and praise their selfless dedication; Some people observe ants and admire their industrious character; And you observe the little crab and like its obstinacy. Look, these little elves really give us a lot of inspiration. Just like you said, crabs are lovely when they walk horizontally, and it's annoying when people want to walk horizontally. This is the truth you found, and adults should admire it.


6. Words are people's faces. This composition has made remarkable progress, and your face is more glorious. However, the wrong words you always hate always follow you, which casts a shadow on your composition. I'll give you a good prescription: ask the dictionary for words that you can't write. After writing the composition, ask the teacher or classmates. Would you like to have a try?


7. Zhang Ming used to be on the same running line with you, but now, people have won excellent compositions three times in a row, and you are a wrong character and a sick sentence. It's sad enough! You, you! It is not lack of ability, but lack of ambition! "


8. I'm sorry for those adults. I wonder if this sincere apology can soothe your distorted mind. I can imagine your anxiety when you are waiting for the bus; The pain of being left behind by a car; The embarrassment of being crowded in the car. I can also understand your resentment. But I also want to tell you frankly that teachers are so crowded, and teachers also want to tell you that our society will be better, just as you will grow into a handsome young man in the future, because? There are shadows under the sun, but more sunshine.


9. Home should be warm and happy, but you are in a bad situation. The teacher is very sympathetic to this, but you should face the reality: on the one hand, the bad environment can temper your will, I believe you will succeed; On the other hand, we should think of ways to change the environment. We can boldly do the ideological work of our uncle and persuade them to play less or not. Although this is not very good, 'everything depends on a try'. Let's work together!


10. The article echoes from the beginning to the end, with concise sentences, to the point and to the point. Through the description of the scenery of the four seasons, the article explains the beauty and responds to the beginning. It would be better to pay attention to the clear hierarchy of paragraphs.


11. The scenery of the four seasons is beautiful. Your exercises are clear, rich in content, and the words are particularly vivid and accurate.


12. The young writer writes with fresh thinking, vivid description and beautiful writing style. He describes the beautiful scenery in the structure of "total, total and total", firmly surrounding a "green" character.


13. In this paper, figures of speech such as metaphor and personification are properly used to make the green in different seasons full of vitality and fragrance.


14. The young writer captured the unique scenery of spring, correctly and appropriately used the rhetorical devices of metaphor to write beauty, and at the same time, he praised the hard-working gardeners - teachers, so that the theme of the article was sublimated.


15. The little writer observed carefully, described vividly and meticulously, and combined with vivid metaphors and personification, which made people feel immersive when reading, and also made the author's favorite thoughts and feelings more natural and full.


16. Li Jian, you dare to reveal your true thoughts in your composition. The teacher admires this, but the views in your composition are wrong and one-sided. although ×× A classmate has shortcomings of one kind or another, but this is by no means his whole life. We should learn to understand the surrounding things (including people) comprehensively and correctly. actually ×× Students also have many bright spots, such as his fast running, hard work and so on. We should see this and do our best to help him‘ At the beginning of his life, he is naturally good. As long as we sincerely help him, he will change and become a good student. Do you think so? "


17、 ×× Classmate, do you know? The teacher is so happy for your progress! I hope you can make persistent efforts and recommend a famous saying from the famous writer Ostrowski to you, 'People should control habits, but never let habits control people. If a person can't get rid of his bad habits, it is simply worthless'.


18. "I understand Xiaochang, and my literary talent is flying. This kind of sophisticated language skills are beyond the reach of many examinees",


19. If there is no whimsy, childhood will not be colorful. It is not only a pleasure, but also a good thing to experience the prestige of commanding others from another angle and the taste of hard work and hardship in a different way. The words and actions of 'commander' and 'small soldier' in the text are both 'soldier' and 'childish'. The two children are so serious that they seem to be really commanders and soldiers. It is hard to help but laugh, and can't help admiring the vivacity described by the author ".


20. The first time I cooked alone, I had to be in a hurry. According to the order of cooking, the author successively wrote the whole process of cooking rice with rice. Because of lack of experience, we should be extra careful; The more careful you are, the more nervous you become. Fortunately, the little writer is very clever. He can be quick witted at the critical moment and turn the corner. The author has grasped the characteristics of cooking for the first time, with few words; However, it is written in a small way. Although the little writer is in a hurry when cooking, the article can be written clearly. "

小学生的作文批改评语 篇3


1. You are good at observing life, and can keenly capture meaningful moments; You are a student with great potential.


2. The language of the article is very fluent, and it also describes the teacher's feelings. You are the teacher's bosom friend. I hope we can learn from each other and pick up a bunch of fragrant flowers in the garden of literature.


3. Sorry, the teacher didn't understand this paragraph. Would you like to explain it to the teacher again? thank you.


4. Your handwriting is neat and beautiful. The teacher should learn from you. If the material of the article is more novel, it will certainly complement the writing. What about you?


5. Great! Your article reproduces the honest and frank Northeast people, and makes readers feel refreshed. The language is fluent, and synaesthesia is particularly skillful. Your writing style is conquering and infectious. Strive to create brilliance again!


6. We must carefully correct wrong characters and give a good education, which is the most basic


7. Be able to use some basic logical sentences and really understand the ideas expressed in some sentences


8. In the process of writing, I can express my thoughts and feelings, regardless of the depth of feelings, sincere


9. The handwriting should also be correct, which is the same as the first article


10. Learn simple rhetoric and describe scenery

小学作文批改评语集 篇4


1. Although you don't like writing very much, you are just like a snail. You take every step steadily, stick to writing, and never stop writing. Your spirit is really admirable. With your personality, you will definitely break into your own world.


2. Although you can live happily in your own world, the development of society has been globalized, so you should invest in collective life with a new attitude to adapt to the development of society.


3. Young people always write many fantastic stories in their life; The young people always have many magical yearnings in their hearts. This short article, like a boat full of dreams, is full of the author's childlike innocence, dreams, yearning and just starting to mature, moving towards the distance.


4. It is not the privilege of adults to care about life and society. It can be seen from this "Accident" that in your heart, not only are you filled with childlike innocence, books and schools, but also you pay more attention to the social concerns. This article has twists and turns, especially the psychological description is very prominent, and the discussion at the end sublimates the theme of the article.

小学作文批改评语 篇5


1. Sorry, the teacher didn't understand this paragraph. Would you like to explain it to the teacher again? thank you.


2. This article is beautiful, fresh and full of philosophy. It is written in the article that "I" walk on the sea. The sea not only gives "me" the enjoyment of beauty, but also causes "me" to ponder and associate. It can be said that the sea gives me space to swim. "I" pours life into the sea, making the sea a "person" with noble personality. After reading this article, it gives people a sense of beauty and makes people think deeply.


3. As an afterthought, your article is quick in thought and full of intentions. The richness of life experience and the delicacy of thoughts and feelings revealed between the lines surprised the teacher. I hope you will make persistent efforts to form your own scenery in your future writing!


4. You can associate the pursuit of life with snow. Starting from the details of life, the innovation spirit is commendable. This article reflects your plain style of writing. Who said "plain water" is not the best drink?


5. It's really "writing like a god". It seems that you must have read a lot of literature. The content is so rich that it shows your literary skills. However, if the materials are adjusted in a certain logical order, this article will be more exciting.


6. The quotation of several proverbs in the full text is just right, with nostalgia as the clue. This reflects your ideology.


7. The writing style is sharp, the quotation is extensive, and the foundation is deep. Although there is still some absolutism in the analysis of social problems, the article is still moving with a kind of enthusiasm and frankness. Make more efforts to study and think about historical books and social comments. I believe your articles will become more mature and more durable!


8. It is not the privilege of adults to care about life and society. It can be seen from this "Accident" that in your heart, not only are you filled with childlike innocence, books and schools, but also you pay more attention to the social concerns. This article has twists and turns, especially the psychological description is very prominent, and the discussion at the end sublimates the theme of the article.


9. Ordinary and interesting: in the morning of tension, in the noon of battle, and in the evening of fatigue, we selected scenes with great interest in life to highlight. The fresh and lively language vividly shows the positive spirit of contemporary middle school students.


10. Your article is like a gentle and flowing stream, beautiful and smooth. Beautiful writing style, sincere and delicate feelings, and personal style. May you continue to pick up the waves in your life and make your style more perfect!


11. Although you don't like writing very much, you are just like a snail. You take every step steadily, stick to writing, and never stop writing. Your spirit is really admirable. With your personality, you will definitely break into your own world.


12. This article is highly ideological and artistic, and it will be remembered for a long time after reading. Cleverly conceived,


13. It is a kind of wisdom for young people who are not deeply involved in the world to approach the complex society. The language of the article is plain and soft, and the description is very casual, which seems to lead the readers to walk in the field of the soul. The inadequacy is that the discussion lacks edges and corners. You should know that the essence of the discussion can play the role of finishing touch, and will make your article more profound. Keep practicing, you will be better!


14. Reading your article is really a pleasure. First of all, the joy of thoughts and feelings, of course, comes from your profound and fresh ideas. The so-called "mountaineering is full of feelings in the mountains, and watching the sea is full of feelings in the sea". You are a person who has a heart in life. You have moved others with your true feelings, which is the greatest success of your composition.


15. Careful design and deep thinking show that you are growing up in the world of writing. There is still a long way to go in writing in the future. I hope you can think hard and innovate constantly.


16. Although you can live happily in your own world, the development of society has been globalized, so you should invest in collective life with a new attitude to adapt to the development of society.


17. You are a very assertive and knowledgeable student. I agree with you very much, but if the structure of the writing arrangement is more compact, it will be icing on the cake.


18. Wen can be happy. You can't take writing a composition as a burden, but you should record your mental journey with a positive attitude and delicate brushwork.


19. The elegant and refined handwriting shows your wisdom. Progress in stability and down-to-earth are the direction of your future writing efforts


20. Such beautiful handwriting, clear and neat structure, can not help giving people a refreshing feeling, which teachers really should learn from you. Let's promote each other in the future Chinese learning, OK?


21. There are always many dreamlike stories in the young life; The young people always have many magical yearnings in their hearts. This short article, like a boat full of dreams, is full of the author's childlike innocence, dreams, yearning and just starting to mature, moving towards the distance.


22. This article has chosen a new perspective, allowing your thoughts to gallop freely here, which is your greatest success. What the teacher wants to remind you is that there are always some rules for us to grasp when dealing with the world, so that your thoughts can be more profound, and you will always receive the effect of "watching the world from the drop of water".


23. The introduction of father is comprehensive: from appearance to heart, from work to life; The introduction to my father is also focused on the feelings of my father. The characters are full, real and full of life. Be proud of such a father. Try again and don't let him down!


24. The author has a strong ability to control "form scattered and spirit gathered". The whole article is written in a coherent manner, like flowing water, giving people a bright and comfortable feeling!


25. After reading your article, it seems that there is a stream flowing in front of me, pure and lovely. I hope you can keep this style of writing and express rich connotation in pure language.


26. You are good at observing life, and can keenly capture meaningful moments; You are a student with great potential.


27. Your handwriting is neat and beautiful. The teacher wants to learn from you. If the material of the article is more novel, it will certainly complement the writing. What about you?


28. It can be said that your article is full of true feelings. As for people, failure is inevitable. It is even more valuable to have the courage to face failure. I believe it is gold, there will always be a flash. I hope you can adjust your mind as soon as possible, and you will find the sky more blue.


29. Style is like a person. Your article is as simple and open-minded as your behavior. Your composition skills are very good, which is also the result of your long-term training. I hope you will feel and appreciate life with your heart and write more touching articles in the future learning process.


30. Apart from the fact that class is always over, school life seems to be dull, but this article is good at finding out that


31. Your article is very creative - use geometry proof questions to complete the idea. Full text literature color is very thick!


32. Wen can speak. I think the article is a reflection of your mind. The road of life is really tortuous and long, but as long as you work hard and persevere, the crown of success will belong to you.


33. Writing is like being a man. From your life experience, you can see that you are a good young man who is active and progressive. You have your own unique views and profound understanding of things, which is really valuable.


34. The theme is deepened by means of contrast; The plot is also quite ingenious. The whole story is both unexpected and reasonable. The language is simple and unadorned, and the line drawing technique is adopted. The author's love and hatred are included in the narration, which can let the readers experience and ponder.


35. Great! Your article reproduces the honest and frank Northeast people, and makes readers feel refreshed. The language is fluent, and synaesthesia is particularly skillful. Your writing style is conquering and infectious. Strive to create brilliance again!


36. The language of the article is very fluent, and it also describes the teacher's feelings. You are the teacher's bosom friend. I hope we can learn from each other and pick up a bunch of fragrant flowers in the garden of literature.

小学作文批改评语集 篇6


A. The book is beautiful and neat, just like the streets of a seaside town. I can't find any dirty and correct handwriting. It's so comfortable to see. Your handwriting is as beautiful as it is printed. I'm ashamed that my handwriting is not as beautiful as yours


B. Casually, the characters are not in the middle of the grid like those pulled by cats. Of course, it looks unpleasant. Your characters are upside down. Is it because the wind is too strong today that they are like this? I don't believe your handwriting is bad. You will write more carefully and patiently. You will write better than me


A. This rich content is almost the same as that written by the writer. Your exercises are flesh and blood. I really enjoy the specific content of your composition. I am very happy to read it. You must love to read composition books, so you can write so many words


B. The dry content is like boiled water. It doesn't taste at all. It's better to drink more beautiful words than Liu Weiwei (or give the name of other poor students). Don't you feel a little embarrassed? Your composition is like the mouth of a 90 year old lady. It's dry and empty, and the speech is leaky


A. The fluent and vivid sentences, like the waterfall on Lushan Mountain, are flowing down smoothly, which is a very appropriate metaphor. It shows that you have always observed carefully how you came up with such a clever anthropomorphic rhetorical sentence. How appropriate it is to use it here. This exclamation sentence expresses your true feelings at that time. The quotation of ancient poems is just right. I will also use the learned poems in my composition to use the allegorical sayings. They are wonderful and wonderful, which makes my stomach ache


B. The composition is lumpy and difficult to read. It's like walking on a bumpy path in the countryside. If you are not careful, you may fall down. The sentence may be cut off by someone. If you read it carefully after incomplete writing, you will find the impasse. Don't be afraid of trouble. Good articles are corrected. You can't always expect others to correct them for you. You should learn to modify every sentence yourself


A. The division of sections is clear. The division of sections is appropriate. One section has a layer of meaning, and the paragraphs are clear


B. The level is chaotic. A section contains so much content. I feel breathless when I read it. Do you want to divide more sections? The middle section can be divided into several sections. The first and second sections should not be divided. To merge this section is not related to the above sections


A. The key points are highlighted and the details of the key parts are detailed. The course of the good things is clearly described. The scenic spots are described in the order of sightseeing, with emphasis on


B. Section X is too wordy to see what is the key point of this composition. It should be written simply


A. The topic is fresh, like bamboo shoots in spring. It's tender and crisp. It's very interesting. I can't help but want to read it. Tell me where you came up with such a wonderful topic with punctuation marks (ellipsis, question mark, exclamation mark, dash). It's different. I like your interesting topic very much


B. The topic is the same. People don't have much interest in reading your composition. Everyone will get up with such topics. It seems that the general content is not the same as the topic. I think it is more appropriate to call it ""


A. Punctuation is well marked. I can see that you are a man who does things honestly. Punctuation is very accurate


B. No matter how wonderful the content is, the punctuation is sloppy, and everyone is unwilling to read your composition. Many punctuations have been lost. You want me to keep reading without stopping. Punctuation is not delicious. Punctuation is too much. It jumps when reading, as if a lame man walks. I hope you can carefully mark every punctuation and sentence meaning. After that, you should mark a full stop and ellipsis in two boxes, not in one box to encourage words


A. This article is more than the previous one. Keep on working hard. You are very hopeful to be a member of the composition team. Read more, observe more and think more. Your exercises will soon be published in the newspaper. Ding Yishan and Lou Wei are not prodigies. They can do what they can, and they will perform better than them. They are taught by Teacher Qin. Are you afraid that the writing level will not rise


B. Every night, I insist on reading composition books. It's easy for me to master many good words in this way. I'm afraid that someone with a heart will write more words now than before. This is the result of your careful diary writing. Don't you want to be a composition star? Practice a pair of "Thief Eyes". Last time, your composition was read aloud in the class, and I congratulate you. Try to write better next time, OK?


A. Don't always worry that you are more stupid than others. As long as you follow the requirements of Teacher Qin, your dream will come true sooner or later. You can't always write anything because you have not paid enough sweat. You can borrow more diaries and compositions from the composition group students to ensure that they will be of great help to you


B. Inspiration never likes to visit lazy people. Diligence and diligence. When your name appears in the newspaper, you will feel that it is worthwhile to have some pain

小学作文批改评语集 篇7


1. The article narrates in children's language, which is natural and simple, just like a spring. The ending is the finishing touch.


2. On the basis of folklore, the article makes reasonable imagination and vivid description, deduces a wonderful fairy tale, which is interesting to read.


3. The language is concise and to the point, concise and comprehensive, concise and powerful, and the brushwork is fully displayed. A few words can convey the charm of the characters.


4. The selection of materials is insipid, too old, vulgar, simple and childish, not innovative, and difficult to deeply reflect the modernity and authenticity of life.


5. Although the events with certain narrative value in life were selected, the underlying truth of the event could not be deeply reflected due to incomplete analysis and mining.

小学作文批改评语 篇8


1. The article is true, vivid and meaningful, especially... the article on the right to use is very appealing and thought-provoking.


2. Through reasonable imagination, it reflects profound philosophy. The writing is smooth, concise, and gives full play to your imagination. It is a good article. It is elegant, graceful, smooth, and coherent. Especially, the characters' language is humorous and interesting. With the use of some subtle words, it adds a lot of interest to the article virtually.


3. The plot is vivid and interesting, and the narration is clear and complete, which also shows the author's intelligence and wit, full of family life interest, and fluent and lively writing.


4. The selection of the article is novel... This matter has a strong flavor of rural life and is full of children's interest. After reading, you will feel happy and comfortable.

小学作文批改评语集 篇9


1. There are many remarkable sentences in the full text, which add some literary interest to the article

2、 本文在故事情节上或许并无特别之吸引人之处,但仍不失为一篇成功之作,其一,较好地刻画了角色的形象,其二语言生动丰富,生活气息浓,起到了良好的表情达意之效果

2. This article may not be particularly attractive in the plot, but it is still a successful work. First, it better depicts the image of the character. Second, it is vivid and rich in language and has a strong flavor of life, which has a good effect of expression


3. The article ends with..., which is concise and meaningful.


4. The full narrative is concentrated, with simple and smooth language and sincere and touching feelings.


5. By enriching the characters' language and actions, it sets off the characters' ideological quality. The imagination of the article is reasonable, the narration is natural and vivid, the structure is compact, the connection is natural and coherent, and the center is prominent.


6. Through careful observation, we used appropriate language to describe... vividly. Although the article is short, it is not monotonous, and the language is popular but interesting.


7. It is a major feature of this article to depict the language, demeanor, action, etc. of the characters meticulously and meticulously. The ending is full of expectation and enthusiasm. The words have been exhausted, but the meaning is still unfinished.


8. The article writes... in detail, revealing sunshine like warmth between the lines, which naturally sublimates the theme of the article to a higher level.


9. Music is beautiful, but the language of this article is also beautiful. How beautiful is the poetic language and dreamlike imagination!


10. The "reading" and "feeling" of the article are closely related, and examples describe actions, which move people at the beginning and have real feelings.


11. The structure of the article is simple and reasonable, and the author has a deep and thorough understanding of the original text. The full text is sonorous and forceful, which makes people feel excited and excited when reading it.

12、 本文语言虽然并不华丽,但却极为准确生动,情感丰富而真实,读来津津有味。大量采用生活中的口语,使文章更显自然亲氏。结尾以…点明中尽,含蓄隽永,意味深长。

12. Although the language of this article is not gorgeous, it is extremely accurate and vivid, rich in emotion and real, and reads with interest. A large number of oral English is used to make the article more natural. The ending is marked with..., implicative and meaningful.


13. This composition is novel in material, wonderful in conception and lively in language. The fresh life breath and children's interest are revealed between the lines.


14. The young writer is very imaginative and magical. The basic expression of the young writer is also good, the sentences are smooth, the words are accurate, there is no typography, and the punctuation is correct.


15. The young writer's imaginative and innovative ideas. The shape and function of the future motorcycle are introduced to us, indicating the importance of scientific and technological innovation. I hope that with the efforts of the author, the future motorcycle can be applied to real life as soon as possible.