
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:25 | 来源:语文通



给爷爷的一封信 篇1写给爷爷的信作文 篇2给爷爷一封信作文 篇3给爷爷的一封信 篇4给爷爷的一封信 篇5给爷爷一封信作文 篇6给爷爷的一封信 篇7写给爷爷的信作文 篇8给爷爷的一封信作文 篇9给爷爷的信作文 篇10

给爷爷的一封信 篇1




Looking at the "smoke" at home, I shook my head helplessly and walked out of the living room ...


From my memo, your family has a smell of smoke.That's because you!You are really a bad guy. Don't be blinded by its little body and white appearance. In fact, there are terrible smoke hidden in it. Although the white smoke lingering in the house is good -looking, it is strangled, as if smoke gas, as if smoke gas, as if smoke gas, as if smoke gas, it seems like smoke gas.It became itchy in my throat, uncomfortable, and always coughing.You see you hold your favorite things in the tip of your two fingertips every day, you can't leave for a moment, and you can love it.


On this day, Grandpa swallowed the clouds again. After dinner, everyone is doing their own things, busy! But you come to the living room, make a cup of tea, and smoke a cigarette. Grandma saw it, and quickly said, "Just after eating, you can't smoke, it is not good for your body." But you found various reasons and said straightforwardly, "A cigarette after meals, happiness is a god!" This sentence Effectively resisted the grandma's nagging, and the grandma walked far away. When Dad saw this, he quickly persuaded: "You are old, so much smoke is not good for your body." Grandpa listened and immediately disappointed, refuted, "Do you still drink it yourself, why don't you care about me?" This sentence has erected his dad's hair. Seeing the situation, my mother helped: "Each of you must change bad problems." After listening to the mother's words, everyone didn't squeak, but Grandpa continued to smoke, and the atmosphere became awkward. Mom made me treat me. Brightly, I understood my mother's intention, so I came to my grandfather and wrapped my grandfather with a smile, "Grandpa, accompany me for a while!" Grandpa gave me face, he wiped out the cigarettes, accompanied me to play with me, and accompanied me to lower me. chess. Hey, the dispute is finally over, but you can't always re -apply it!


I want to say to you: "The little cigarette is harmful. You, hurry up to quit smoking, if you smoke again, it will have a bad impact on the body. I want you to keep you healthy.Go down, go chess with me! "





写给爷爷的信作文 篇2


Dear Grandpa:




Thank you for taking care of me so carefully and patiently.When I feel uncomfortable and unhappy in my heart, you always use your gentle tone to comfort me, so that I will no longer be sad.Sometimes I do n’t know my homework. When I am particularly unconfident, you will encourage me to make me strong.But now, you are sick, I am very worried.


I remember one Sunday, I came to the hospital to see you, seeing your complexion is much better than when I was hospitalized, I am really happy!I have never seen you these days, I miss you very much.I think you must be better again, right?The knife mouth does not hurt that?Grandpa, when I am not, you must listen to your doctor.Also, be sure to take medicine on time and do more exercise to make your body recover faster.Also, when I came last time, I found that my grandmother was thinner.Grandma must be very hard to take care of you.Grandpa, do you know?You just moved the surgery. In the days when the wound was the most painful, grandma had not closed his eyes for several nights in order to take care of you, and his eyes were red!However, grandma can talk to you more and spend more time with you, it is also good.


Grandpa, you must get better soon!In this way, you can go home earlier and play with me and my brother!


I wish early recovery!


Your granddaughter: XX


XX year x moon x day

给爷爷一封信作文 篇3


Love Grandpa:




Haven't written a letter to you and see the letter I sent, are you surprised?My answer is: You are particularly surprised!I won't write a letter, so I was in the west, I hope you forgive me.


After the above, let's pull the west here again. I should ask you and grandma's physical condition. Don't say that I am too polite, because this is a must, huh, huh.So long, I miss you and grandma. I wonder if you miss me?


I don't need to ask my study, I must be a student in the classroom, and my academic performance is far ahead of a student, haha.Don't say that I am Wang Po who sells melon, but this is the teacher's comment on me, you will definitely be proud of with my grandson like me.What I want to tell you is: My calligraphy won the second prize in school, won the second prize in English, and the math mouth won the first prize in the school. Hey, I am proud!I'm so amazing?But because of carelessness, my grades are always there are always a hundred points. It was a hundred points at hand, but I lost my arms with me.However, I will definitely change this problem and encourage your grandson!


When you read this letter, do you feel that my literary talent is much better than before, and the words are more beautiful than before. This is the result of my hard work and writing and writing.This is the case this time.


To this




Your grandson: XX



给爷爷的一封信 篇4


Dear Grandpa:




You have no time to come to our house to see me, I do n’t know if your health is good. Today, I just have time. I want to tell you about this period of time. You don’t know if I have taken the fifth place in the class in the class.IntersectionI believe you must be happy when you hear this news.


Grandpa, for the test of this mid -term exam, I have paid a lot of effort. Before the exam, I reviewed it at home every day. From Monday to Friday, I got up early to endorses. On Saturday and Sunday, others were playing outside.Back books, that's it, I have been reviewing before the exam. I feel nervous during the exam, because this is a large -scale exam. After the exam, our scores came out. When I heard that the teacher said that I had made great progress, I heard that I had made great progress.I am very happy, and the teacher also said that I had gained it.


Grandpa, my younger brother has learned to walk recently. Every day, my mother is holding her brother to walk. As soon as the younger brother falls, he will cry when he falls. The mother will coax the younger brother quickly, and the brother will not cry. I think the mother is also very hard.


Grandpa, here today, you can reply to me if you want to say anything.


Grandpa, I wish you good health and laugh!


Zhao Linran


20xx November 25th

给爷爷的一封信 篇5


Dear Grandpa:




Thirteen years, you are like the spring in the desert, moisturizing me; and like the sun in the winter, give me warmth.You are as tall as the mountain, covering the wind and rain for me.


Usually, I go to school in a bike, but you always disagree, so we often have some frictions.At that time, the sky was gloomy, and it was about to rain.You remind me again: "You see this day, it's about to rain, don't ride, let me take you."


I didn't understand, and said, "It will rain when it rains, so I can't get back."


I saw your frown and what he wanted to say, but you also knew my character -you would not listen to others when you made a decision.Don't complain about not listening to me at that time ... "


So I got out of the door.The air is very humid and makes people feel sultry.Riding to the school gate, a loud noise came from behind the ears, a thunderbolt in the air, cutting through the sky, and then the overwhelming rain, hitting me, surrounded by the rainy world.I haven't responded yet, and my clothes have been wet.I rushed into the school.


I stood on the corridor and looked at the pouring rain overwhelmed.I thought you were anxious to warn me.


There was another thunderbolt, and the rain seemed to have not weakened at all, but it became bigger and bigger.Sitting in the classroom, I regret it, regret not listening to you, but what's the use of regret?


After the class, I put it in the classroom, and I still sat in the classroom and looked at the rain outside the window.Watching the water pond on the ground aroused countless layers of ripples, it was beautiful, but it made people feel embarrassed.In the distance, the students were scrambling to squeeze the school gate, and they could only see that the umbrellas flowed outward.In this flow umbrella, there seems to be a handful of upside down, approaching the teaching building.That umbrella is really like our family, I think.The closer it is, until the crowd and the window.He raised his head and looked at me.


It's you!I look at you too.You frowned, opened your mouth and wanted to call me, but didn't call it out.I seemed to see the hope, quickly cleared the schoolbag, and went downstairs.You are standing at the entrance of the stairs, wearing a raincoat, holding an umbrella in your hand.


"I said it was going to rain. You don't believe it. Come on, you go back to the umbrella first, and I push your car back." He said to me.


Looking at you, the rain flows down from your head. Although you are wearing a raincoat, the rain still wets your clothes, and there are water droplets standing on the corner of the clothes.At that moment, you are so tall.


I took the umbrella and said, "Let me get a cart." "It's okay, I'm here." You said, "It's inconvenient to be under the umbrella."


Looking at your loving and firm eyes, I shaken.I picked up the umbrella and walked outside the school gate.Looking back, you are still standing there, watching me away, until I go out of the school gate ...


Grandpa, I don't know if you remember this matter, but this incident is deeply engraved in my heart, that is, your deep love for me!


Thank you, Grandpa; hard work, Grandpa.


To this




Your grandson: XX

给爷爷一封信作文 篇6


Dear Grandpa:


Grandpa I know that you hurt me the most. When you leave, you also urged you to tell me, ask me to study hard, go up every day, pay attention to exercise to avoid getting sick.....I have done it all, please rest assured.


As the saying goes: clever lies in diligence, knowledge is accumulation.After the fifth grade, my study has made great progress, especially in mathematics.In the past, I felt a headache as soon as I took a math class. I was afraid of the math exam, the math teacher asked questions, and I was afraid of answering the wrong question. I was laughed at by my classmates and scared.....Recently, with the careful guidance and encouragement of the teacher, with the patient help of my classmates, and with my own efforts, I gradually became a great interest in mathematics.Now, as soon as I take mathematics lessons, I always be actively brave to raise my hand to answer the questions raised by the teacher. The results have been significantly improved, which is just two different things compared to before.


Grandpa, I want to say to you: "I will never live up to your hope for me. I must study hard, go up every day, and become the pillars of the motherland. Also, you must pay attention to your body when you go out.Eat more vitamin foods and take medicine on time.


I wish you good health, blessing like East China Sea, Shoubi Nanshan.


Your grandson: Kero Jiayao 20xx August 30th

给爷爷的一封信 篇7


Grandpa Wen who respects:




I am a third -year elementary school student, 10 years old. I really want to grow up quickly, do you know why? Let me lie in your ear and tell you a little secret! I really want to work by your side, be with you, and share a little bit of sorrow for you. I saw you come to our Dalian on TV to participate in the summer Davos. I watched your wonderful speech. These days you have been busy investigating all the work of Dalian. Grandpa Wen, you should pay attention to your body! I will always remember that during the 5.12 earthquake, your figure often appears at the earthquake site. You use the kindness to inspire the people in the disaster area to fight against the death of the disaster area. Watching you have never rest and fight on the ambulance battlefield for a few days, watching you go to the hospital to comfort the homeless disabled children, and when your face shed tears on his face, my tears also flowed down. While wiping my tears with my left hand, I wiped your tears with my right hand. Without a few days without rest, your eyes are covered with blood, and your silver hair is still disrupted by the wind and rain. What kind of power supports you to fight with the uncle and uncle of officers and soldiers in the most dangerous cutting -edge position regardless of your own danger? Intersection Intersection




I know, that is the kindness and love of you who love the people of the people across the country to support you to last.That night I asked the stars to the next wish: I wish you good health and longevity!I must study hard, study hard, and become a useful talent for the country in the future. You must wait for me to grow up!Come!Let's pull a hook!Finally, I wish you a complete and happy trip to Dalian!



Health and longevity!


A primary school student who always loves you: Lin Siyu

大连市西岗区五四路小学三年级 林思宇

Lin Siyu, grade third grade of Wuhi Road Primary School in Xigang District, Dalian City

写给爷爷的信作文 篇8






I have been in the fifth grade, my studies are serious, and my homework is tight. I have to get a grade of A in each course, so I can't go back to my hometown to see you often. I am afraid I can only go up to one or two times this year.


I remember when I was young, I often lived in your house.Every morning, you will get up early and go outside to buy me breakfast.When I get up, I will eat it. If I get up late and cold, you will hot breakfast for me.


I often play games at home. You always call me in the game, ask me to subtract, and even you will deliberately buy the same thing to call me multiplication.Whenever I say, "Grandpa, you are so amazing!" You encouraged me to say, "You will do better than me in the future!" Ah, Grandpa, I will work hard and not let you down.


Ah, Grandpa, remember that you are afraid that you ca n’t sleep well when you are snoring, so you hold the quilt on the sofa and let my grandma sleep.I will never say that you snore again next time.When I grow up, I will buy you a spacious house, there are several rooms, and you want to sleep in which room you want to sleep, and you no longer need to squeeze the sofa.


Grandpa, you often tell me that I am my brother, and I want to make an example for my brother and sister. I must remember to remember you. Please rest assured.


Your grandson已经11岁了,不是小孩了,一定可以做到这些的。

Grandpa, do you know?Your grandson is 11 years old, not a child, you can do this.


I wish you




Your grandson


20xx January 6th

给爷爷的一封信作文 篇9


Dear Grandpa:




I am your granddaughter Liu Yun, the ants are naked at the age of 9, and in the third grade of elementary school.My academic performance is among the best in the class, and my teacher likes me very much.You must be happy to hear this news.


Grandpa, you have already flew up with Feng'er, but you will always live in my heart, and I always remember you.Seeing your photos, I remembered that before, you taught me to walk, draw, and write.....Remember that when you were a kid, you taught me to write, and taught it several times in a row. I still won't, but you are not angry at all, and you still teach me all the way until he taught me.You are really my first enlightenment teacher, but now you are gone.


Grandpa, the year you died, I was 5 years old, and you couldn't see the scene of my school.Grandpa, how I hope to have a flight, but you come to 20xx and watch me go to school. You must be happy.


Grandpa, when you died, I cried a lot. How I want you to return to me and never leave me, but that is impossible.


Grandpa, you know why I study hard.Because I want to show you, you have an excellent granddaughter.Your education has not been in vain in the past few years. I have grown into a versatile little girl. I will play a beautiful song on the piano. I will dance beautiful dances and skate quickly.....I know that not only the love of my parents, but also the love of grandpa.


Grandpa, I love you, my words are all in my heart.May Fenger take my letter.


May Grandpa in the sky be healthy, everything is good, and happy.






Your granddaughter: Liu Yun


20xx, May 27th

给爷爷的信作文 篇10


Dear Grandpa: Hello!


I have received the food book you sent, I like this book very much, thank you!


Tell you a good news, our "little princess" is obedient recently!In the past, she always loved to make her parents worry.Do you remember that time?Mom and dad and I was washing clothes. My sister was playing at home. She went to play with a hair ball.She asked strangely: "What is this? The flowers are green, it's strange!" The sister said again and again, and said, "Yeah! It's fun, I can use it to decorate the room! Okay, just do it!"After speaking, I started to act!


My sister made left and pulled right. After a while, the family was like a spider's house.The younger sister felt that she was well -arranged. When she was proud, suddenly, a dark shadow appeared behind her sister. The sister asked curiously: "Huh? What is this?" "That's your end." The mother said angrily.In the end, the mother repaired her sister.


However, my sister has changed a lot recently. What her mother told her to do, she would do what she did. She was no longer the "little princess".


Grandpa, are you good now?We went back to see you in the New Year.I wish Grandpa health, look forward to seeing you!


Your granddaughter