
时间:2022-07-19 13:30:00 | 来源:语文通



After reading the last page of the book is to say goodbye to him.


In the summer, I do n’t need to clarify, and I have a very thick Sanmao work through a quiet afternoon, because it accidentally discovers the desert desert and magnificent.


I encountered a slightly working day with a little work. The lights were bright and gentle. In a book on the table, the cover of the book was gorgeous bright red, such as flowing blood and water, 2 gray and black regular characters.Looking at me seriously, after I was not interested, I was involuntarily followed the pace of the revolutionary volunteers in the book into the magnificent era of the wind and clouds.Sister should be tortured torture, instead of revealing all secrets of the secrets and unyielding confidence to appreciate the unity of people from all walks of life when facing difficulties. I love the cheerful and tenaciousness of the Communist Party members who embroidered the five -star red flag with heart.Righteousness shouted, I conveyed information with the staff in the prison, inquired about military conditions, and my emotions were anxious and happy for a while, forgot my time, and forgot everything!


When the last page crossed, it was already midnight. The twilight in front of the window was shrouded. Everyone entered the sweet dream hometown. However, I seemed to see a group of people still seeing them under the Xinghe.There are five -star red flags dancing behind them. I know I want to show off with them to say goodbye to this time, and there is no reluctance to love. Although there is a lot of reluctance in my heart, I know that in the morning in the sky, their strength is unyielding.It will be brilliant in Chenxi, shining on the ground, and shining on everyone, so I tell them that I can be grateful and walk through the road of life


After reading a book is to bid farewell to the old thing, step into the next scene, the more read books, and the more farewell, but I don't have much reluctance, because I know that on the road in the future, there are a lot of on the road, many, a lotThe new book, the new little story is waiting for my book, with the face I know, I will meet them.


So farewell is not sad!



1、忧伤:忧伤读音为yōu shāng,是指忧愁悲伤。 忧愁哀伤内心忧伤忧伤 yōu shāng词语解释:忧愁悲伤。[weigh down with sorrow;distressed;be laden with graf] 忧愁哀伤内心忧伤分词解释:忧愁:忧虑愁苦。悲伤:伤心难过:他听到这消息,不禁悲伤起来。● 忧(憂) yōu ㄧㄡˉ◎ 发愁:忧愤。忧惧。忧烦。忧惶。忧急。忧煎。忧思(a.忧念;b.忧愁的思绪)。忧戚。杞人忧天。◎ 可忧虑的事:忧患。内忧外患。乐以忘忧。高枕无忧。◎ 指父母之丧:丁忧。● 伤(傷) shāng ㄕㄤˉ◎ 受损坏的地方:工伤。伤痕。◎ 损害:伤了筋骨。伤脑筋。伤神。劳民伤财。◎ 因某种致病因素而得病:伤风。伤寒。◎ 因过度而感到厌烦:伤食。◎ 妨碍:无伤大体。◎ 悲哀:悲伤。哀伤。神伤。感伤。伤悼。伤逝(悲伤地怀念去世的人)。◎ 得罪:伤众。开口伤人。...忧伤怎么造句,用忧伤造句»