
时间:2022-08-30 13:25:45 | 来源:语文通



It's another sunny morning, because today is the weekend, it's surprisingly good!Think about how to play today?I woke up from the bed and listened to my mother shouting, "Lei Lei, your sister is waiting to come, my sister is coming to our house for the first time. My mother wants to go to work. Today, you will be responsible for taking care of your sister.What. "After speaking, my mother went to work.


This is really a sudden fright. You must know that I can't cry and love to make trouble!I have a strong temper, and I can't lift the top of the room. The more I think about it, the more annoyed, but there is no other way.


"咚 ..." I knocked on the door and pulled me back to reality from annoyance.Sure enough, my sister came, I opened the door to see: Crescent -like eyebrows, eyes like two black grapes, the most noticeable thing is her tall nose, let alone the cuteness.Essence"Come in, I welcomes my sister into the house." Then prepare for the three chapters with her: "You play yourself, don't run around, don't be hurt, do you know?" The sister nodded at the two big eyes beads.Although she was so well -behaved, I still felt weird and couldn't say it.


I still came to the study straight and picked up the book I bought for me. I can't extricate myself in the world of books. Suddenly, "Pap.........." A huge sound pulled me back from the sea of ​​books. I rushed out of the room with a thunderbolt. Looking at it, my sister broke my mother's favorite vase. What do you do? I was about to scold my sister a few words, but when I saw her grievance's big eyes, my heart softened. I had to silently pick up the broom. When I finished cleaning, my sister pointed at her stomach and said, "I'm hungry, my brother." The soft heart that had been softened suddenly got up again. This was only one afternoon. I discussed with my sister: "Would you like to wait for the mother to come back and eat it?" The sister didn't care so much. "Wow" crying loudly. This cry was incredible. After a while, the neighbors downstairs called and asked me what was doing? He also said that his children were asleep and whispered. I had to come to my sister's face and asked, "Miss, don't cry, okay? Is it okay to buy you?"


Fortunately, my mother left 50 yuan for breakfast money in the morning. I ordered a takeaway. The takeaway arrived soon. Finally, I was relieved. We were eating afternoon tea. At this time, my ear came: "Ah ........ "A screaming, at first glance, Tang was sprinkled on her sister's clothes.My eyebrows have been frowned, "My God, what are you doing?" I roared out.


But if there is any way, I had to take out my clothes and replaced him. I picked up the dirty clothes and looked at the younger sister who played very hilariously.



There is a "grandson monkey" in our family. My arrival makes our family lively and makes me even more happy.At the same time, my life has also changed dramatically.


In the past, I was at home, either watching TV, playing toys, and my life was carefree. Now I have "Sun Monkey", and my life has become colorful.Look, the mother just feeds the "Sun Monkey" (sister), but she is not honest at all, she is kicking and laughing, spitting out the milk she just eaten.Mom, change her clothes for a while, and change her diapers for a while. She was so busy all day. I couldn't stand by and helped my mother.Seeing my sister's clothes dirty, I took the initiative to say, "Mom, let me wash it, you rest for a while." Mom listened and smiled: "You are so big, a pair of socks have never been washed, and you will wash your clothes.? "I nodded, my waist, tiptoe, and my heart," A piece of cake. "I was happy to wash my sister.


Pick up the clothes, I quickly walked into the bathroom, put my clothes in the basin, soaked it in hot water, rolled up the sleeve and put on the soap, rubbed it hard, then rushed the water, and the clothes became clean in my hand.net.


My mother was in a hurry to go out and let me see my sister at home for a while. I picked up the ringing bell and sang while singing. The sister started to play with me very much, and after a while, I started crying.I picked up the bottle to feed her water. She faced her tongue, couldn't get in the pacifier, and overflowed the milk in her mouth. The just changed clothes was wet again.I hurriedly found a clean towel in the clothes. The younger sister cried more and more, and I was busy putting her music again. When she heard the sound of music, she didn't cry and started dancing.Just two minutes after stopping, she started to make trouble again. I pinched her little hand and patted her back gently, but she cried flushed and her throat became hoarse.With her face, she kept talking in her mouth, "Don't cry ..." Tears followed unconsciously.I thought: The sister may have spit the milk just now, and she is hungry again.I learned the appearance of my mother and gave her milk, and my sister finally stopped crying.

万事开头难 ,当个“奶哥”真不容易呀!以后我得多帮帮妈妈。

It is difficult to start with everything. It is not easy to be a "milk brother"! I will help my mother more in the future.