
时间:2022-06-16 13:34:53 | 来源:语文通


The son of his colleague was at the ice rink for the first time, and he was nine years old that year. At that time, I was skating with my son. The coach I asked for three days had been studied for three days. My colleague's son and my son are generally big. For the first time, they came, but after wearing an ice knife, after the first few minutes of careful testing, they could not help themselves and slowly go around the field. I was startled, and I have since been interested in this child. This child loves football and is like a few treasures for the world's stars. A finger turned the ball on the top for a long time; running quickly, in my vision, his child was not able to run through him ... He made me confident that there was some kind of "talent" or "Gene" things exist. It is born with life, coexisting with life, tenacious or even stubborn. It is said that it is "stubborn" and non -groundless. His colleagues are not ignored but disgusted with his son's genes. She takes him to learn piano, piano, and paint. Of course, she thinks of elegance. Of course, she should read well. Needless to say, the elegant plan of a colleague is blown in front of the stubbornness of genes, and she can only recognize it; but, it is not possible to not study well, and there will be no future. But this child is not able to study hard and can't sit still. The teacher said that he had multiple diseases, and his colleagues took the child to the hospital many times to see a doctor.


Known as the "key film breaks that belong to the ocean in the gene", closed eyes (because of swimming mirrors into water), which can also break the world record, can also break the world record, Pilpus, which can also be diagnosed as polymillary. In order to cure the sick mother to let the Philippines swimming while taking the medicine, the first swimming Feifei shouted very excitedly and shouted "I am the Olympic champion", which made my mother please, thinking that might be possible to cure Fei's illness. But she was disappointed quickly. Swimming has no effect on the motion of Philippines, and Fei still cannot complete a lesson, and was called "a multi -motion monkey" by her classmates. Later, a coach named Bowman noticed the Philippines. Although Fei's swimming posture was not standard, his body was perfect with the water. He decided to be Fei's coach. Soon after that, Bowman found that the 11 -year -old boy was very unstable. Sometimes he could swim for a few hours, and sometimes he was exhausted for a few hundred meters. When he visited his family, he must be his school. When the test score is not good and the mother is reprimanded. Mother said to Bowman that she did not intend to let Fei swim because it was meaningless; Bowman persuaded her to ensure that it was wrong to let Fei learn to swim. Control yourself, if you continue to let me swim, I promise to get better academic performance. "In this way, there is today's Fei, a" alien "that harvested the eight gold in the water cube. Philip's mother had blamed herself before saying: I almost ruined my son's future.


The colleague's son's college entrance examination last year, even when the college entrance examination was the most tense, he could not give up the sporting sporting that adults called "playing".The college entrance examination is naturally not good, and the score is just enough.After the score came out, he didn't want to go to school. He wanted to be a physical education teacher or the like, but because there was no professional diploma, he hit the wall everywhere.In the end, he could only learn a major that he had no interest and continued to struggle in genes and reality.


Here, I don't want to say that my colleague destroyed a possible Olympic champion —— By the way, I think to treat the Olympic Games with the utilitarian attitude of only staring at the gold medal.People and people are so different. Do not use the same scale to engrave the same scale.The attitude of colleagues reflects a universal reality -everything is high -end, but the children's physical hobbies are high, and it is difficult to get the attention and recognition of adults when there is no clear utilitarian purpose. If not discriminated against.I hope that one day, the different nature of the child, naturally includes the love of sports, can be respected by the adults of our country. Then, then, our Olympic champion will not only come from professional athletes, and it will also emerge from various universities.Come, blooming everywhere will make the original intention of sports fully reflected.



1、儿子:儿子读音为ér zi,是指男孩子(对父母而言):二儿子◇人民的好儿子。儿子 ér zǐ词语解释:男孩子(对父母而言):二儿子◇人民的好儿子。(1) [son]∶某人直系血统的下一代男性有两个儿子的家(2) [child]∶下一代男性后裔;父母所生的男性孩子分词解释:人民:在有阶级的社会中,与敌人相对的社会基本成员。由若干阶级、阶层和社会集团构成,以劳动者为主体。在中国现阶段,人民包括全体社会主义劳动者(工人、农民、知识分子),拥护社会主义的爱国者,拥护祖国统一的爱国者。父母:父亲和母亲。● 子 zǐ ㄗˇ◎ 古代指儿女,现专指儿子:子女。子孙。子嗣。子弟(后辈人,年轻人)。◎ 植物的果实、种子:菜子。瓜子儿。子实。◎ 动物的卵:鱼子。蚕子。◎ 幼小的,小的:子鸡。子畜。子城。◎ 小而硬的颗粒状的东西:子弹(dàn )。棋子儿。◎ 与“母”相对:子金(利息)。子母扣。子音(辅音)。◎ 对人的称呼:男子。妻子。士子(读书人)。舟子(船夫)。才子。◎ 古代对人的尊称;称老师或称有道德、有学问的人:孔子。先秦诸子。◎ 地支的第一位,属鼠:子丑寅卯(喻有条不紊的层次或事物的条理)。◎ 用于计时:子时(夜十一点至一点)。子夜(深夜)。◎ 封建制度五等爵位的第四等:子爵。◎ 附加在名词、动词、形容词后,具有名词性(读轻声):旗子。乱子。胖子。◎ 个别量词后缀(读轻声):敲了两下子门。◎ 姓。● 儿(兒) ér ㄦˊ◎ 小孩子:儿戏。◎ 年轻的人(多指青年男子):男儿。儿女情。◎ 男孩子:儿子。生儿育女。◎ 雄性的马:儿马。● 儿(兒) er ㄦ◎ 作助词(同前一字连成一个卷舌音):小孩儿。...儿子怎么造句,用儿子造句»

2、同事:同事读音为tóng shì,是指1.谓行事相同。 2.相与共事;执掌同一事务。 3.共事的人。后指在同一单位工作的人。 4.相同的事物。 相与共事;执掌同一事物同事者曰。——清. 方苞《狱中杂记》过去我们同事多年同事 tóng shì词语解释:1.谓行事相同。 2.相与共事;执掌同一事务。 3.共事的人。后指在同一单位工作的人。 4.相同的事物。[work alongside;work in the same place;work together] 相与共事;执掌同一事物同事者曰。——清. 方苞《狱中杂记》过去我们同事多年分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。共事:在一起工作:我和他共事多年,对他比较了解。同一:1.共一,合一;统一。 2.相同;同样。相与:①偕同;一起:卒相与欢|疑义相与析。②相互:相与悖谬|相与恐惧讹言。③相处;交往:相与甚厚。...同事怎么造句,用同事造句»

3、心情:心情读音为xīn qíng,是指情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。心情 xīn qíng词语意思:情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。分词解释:心情舒畅:无忧无虑的,无所恐惧的。感情:①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。不好:1.不美;不善。 2.不舒服,指生病。 3.不便。 4.不能。...心情怎么造句,用心情造句»