
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:24 | 来源:语文通



党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇1党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇2党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇3党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇4

党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇1


The history of the Party is not only thick but also warm. When watching the great spirit of party building, I said this sentence at the beginning. The history of the Party is the development history of China's experience. Not afraid of sacrifice, brave struggle. It is a belief that we should adhere to. Then I mentioned how to adhere to my original intention, that is, to sharpen my will and adhere to faith in the face of difficult circumstances.

党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇2


Today, I was very lucky to listen to Huang Yibing, Vice President of the CPC Central Committee Institute of Party History and Literature, and I felt a lot. I have a clearer understanding of why the CPC can and why it has made such good achievements.


Looking back on the hundred years of struggle, we overcame difficulties all the way and started from seeking truth from facts to lead the whole Party and the people to become rich and strong. Communists always focus on the people. The country is the people, and the people is the country.


As a secretary of a grass-roots branch, he/she should always follow the Party, listen to the Party's voice, stand on the post, work hard, lead the branch step by step, take the Party history as the source of learning, and constantly stir up the role of the Party history in leading, radiating and driving. He/she should embrace faith, adhere to the service purpose, and contribute some of his/her own strength to the area where the school is located.

党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇3


The theme of the second phase of the special party lesson "The Great Spirit of Party Building" is outstanding, the form is novel, and the presentation is profound. The whole teaching process has shown a strong political, ideological and artistic character, especially the interactive way of "one question and one answer on the spot", which has enhanced the attraction and appeal of the party lesson, greatly improved the effectiveness of the party lesson education, and better carried out the "Party lesson opening" activity for the next step, The development of more excellent Party courses for Party member education provides high-quality reference and reference. Learning from the great spirit of Party building is not only about knowledge, but also about practice. Diligent in learning and good in thinking, improve political ability in knowledge seeking. We should draw wisdom and strength from the centennial history of the Party and the Party building spirit, and expand the breadth and depth of political theory learning. Be down-to-earth and enjoy "sense of gain" in work. Take "pursuing career and making a difference" as the direction of our efforts, and pursue "high standards, strict requirements, fast pace, and practical results", so as to enhance the ambition and confidence of the officers to start their own businesses. Cherish the position and further improve the ability and quality. Cherish the post platform, always keep the "empty cup" status, actively find gaps, self pressurize, temper yourself in the work, constantly accumulate and improve, strive to improve quality and efficiency, fully implement all work tasks, and make their own contributions to the development of the company.

党课开讲啦黄一兵主讲观后感 篇4


Adhere to truth and ideals


It fully demonstrates the great ideological quality of the CPC


The reason why the CPC is called the Communist Party is that it has taken Marxism as its guiding ideology from the very beginning, and has been consistent and unswerving. It is with such perseverance that the CPC can overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles and continue to win. It is precisely this persistence that has enabled the Party to rise again and again from difficulties and rebirth from desperation, creating today's great cause.


Adhere to truth and ideals。红军长征这段历史波澜壮阔,但也正是因为这些共产党人,他们用鲜血、用生命成就了今天的辉煌。


Fulfill the original intention and undertake the mission


It fully demonstrates the distinctive political quality of the CPC


CN "All the struggles, sacrifices and innovations that the CPC has united and led the Chinese people over the past 100 years can be summed up as one theme: realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." This is the original intention and mission of the CPC.


When answering the question of the youth representatives, President Huang said: "During the democratic revolution, there was an old man named Xu Jiexiu in Rucheng County, Hunan Province. Someone asked her what a communist was. She said that a communist had a quilt and he could cut half of it for you." From the first day of the founding of the CPC, the original mission is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. For a hundred years, the CPC has always practiced its original aspiration and assumed its mission, and formed flesh and blood ties with the people. Always take the people's good life as the goal of struggle, and always put the people in the heart.


Not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle


It fully demonstrates the strong will of the CPC


Not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle,这个精神依然是我们国家和社会发展的一个根本动力。从全面建成小康社会到奔向第二个百年目标,在一百年的非凡奋斗历程中,一代又一代中国共产党人顽强拼搏、不懈奋斗,涌现了一大批视死如归的革命烈士、一大批顽强奋斗的英雄人物、一大批忘我奉献的先进模范。正是由于中国共产党人,坚守了这样一种精神,所以它才能战胜前进道路上,看似不可克服的困难。


If you want to ask how to evaluate the incredible success of the CPC in the past 100 years? President Huang would reply with a sentence that he had seen: "They are a bloody party established by a group of bloody Chinese, and they are the eternal revolutionary party. There is no day that will bring down the national fortune, but there is no end to fighting."


Be loyal to the Party and live up to the people


It fully demonstrates the lofty moral character of the CPC


The fundamental requirement for loyalty to the Party is to live up to the people. It is also loyalty to the Party to live up to the people.


President Huang showed us the earliest existing oath of joining the CPC through connecting to the CPC History Exhibition Hall. This oath comes from He Yeduo, a farmer in Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province. Although he was not knowledgeable enough, he made six mistakes in 24 words, but each word was his solemn oath to the Party, representing his firm belief. President Huang said that the phrase "never betray the party" in the CPC's pledge to join the party has not changed up to now.


"The great spirit of building the Party is the spiritual origin of building, revitalizing and strengthening the Party", President Huang said, "From the Jinggangshan spirit to the Long March spirit, to the spirit of the War of Resistance, the Yan'an spirit, to the present spirit of earthquake relief, the great spirit of epidemic resistance and poverty alleviation, it has formed the spiritual pedigree of our CPC." The important reason why China has achieved such great achievements in the past century is that it has always adhered to its ideals and beliefs and kept in mind the great spirit of Party building.


Let's follow President Huang's explanation, review the historical path, feel the great spirit of party building, and deeply understand the source of the spirit of the CPC.