
时间:2022-11-18 12:57:00 | 来源:语文通



读后感怎么写 篇1读后感怎么写 篇2怎么写读后感 篇3读后感怎么写 篇4

读后感怎么写 篇1


There is a book about the adventures of a boy and a hunting dog in summer. It is also called Summer Adventures.


Fourteen year old boy Jay Berry, in order to realize his dream of buying a pony and a gun, took his beloved hunting dog Roddy into the forest. However, all the ways to ask his grandfather for advice were discovered by the monkey leader Jibao. Instead of catching monkeys, the boy was mocked by them. Later, he became friends with the monkeys and helped them out of the dense forest after the storm and back to the circus. Finally, Jay didn't buy ponies and guns with the prize money from monkey catching. His decision made every reader shed tears of joy and emotion


The grandfather in the novel loves his grandson very much and supports Jay's idea of catching monkeys very much. Every time he puts forward a monkey catching weapon, from the "strong attack" of lowering a trap, digging a trap, and laying a net to the "wise win" of making friends with monkeys later. Although this is the case, he never appears at the monkey catching scene. When grandpa and Jay drove a carriage to town and passed a river, he gave Jay the reins and encouraged him to drive the carriage across the river alone; When Jay got the bonus, he hoped that his grandfather could help him choose a pony, but he insisted on letting Jay decide by himself. Instead of telling him his decision directly, his grandfather hinted at it with a flower horse whose leg was hurt. He respected Jay's decision and read the book "Reading Summer Adventures: 800 Words".


Guidance is important. Because of the excessive indulgence of parents, many children now only learn. Parents often say, "Your task now is to learn, and you don't need to care about other things." Parents will directly help us do many things, rather than guide us to do them. I once read such a story: one summer, Chinese children and Japanese children competed on the prairie. Japanese children insisted on running when they were sick, while Chinese children pretended to be sick when they were not sick. Besides, Chinese children were followed by a mysterious guard - Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad, I know you are for our good, but please let go and let us do it ourselves! You need to be a good guide. For those things that we do not know and cannot do, you can tell us and do for us. For those things that we can do independently, after creating the necessary conditions, let us think independently and practice by ourselves.


I believe that with your correct guidance, we will grow up like small trees and soar like eagles.

读后感怎么写 篇2


After learning the text "Fanka", my heart cannot be calm for a long time.


Childhood is the happiest time in life. When we play coquetry in the arms of our parents, when we take the New Year's money given by our grandparents for granted, when we travel freely in various amusement parks, when we complain about too much homework, when I find the food on the table does not fit, I do not know that there are children who are not full, children who are bullied, and children who are homeless??


But what about Fanca's childhood? His parents were dead, and his clothes were shabby. He didn't even dare to think about high-grade food. He just wanted to be with his grandfather, the only relative in the world.


I seemed to see his miserable life. "The boss grabbed my hair, dragged me into the yard, and beat me with a belt." "She picked up the fish and poked me in the face". "One day, the boss hit me in the head with the last, and I fainted. It was easy to wake up." How miserable life is for Fanca!


When we were 9 years old, we had already sat in the classroom reading, but what about Fanca? He is still working day and night when we sleep. What's worse, if he can't do something well, he will be beaten. He can't sleep at night.


Fanka has lost too much, without the care of relatives and people?? Fierce boss, vicious boss, hey! For Fanca, the fate is tragic


At the same time, I also learned that the evil old Tsarist era took away the happy life of Fanka and let Fanka live in a miserable world.


The story of Fanka makes us sad and makes us cry, but it is a microcosm of a society in which thousands of little Fanka are suffering. Compared with them, our life is like heaven. With the guidance of teachers, the love of parents and elders, and the happy life of carefree, should we cherish it? Let your every day be not only happy, but also more substantial and valuable.


I hope that Fanka's life will become more interesting and will not be bullied by the boss?? I will take Fanca to our home, give him a happy family, nice clothes and delicious food, and let him grow up happily with me??

怎么写读后感 篇3


1、 Regular reading can improve self cultivation


Occasionally take a book to read, randomly turn, not called reading, also can not read the essence of the book. Reading is called reading only when you often read at any time. It is easy to get in front of the bed; After dinner and before going to bed, you can watch, think and taste at any time; You can learn from it, learn from it, and replenish your spiritual nourishment. Only in this way can you enrich yourself and improve your self-cultivation.


2、 Reading clean books can purify the soul


Reading should be selective. Books can be divided into essence and dross, as well as elegant and vulgar; You can't buy a book at the roadside of the station to read, regardless of your coward. It's either a celebrity romance or street news, which is full of mess. It is better not to read such a book, which blocks the eyes, dirties the heart and desecrates the soul. Even if you buy it at a used book stand, it's OK. The key is that the content is clean.


3、 Reading requires intensive reading to understand and understand


A good book never tires of reading a hundred times. A good book needs intensive reading to understand it thoroughly. The so-called intensive reading is to read repeatedly, each time there will be different gains, not much, can remember a sentence, a plot is very good; Read many times, slowly understand, can read through, can know the emotion expressed in the book and our distance.


4、 Reading requires a quiet mind to endure loneliness


Reading is not as intuitive as watching TV. It is not as intuitive as watching computers. Watching TV and computers can talk and laugh all the time. You can watch and play even when playing. After reading, you can forget. Even if you don't completely forget, you can't remember how much. What you can remember is just some jokes, not like reading. Reading needs quietness, mainly referring to the mind. As long as you calm down to read, you can go deep, that is, read with your heart and eyes (WWW.. CN). At this time, I often put myself out of the noise, and my heart will not contact with the outside world. I will be lonely when I read the deep feelings; At this time, loneliness is often given to oneself. If you want to live with loneliness, you must have a dispute with the emotions in the book to release your feelings.


5、 The realm of reading is the communication of the soul. The scene will reappear beautifully


When you read A Dream of Red Mansions, you will travel through the Grand View Garden. When you read Waste Capital, you feel that you are Zhuang Zhidie. When you read Seeking, you are Li Qingzhao. Needless to say, if you can read, you will feel the same way. You must also remember the peach blossom in the human face last year and today.


6、 Reading is to look in the mirror, read historical books to know the rise and fall, and intoxicated poets are smart


The more you read, the more you will feel the lack of knowledge. Only by reading more and reading good books can we change our name to reason, make fewer mistakes, improve ourselves constantly, be beneficial to work, interpersonal communication, and make more mentors and friends.

读后感怎么写 篇4


Work with Heart is a book of mentors and helpful friends. Working with heart is a quantitative moral standard of work rules. There are many successful classics in Work with Heart. Work with Heart can be said to be very thought-provoking. I feel after reading it.


Work with Your Heart is a good book to open. To work hard, we must first fix a heart, an ambition, perseverance, enthusiasm, loyalty and concentration. As long as you work hard, you can do a good job in any position. Work hard, and you are the biggest beneficiary.


"Intention" is not only the arrangement of two words, but also a word of "love". If you don't love your work, you can't talk about "intention". Work with heart is the integration of emotion, thinking hard, being creative and daring to surpass. Work with heart has a positive sense of work. The pursuit of the standard of work with heart is not only to complete the task, but also to work with heart is to have a sense of responsibility and mission.


When it comes to the sense of responsibility, we should use gratitude to forge ahead, seek development, work hard, concentrate and do our best. The standard of responsibility is to be able to complete the task the day before the deadline. Ordinary things should be handled properly, and things beyond imagination should be done properly. The standard of responsibility is to be able to make others do excellent things that are qualified, and make others do excellent things. Responsibility enables people to perform their duties and obligations at any time and anywhere.


Work with Your Heart As Gou Taiming, chairman of Taiwan Hon Hai Group, said, "In my dictionary, there is no word of management, only responsibility. You must do what you promise. This responsibility is the best discipline.". There is no knack for management. The supervisor takes the lead in doing it, followed by others, and did their own duties. That is all.


Working hard is a series of training books for cultivating successful people. If you want to stand higher and see farther, you must read Work with Your Heart. Work with Your Heart will tell you the way to success.